You need to roll a Poison Max and Freeze Max UV on it before it even becomes a Niche shield
If you get that it'd be perfect for Heart of Ice and Snarby Shadow lair.
You need to roll a Poison Max and Freeze Max UV on it before it even becomes a Niche shield
If you get that it'd be perfect for Heart of Ice and Snarby Shadow lair.
Yes, and the only way to get status resist uv's on shields is through crafting, and you can't craft a Celestial Shield.
There's this guy called Punch in the bazaar. He'll happily take your money for UV's.
EDIT****: Well apparently I'm wrong about Punch. I'm not sure why he's stupid like that, but ok, I guess we'll roll with it.
Which, btw, is another reason to hate this box. It's one thing to have a low chance to get something you want. But when you usually get an unwanted item that usually gets you an unwanted UV? Now we got gambling inside of gambling.
It's more that the shield is a curiosity than anything else. We don't have any other shadow+piercing shields, so getting it would be the only way to see how such a shield would behave. It does have some use as well on non status shadow+piercing themed areas. Questionable use, sure, but still use.
And Punch cannot give you status UVs on shields, is what Zethalan was saying. Punch's ability to do so was removed with sleep UVs.
All promo boxes come from Spiral HQ, the headquarters, the big bosses, and head honches. But just like King Tinkinzar and King Krogmo, NOBODY has ever actually seen where Spiral HQ is. We just get our gamble boxes in the mail and take it for granted. This is all a scheme to make believe there is a Spiral HQ, because if it were located in Haven, you'd bet (or not, up to you!) that every knight would storm that place demanding fair chances at items, costumes, and equipment!
Now if you have magically ascertained the location of Spiral HQ (or Captain Ozlo for that matter) you've made it pretty far (pretty sure they have a hideout in California with a bunch of psycho puzzle piecing pirates), but you'll have to make Nick's haunted graveyard and cross the 9 levels of Developer Hell to get inside. But don't let them fool you with the nice furniture; Spiral HQ has a pun for all situations. "We thought you guys loved boxes! It seems like a pretty ~square deal!" It's true nobody can resist THE BOX and it's secrets, but press on!
Don't let them tell you that it's not all a mock scheme with gremlins removing "MADE IN COLONY" tags.
Yes, and that same guy is unable to add a status resist uv on a shield, you can only get status resist on shields by crafting, which is exactly the same thing i said in my previous post.
do non status shadow+pierce themed areas even exist? also, if there is no status theme, im pretty sure there can still be stun, in which case Gorgomega would outperform because it has normal and stun. I still think its a weak shield, just intended for costume purposes, the shadow+pierce combination resembling the night and day theme.
Lol yes. Compounds, clockwork tunnels, and arenas can all spawn the requisite combinations, and there are a number of enemies that deal no stun. It's rare that celestial would save you, but certainly possible.
I still think the shield should've resisted fire and freeze to bolster its unique piercing/shadow defenses, respectively, or that it "adapts" to the changes in the Clockworks as you explore them with it.
Such as, if you're in a level such as the "Blast Furnace - Wild Path", it'll be granted fire resistance, and if you're in the "Candlestick Keep - Galvanized Gloom", it'll grant the shield a resistance to shock.
Balancing itself out like that would be quite interesting.
Cyberpony, you're kidding, right?
You want a pay-only 0.1% chance gamble shield to basically be the ultimate in the SK arsenal?
No big surprise that Cyberpony would said something like that.
I'd actually they rather have given it stats too, but released a free version alongside it. As is, you're paying 2.3 million dollars to receive a shield that kind of sucks and as we've said above, the shield is just for looks. So why not just change that to where you get what would be the new shield but cool and celestial? Then you could have your cool shield that you paid for and get to use it without feeling like a complete tool for using a worthless shield. Or they could have done what I suggested here and made it a reskin of swift strike buckler-- a shield that almost everyone uses sometimes.
No, I was not, but perhaps I can better explain myself.
I would like the shield to be implemented in a way that does not induce gambling or praising pay-to-win or "premium-only" players, but much rather allows the player to partake in such a creation. For example, making it have a possible crafting tree, that has you make the two sides of the shield, one that resists piercing, and the other that resists shadow, and then you can craft it into the true form of the shield, similar to the process of making the Grand Solstice Ring. It'll start from 3* (Sunblock* & Nightshard), working up to 4* (Sunlight Segment & Moonlight Segment) , and then once both shields are at level 10, and the materials are present in one's arsenal, they can craft the 5* Celestial Shield.
Regarding the everchanging part of it, that would be interesting to see implemented onto it, but regardless, I will only go through with my claim of that happening if the shield doesn't rat out non-paying players, or those who pay rarely.
* I'm not sure how to feel about that one.
I said what was on my mind, and what I thought would make more sense for the shield itself, since it supposedly protects against "the dazzling light of day and the chill of the night", hence why I was saying what I did regarding fire (dazzling light) and freeze (chill), or perhaps making it "balance itself out" by having to adapt to the Clockwork depths. My point above, regarding the crafting tree, still stands.
That is all.
The shield isnt really that interesting, its just for looks. A shield without status resist wont outperform a shield with status resist. Heck.. most people think Dragon scale shield is merely a niche shield, but at least DSS has 2 status resists which makes it a good shield. The celestial shield isnt good at all for fighting.