Resist tests
Disclaimer: All this info is obsolete as of 20/7 update. See posts below for accurate info.
September 17 test: Trinkets now work, no idea when this was patched.
Made some tests with some friends today in ATH (depth 0?). We found some odd things.
Healed after every test. Some more testing is obviously needed, but this might work as an approximation.
I will rerun the fov tests at Moorcraft & Emberlight soon.
Vanaduke Fire Snakes (well this one is obviously not from ATH)
Volcanic Plate Mail + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = Can't catch fire from them
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = Can catch fire from them
Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = Can't catch fire from them
Fire Trap
Volcanic Plate Mail + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = Can't catch fire from the fire trap
Vog Cub Coat + Vog Cub Cap = Can catch fire from the fire trap
Vog Cub Coat + Vog Cub Cap + 2 wetstone pendants = Can catch fire from the fire trap
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = Can catch fire from the fire trap
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor + 1 soaking wetstone pendant = Can catch fire from the fire trap
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + 1 Soaking Wetstone = Can catch fire from them
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Heavy Demo Suit (low fire resist UV) + 1 Soaking Wetstone = Can't catch fire from them
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Heavy Demo Suit (low fire resist UV) = Can't catch fire from them
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) + 1 Soaking Wetstone = Can't catch fire from them
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) = Can't catch fire from them
Fire Pot
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = 5 secs, no damage
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor + Soaking Wetstone = 5 secs, no damage
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 4 secs, no damage (note: it actually starts at 5 but goes to 4 instantly)
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Soaking Wetstone = 4 secs, no damage (note: same as above)
Fang of Vog - ATH
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = 4 secs, no damage (note: actually sometimes starts at 5 and goes down instantly, sometimes 4.)
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor + Soaking Wetstone = 4 secs, no damage (note: same as above.)
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 4 secs, no damage
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Soaking Wetstone = 4 secs, no damage
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) + 1 Soaking Wetstone = 4 secs, no damage
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) = 4 secs, no damage
Fang of Vog - Emberlight
Angelic Helm + Angelic Rainment = 9 secs, 13.5 bars
Angelic Helm = 9 secs, 11 bars
Nothing = 8 secs, 9.5 bars
Nothing + Soaking Wetstone = 8 secs, 9.5 bars
Mad Bomber Suit (low fire UV) + Angelic Helm = 8 secs, 9.5 bars
Mad Bomber Suit (low fire UV) = 6 secs, 6.5 bars (Notice how here the tooltip displays negative fire resist, yet I get less damage)
Mad Bomber Suit (low fire UV) + Soaking Wetstone = 6 secs, 6.5 bars
Volcanic Plate Armor = 6 secs, 5.5 bars
Wolver coat (mid fire resist UV) +Angelic Helm = 5 sec, 4 bars
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = 5 sec, 3.5 bars
Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 5 sec, 3.5 bars
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor + Soaking Wetstone = 5 sec, 3.5 bars
Wolver coat (mid fire resist UV) = 5 sec, 3.5 bars
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 4 sec, 3 bars
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Soaking Wetstone = 4 sec, 3 bars
Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Soaking Wetstone = 4 sec, 3 bars
Wolver coat (mid fire resist UV) + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 4 sec, 3 bars
Wolver coat (mid fire resist UV) + Volcanic Plate Helm = 4 sec, 3 bars
Wolver coat (mid fire resist UV) + Magic Hood= 4 sec, 3 bars
Fang of Vog - Terminal 23
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = 5 sec, 4.5 bars
Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor + Soaking Wetstone = 5 sec, 4.5 bars
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 4 sec, 4 bars
Volcanic Plate Armor + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) + Soaking Wetstone = 4 sec, 4 bars
Shock - ATH
Miracle Hood (mid shock resist UV) + Wyrmwood Bracelet = Immune to shock
Miracle Hood (mid shock resist UV) = Immune to shock
Shock - ALL TIER 2
Grey Feather Cowl (mid shock resist UV) = Immune
Shock - D28 Arena
No resist = Up to 11 secs
Miracle Hood (mid shock resist UV) + Wyrmwood Bracelet = 3 secs
UVs actually extend the bar past maximum granting immunity to certain types of fire?
And trinkets don't?
Maybe it's only for immunity so having a low UV is all you need?
You don't need a full bar for immunity? Seems like full bar + low, or half bar+medium do it.

Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Plate Armor = Can catch fire from them
Mad Bomber Suit (low fire resist UV) + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = Can't catch fire from them

"Volcanic Plate Helm + Volcanic Demo Helm (low fire resist UV) = 4 sec, 4 bars"
YOU...HAS...TWO...HEADS?! "face explodes"
Yep, that's how it works. That's why I made the thread, the data is nonsense.
Oh lol, thanks for noticing the typo.
As a note, it's not reliable to test this on the ATH or even T2 - The resists needed to obtain immunity in those areas are less than the resist needed for T3. But it's pretty darn weird you were getting immunity to Vanaduke's fire snakes with a mad bomber suit.
Also - 4 seconds is essentially the same as 5. The actual amount of ticks or damage does not change. If somehow some armor sets ended up taking less damage, it's actually because the damage is random. Fang of Vog's fire on T3 can actually deal 2.5 to 4 bars at D18, with the maximum resist.
And unless this was changed in the latest update, UVs only cannot actually grant immunities: I have a maximum shock UV Vog Coat, and I still get shocked every now and then. It seems that much resist granted immunity to Greavers' haze, however. Several days ago I had also tested using a Vog Coat with med fire resist and a helm with no resist; Fire was lasting longer and dealing more damage at Firestorm. (can't remember exact numbers)
Finally, here's some info on status effect inflicting mobs/attacks/etc you cannot be completely immune to:
-Fire Pots
-Oil fire
-Zombie's breath
-Vanaduke's mace, lava orbs and mask
-Fang of Vog
-...Elemental grates?
I am fairly sure I was still getting set on fire, regardless of how much resist I used. Kind of odd you didn't, although you might just have been "unlucky" - their chance to inflict fire isn't all that high.
This might actually be a bug with the Low UVs, since it does not seem to be the same for maximums or meds.

I've noticed something similar with a Low Shock Resist UV on a Crown of the Fallen. All my Shock times (any Tier) are very short and only allow for one or two interrupts.
I'll have to pull off my helm and grab a Shock Trinket to see in the pattern holds true.
I just ran a lot more of Emberlight Fang of Vog tests:
Trinkets don't work.
3 damage is the min fov deals at depth 18.
UV bars display is terrible. (see no fire resist vs low uv mad bomber test).
There seems to be some randomness here and there, but generally the tests always gave the same results.
Also immunity at T2 may be enough for some people maybe.
So far I notice I'm immune to Duke snakes, and getting burn from Red Rover's fire.
Your list also proves to be true mostly, some I haven't tested.
I have tests for you:
FAUST: level from 0 to : jelly king
- 1 hig uv resist: curses yourself, 22 seconds 1 weapon, 1 vial
- 1 medium UV RESIST + 1 HIGH UV RESIST = no curses yourself
- 2 HIGH UV resistances to curse = curses yourself, 22 seconds 1 weapon, 1 vial
@Nox Is that with 4 weapons and 4 vials?

Test @ Depth 23 w/ FoV
mad= mad bomber
mad/med = mad bomber w/ med
magic/med = magic hood w/ med
low = wolver w/ low
volc = volc demo
firebreak/high = firebreak w/ high
bar = amount of health bars of damage taken
9s 19 bar mad+mad
9s 15 bar mad
8s 13 bar none
7s 9 bar mad+volc
7s 9 bar mad+low
6s 8 bar mad+mad/med
6s 8 bar - volc alone
6s 8 bar - low uv alone (2*, 3*)
5s 8 bar low uv (4*)
5s 6 bar med uv only (gunslinger)
5s 5 bar med uv only (ash tail)
5s 5 bar mad/med
5s 5 bar volc+low (2*)
5s 4.5 bar mad/med+low(2*)
5s 4.5 bar volc+low (3*)
5s 4.5 bar volc+low (5*)
5s 4.5 bar volc+volc
4s 4.5 bar mad + magic/med
4s 4.5 bar low(2*)+mad/med
4s 4 bar firebreak+high + volc
4s 4 bar volc+mad/med
4s 4 bar firebreak/high + mad/med
4s 4 bar magic/med
4s 4 bar magic/med + mad/med
4s 4 bar firebreak/high
4s 4 bar med+low uv only
4s 4 bar firebreak/high + volc
4s 4 bar firebreak/high + mad/med
4s 5.5 bar skolver med + barb thorn shield (vhigh dmg bonus)
4s 4.5 bar dusker w/ fire max (low dmg bonus)
4s 4.5 bar dusker w/ fire max + skolver cap (high dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar skolver med (med dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar skolver med + skolver med (vhigh dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar skolver med + skolver med + barb (max dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar dusker w/ fire max + skolver cap + barb thorn shield (ultra dmg bonus)
updated w/ more info. for some reason i was getting half bar more damage the last time I tested
Geez this data doesn't work out at all. Doing equalities and simple substitution you end up with things like 2=3.
Are these data points single results? Or did you set yourself on fire multiple times and had the same result every time?
I'm particularly curious how many ticks occurred in each combination, so we can get Damage Per Tick which might be more telling than DPS. Also, how many times did you have to try to actually get set on fire for each combination, does it differ?

i tested each one at least 3 times :/ there is new evidence that might suggest the resistance increases as you upgrade to higher tiers. Hard to say..
The only time damage has differed was an entire instance where I was getting .5 more dmg on every combination. Tan was doing normal damage though so I don't know what was going on there. Also on some of the longer durations (9s) there is sometimes variation in the amount of damage taken although it happens very rarely. It seems that sometimes when you light on fire you'll immediately take a tick of fire damage so what happens is it works out that in that time span you'll end up taking an extra tick overall just because of how the time span/tick spacing works out.
As far as how many times we had to charge to light on fire. .. I don't know. You know how random that is though. The RNG isn't that good and we'd probably have to do like 100 charges to get any meaningful data there

Hey guys. I think I can account for the half tick extra damage now.
at D13 I'm taking half a bar extra fire damage while having barbarous thorn shield equipped compared to other shields (horned owlite, grey owlite, crest of almire, omega shell) w/ mad+mad+med
I have no idea why though..
edit: I know this opens an entire new can of worms and goes against a lot of things I've tested myself but someone brought to my attention the fact that the barb thorn shield has a medium damage bonus to swords which may be causing the extra half pip of damage done from the FoV charge attack.
That seems broken...
I propose tomorrow we get together and give "fov units" to everything, and sort this once and for all Eeks.
Also, report your shield issues I guess.

4s 4.5 bar dusker w/ fire max (low dmg bonus)
4s 4.5 bar dusker w/ fire max + skolver cap (high dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar skolver med (med dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar skolver med + skolver med (vhigh dmg bonus)
4s 5 bar dusker w/ fire max + skolver cap + barb thorn shield (ultra dmg bonus)
4s 5.5 bar skolver med + barb thorn shield (vhigh dmg bonus)
So I guess that confirms that. I'm assuming the sword is dealing a portion of damage on the first tick which is why it is affected by this. All the other numbers are probably fine but we should avoid dusker->skolver and barb items for testing from now on.
Hmm... this is all quite confusing x.x
I've been saving/waiting for a magic hood fire max to call my own, to make into a divine veil...
but if what you said above is true... specifically, "4s 4 bar firebreak/high"
Well, Divine Veil offers higher protection than Firebreak, so theoretically I suppose high is the best I'd need, max would be a waste of money... Right?
Also, as for the above post, did you have a fire resist maximum wolver coat? Meaning that you really can't lower FoV damage below 4?
Actually, a low on gear with fire resist gets you really close to maximum, mid gets you at maximum already.
Supposing you don't have any negative resist on.
@Pupu good point, I don't know how I overlooked...
"4s 4 bar magic/med" so all I'd need is a medium UV. Huh.
Post saved here for later editing while we test poison with Eeks.
FoV units! Trying to make sense of this after further testing.
These values seem to not stack linearly.
1 Unit = 1 less damage from fov fire at D23
Going past the cap doesn't give you resist, but counts towards adding or taking away resists.
0 Units = 13 Damage.
Max FoV Units = Resist cap, 4 bars damage, immunity to certain fire attacks / catching fire from them.
Min FoV Units = Negative resist cap, the damage varies but is along -3.5 / -6.
Low bonus = 5 Units
Med bonus = 8 Units
2* Low bonus = 8.5 Units
High Bonus = Max?
Very High = Max?
Volcanic Plate piece = Volcanic Demo piece = Low Bonus
2 * (Volcanic Plate piece = Volcanic Demo piece) = 2* Low Bonus
Mad Bomber piece = -2 Units
2 * Mad Bomber piece = Min
Mad Bomber piece + Low Bonus = 4 Units
Mad Bomber piece + Med Bonus = 8 Units
Seraphic Piece = Min
Seraphic Piece + Magic piece = Min
Magic piece = 3.5 Units
Seraphic + Low Bonus = 4.5
So 5* gear with bars of resist that look like they have the same amount as Maximum UVs actually provide a Low UV worth of protection? And that any two low UVs is 8.5 units, just shy of the fov maximum of 9?
The seraphic/magic test shows the curve is oddly steep and sensitive around 0 resist.
just wondering, does swiftstrike buckler affect the fov charge?

Would those that can, be so kind as to retest all this stuff to see how today's update may have changed things? Thanks, this thread has been very useul.
It would be nice to find out that fire trinkets actually do something, and that low UVs no longer do more than native max resistances. I'm not holding by breath though, I'm sure OOO has many bugs they would like to fix when they can.

9s 15.5/19 bar mad+mad
9s 15 bar mad + mad/med
8s 13 bar BASELINE ---------------------
8s 13 bar 100 Token Fire Trinket
7s 9.5 bar magic
7s 9.5 bar demo/low (2*)
7s 9 bar firebreak helm (3*)
6s 8.5 bar magic/med
6s 8.5 bar vog + mad/low
6s 8 bar volc + mad/med
6s 7.5 bar volc+magic
6s 7.5 bar firebreak/high (3*)
5s 7.5 bar volc + low (2*)
5s 7.5 bar vog/low
5s 7.5 bar vog/low (5*) + trinket
5s 5.25 bar volc/med + mad/med****
5s 5 bar magic/med + volc****
5s 4.5 bar volc+volc
5s 4.5 bar volc+firebreak/high (3*)
4s 4.5 bar vog+vog/low
4s 4.5 bar vog+vog/low + fire trinket
4s 4 bar vog/low+vog/low
5s 9 bar skolver/med+skolver/med (vhigh dmg)
5s 10 bar skolver/med+skolver/med+barb thorn shield (max dmg)
A couple observations:
- Fire trinkets still don't work
- +med dmg bonuses are now applying up to 1 bar per +med now instead of half a bar
- vog, volcanic demo, dragon scale, volcanic plate are all still the same basewise
- vog+vog+lowuv no longer has maximum fire resist
Tan wasn't on so I couldn't restest everything; just tested what Rits and I had on hand. The barbarous thorn shield/skolver stuff is different. It looks like it's dealing up to 2.5 bars of damage instead of the max of 1 from before now.
Everything else now looks a lot more predictable than it was before.
****Caught on fire 2 times in a row to get rid of rounding error. All the others should be retested but I'm too lazy.

Fire trinkets still don't work
Any Curse resistance - 20-25% chance of receiving Curse
No Curse resistance:
40 seconds
2/2 weapons
3/4 vials
Medium Curse resistance:
36 seconds
2/2 weapons
2/4 vials
Very High Curse resistance:
32 seconds
1/2 weapons
2/4 vials
Could anyone provide Curse data for Faust for Ultra & Maximum Curse resistance?
Also, does anyone know how much curse resistance, if any, Silver Trinkets provide, and which trinkets provide how much resistance?
thanks for all the tests and infos
any1 test whether specific damage bonus(e.g. replace vog with divine for fiend bonus) matters? just wondering now, that u could get a dmg bonus uv on fov
Well, considering your knight isn't a fiend...
With the new update there were unannounced patch changes to items relating to the newly added items. (increased damage to blitz needle and Khovorod for example) Maybe when they added the new trinkets they fixed the old ones?
No resist: 13 -> No bars
3stars Low: 9.5 (-3.5) -> 1.2 bar
Mid: 9 (-4) -> 1.6 bars
Mid + 3starsLow: 8.5 (-4.5) -> 2.4 bars
Magic Hood: 9.5 (-3.5) -> 1.2 bars
Volcanic: 8 (-5) -> 3 bars
Volcanic + 3starsLow: 7.5 (-5.5) -> 3.2 bars
Volcanic + Mid: 5 (-8) -> 4 bars
Volcanic *2: 4.5 (-8.5) -> Full bars
Volcanic *2 + Low: 4.5 (-8.5) -> Full bars
Mad B + Low: 14 (+1) -> -1 bar
Mad B + Low + Mid : 9.5 (-3.5) -> 1.2 bar
Valk: 15.5 (+2.5) -> -2.2 bars
Wearing a snarby shield actually increases the self inflicted damage. Probably a bug.
Using a low lvl fov decreases the self inflicted fire damage. Same bug as above.
Trinkets still don't work.
Graph that proves nothing:

No (0) curse resistance:
40 seconds
2/2 or 2/3 weapons
3/4 vials
High (3) curse resistance:
34 seconds
2/2 or 2/3 weapons
2/4 vials
Note that for vials, if you only have two vials then 2/2 are cursed, etc.
Presumably the number of weapons you have equipped doesn't effect the number of weapons cursed as well so it would be 2/4, but this needs verifying.
It seems you get 2 seconds less curse time per level of curse resistance, but I plan to do some ultra/maximum and possibly trinket tests in the future.

->@eek 7/20 Post-Patch Tests:
mind testing with a tier 0 armor with zero heat? (in replacement of "BASELINE") unless that is already the baseline of course, I am assuming you used a neutral tier 5 armor at heat level 10. Basically burn with FoV at depth level 23 while having nothing but proto armor with heat 0 (join a friend).
Im sorry I just dont understand the other posts with stats, a table of seconds bars of damage and equipment used is easier :P
EDIT: Ok still did 8s and 13 damage (someone else did it with the armor/helm i gave to him, i saw the 13 damage and he said 8 seconds so it matches so nvm :P)

I've had a chance to verify with up to 7 points of resistance, above 'maximum!', and the curse time is still decreasing! (26 seconds.) Also, only one weapon and one vial. I still need to get a gear combination to test exactly 5 and 6 points, however.
Once I upgrade I'll be able to test 8 points, and 9 points much later, and try adding in a trinket for more, to see if the number of weaps/vials can be made 0.
I've updated the wiki page for Curse with the results so far, as well as some of the linked pages.
So Maximum! Isn't a hard limit, at least with curse? Interesting.

No (0) curse resistance:
43 seconds
2/4 weapons
3/4 vials
High (3) curse resistance:
35 seconds
2/4 weapons
2/4 vials
Maximum (6) curse resistance:
29 seconds
1/4 weapons
2/4 vials
These tests were done naked with a level 8 Gran Faust and 2 pieces of Vog Cub each with a curse UV high. I've noticed two interesting things from these statistics:
1. The drop from 0-3 is 8 seconds, however the drop from 3-6 is only 6 seconds. Perhaps the time decrease is exponential to prevent curse stacking while encouraging having some resist? Theoretically one could obtain 20 points of curse resist which would grant curse immunity in a linear relationship.
2. The times seem to have been increased from previous tests. This may have been implemented in a recent patch.
I have updated the wiki in correlation to these tests.
Regarding "Maximum": I haven't been fortunate enough to get any defensive UVs yet, so my only first-hand experience with tiered abilities comes from weapon enhancements, which show a combined level from multiple sources when you mouse over a weapon on your character screen.
Does armor work the same way? If you equip two armors with a "high" UV, does your total armor tooltip actually say "increased resistance: maximum", or does it simply show bars indicating how much total resistance you have to each thing?
Between the fact that curse resistance stacks above 6 points and the fact that armor UVs apparently jump straight from "high" to "maximum", I'm suspicious that defensive abilities may not be rated on the same scale as offensive ones.

I believe you are correct Antistone. On my character sheet the curse resist bar does not fill up the full right side, however the fire resist does. If we are using a points system, then 8 points fills the sheet, which is already 2 more than "maximum". However I don't think there is a hard limit, as the fire resist tests above show that damage continues to decrease even past 8 points (vog/low + vog/low deals less damage than vog + vog). It seems likely that there is rather a soft cap due to resist working on an exponential scale (for the fire above, 0-4 points save 5 bars of damage, while 4-8 only saved 3.5 bars extra). That being said, curse immunity may still be possible if the number of cursed items can be brought to 0.
Such testing is still pending, since me and Eeks are short on maximum UVs. I only buy low and mediums.

I've got a saintly silver amulet, vog cap with curse: low, divine veil with curse: high, deadshot mantle and a gran faust if that's helpful to anyone doing the curse tests.
Edit: just testing with the GF in Emberlight in case it interests anyone: no resist was 43 seconds, 3/4 vials, 2/4 weapons and using a cursed weapon took 6 bars. Amulet + veil + deadshot was 22 seconds, 1/4 vials, 1/4 weapons and took 3.5 bars.
FoV, depth 23
Full ancient: 13 dmg
Full Ancient + Whetstone Pendant: 9 dmg
Full Volc Plate: 4.5 dmg
Full Volc Plate + Whetstone Pendant: 4 dmg
Trinkets work!

Video card wonkiness may keep me from checking in game, but at least I can pop in on the forums....
Basically, there are a lot of great tests of resistance mechanics going on: weapon damage tables, monster resistances, and even observtions of how well armorworks. It would be fantastic if someone could distill all that down to solid numbers and add them to wiki pages like "damage", to make the handwaving terms (low, medium, high) more quantitative. It would also be interesting to know if monster and player resistances operated under the same rules (aka if high means the same everywhere). More analysis, please!
About to test it myself (when I get enough tokens) so just asking here first in case anyone else can help out:
Is a 5* trinket + one piece of 5* gear (eg say wyrmwood bracelet and divine veil) be enough to gain total resistance to haze bombs in PVP? If not, would 2 trinkets be enough? What about one trinket and a low/med/high UV?
All I know for now is that one gear + max UV is enough for total resist.

test two trinkets and high, or two trinkets and max

More tests in fov damage at depth 23. All UVs are on lvl 10 5* gear unless stated otherwise.
Mad bomber piece + Low = 14
No resist: 13
Low UV: 9.5
Med UV: 9.5
Mad bomber piece + High = 9.5
One 5* trinket: 9
Mad bomber piece + High + 5* Trinkets = 8.5
Very high: 8.5
5* Trinket + Low = 8.5
5* Trinket + Med = 8
Two 5* trinkets: 8
Volcanic piece: 8
5* Trinket + High = 7.5
Mad bomber piece + Volcanic Piece + Low + 5* Trinkets = 7.5
Mad bomber piece + High + Two 5* Trinkets = 7.5
Two 5* Trinkets + Low = 7.5
Volcanic piece + low: 7.5
Volcanic piece + mid: 5.5
Volcanic piece + high: 5.5
5* Trinket + V. High = 5.5
Volcanic piece + 5* trinket: 5
Two 5* Trinkets + Med = 5
Two 5* Trinkets + High = 5
Two 5* Trinkets + V. High = 5
Volcanic Piece + Mad bomber piece + Low + Two 5* Trinkets = 5
Volcanic piece + Mad bomber piece + mid + 5* Trinkets = 5
Volcanic piece + Mad bomber piece + mid + Two 5* Trinkets = 4.5
Volcanic piece + Two 5* trinkets: 4.5
Two Volcanic pieces: 4.5
Two Volcanic pieces: 4.5
Two Volcanic pieces + 5* Trinket: 4
Two Volcanic pieces + Two 5* Trinkets: 4
Two Volcanic pieces + Two 5* Trinkets + Low: 4
A 5* trinket is similar to a high UV
Two 5* trinkets are similar to one volcanic/vog piece
something i noticed in fsc few day ago, thot id share it
med fire vog cap + no uv vog armor 4 sec burn
med fire vog cap + med fire namelss poncho 5 sec burn

I'd also like to state from Tantarian's post, that it looks like the least amount of seconds being burnt is 4 seconds, unless tested otherwise. (I may be, and am probably wrong.)Somebody may have already stated this in a above post. I'll try to work on this, an check various testing times, and will post them on here when I do.

I think I may've gotten a three second burn with med fire vog cap and med fire vog coat. I'll run FSC later and check.
These tests are starting to give some really fishy results.
You can be immune to certain stats without even having a full resist bar in ATH.
A UV seems to be more important than an entire trinket.
Are they working as intended?
Is the bar display for status UVs just terribly inaccurate, with medium being more than 3 bars instead of 1?
Do the enemies inflict low, medium, or high statuses and your resistance deals differently with them?