Actually, most of your results seem to suggest a 5* trinket is closer to a medium UV than a high; in fact, I suspect it's exactly a medium. There's one or two tests where a 5* was a half bar off from a medium, but since damage is probably tracked by the game in increments smaller than half-bars, that could easily be round-off error. I know I've had experiences in game where I didn't appear to take exactly the same damage from different ticks of the same burn.
Also: you list a "very high" bonus in several places, but it was my understanding that armor UVs didn't use that term. Is that a "maximum", or a combination of UVs, or what?
Based on checking a few arbitrary data points from your list, if we assume the numbers may be slightly off due to rounding, it looks like fire resistance probably causes exponential decay in the amount of damage you take. Going from "no resist" (13) to one volcanic piece (8) stops roughly 40% of the damage; if it's exponential, we'd predict two volcanic pieces to take about 4.7 damage. You list 4.5; that's equal within the available precision.
I suspect you could get better data if you allowed yourself to take burn damage several times in a row (without healing) and averaged the results. I hate to ask you to do more work after you've given us so much awesome data, but...I don't have the equipment to replicate your tests.
Also, is there any difference in the fire duration when you vary your resistance? I know there were some curse tests that said curse resistance affected the duration AND the number of items affected, so it seems plausible that other resistances could have multiple effects.
They are damage bars, not seconds.
These numbers are for fang of vog at depth 23, (without using any sword+ damage thing, since those increase the damage).
All other numbers from other stuff in other depths will probably not match.
And yes, the 4 dmg burn corresponds to the fire resist cap.