How should the extra-damaging Shield Bash be added to the new shield pages?

I'm currently adding everything from the update non-enemy and mission specific wise and aside from uploading photos it's pretty much done but after checking it out, it does seem the Shield Bash from the new shields inflicts shield bash damage twice.
So I'm more or less wondering if it should be added to the Abilities tab despite not directly saying anything or should it just be noted under trivia or something?

Yes, abilities tab, because it's not trivial information: it does have an impact on combat, and will also influence a person's decision to craft the item.

This enhanced shield bashing is not listed in the shield description in any official way, right? It's just a quantitative difference that some players have noticed? It isn't officially listed in the item description, right? Has any player seriously attempted to quantify the enhanced bash?
At this point, I would add a note to each shield's wiki page, saying that players have noticed an enhanced shield bash capability. I would not put it into the info box or list it as an official Ability yet. That seems premature.

It could be relevant to update the Shieldbearer Guide to reflect on this.

I took it for a spin today. There is an explosion at the end of the bash about the size of proto bomb. The end result is double damage, being able to destroy minerals with a bomb and a bash, and the ability to fling crowds across the room.
Regular shieldbashes were capable of the latter, but with torto shields the area of effect is significantly larger.
It's not a very subtle enchancement, is what I'm saying.
Abilities probably, since the bash, according to Dibsville's 4hit combo, isn't exactly some miscellaneous fact you might know from someone telling you it. Like Hex told us sometime ago that Grim Totems rotate on the X-axis to face us. Huh.