This thread caught my attention and has had me thinking about our current CE problem...
Most of the suggestions in this thread detail what OOO can do to counter players who are manipulating the market causing the CE to skyrocket in price. While it is great to look for solutions OOO could use, I feel they may not be as concerned as we are with this "problem." Further I believe that we, as players, have the power to compete against those who seek to drive up the prices. They are, after all, players. They are simply playing the game a different way.
I propose those against the current CE trend join forces to combat these higher prices. I believe it is something we can fight, with the same means they do. Manipulation of the market, in the favor of a balanced and mutually profitable ce - cr exchange.
This system has several goals -
1 - This system shall be designed to work purely on the value of CR and CE, independent of outside forces or requirement. It will need not ce or cr sink, it will simply act on the perceptions of the players using the market.
2 - This system shall be profitable. It will seek to be self sufficient and self perpetuating. In fact it will work in many ways identical to those who have manipulated our market to it's current position. The difference is that we are not motivated by greed, and will seek to control prices, not inflate them.
3 - Bring players together who genuinely care about the player base. I believe which this coalition we should also sponsor a "newbie guild" which seeks to discourage begging by working with new players to obtain their goals through their own efforts.
4 - Explore the full economy of Spiral Knights, diving, crafting, auctions, materials, as well as cr to ce transactions to better illustrate to players and OOO how this economy works and can be improved.
If you would like to join this coalition, post in this thread or contact me in game - Captain-Teemo for further details.
There are no CE or USD requirements to join this coalition, but we are looking for players who will dedicate their time and resources to establish and maintain this venture. Investing players WILL be paid off of the profits of this venture, and a full booking of all transactions of this group will be kept for record.
I would love to help, but I doubt I can do all that much since I only got 2* gears and only play twice a week, my IGN is Lorddarkness.