The 2015 Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest! WINNERS ANNOUNCED

14 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager

Winners are posted here:

t’s time for the annual Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest! Carve a Spiral Knights themed pumpkin and enter it per the instructions below.

Deadline: Thursday, October 29 11:59 PM Game Time
Winners will be posted on Friday, October 30!

Entry Thread:

Prizes: We’ll pick three (3) winners. These winners will each be able to pick one prize from the following list:

  • Ghostly Aura
  • Shadow cat tail
  • Monster Pockets
  • Anti-Personnel Spikes
  • Jack o' Bombhead Mask
  • Gatecrasher Helm
  • Hallow Devious Horns

Other prizes may be added depending on participation.

The Rules:

  1. Obtain a real pumpkin. If pumpkins are not available where you live, you can try any type of gourd, squash, etc.
  2. Create a Spiral Knights design for your pumpkin. This can be anything Spiral Knights--a monster, an NPC, your knight, etc.
  3. Carve the design onto your pumpkin.
  4. Create a card (or slip of paper) that includes your knight name and the year (2015).
  5. Take at least two "creation" pictures while you are carving your pumpkin, to prove it's your own work. Include a card with your knight's name and the year in EACH photo (no photoshopping).
  6. Take at least one lit and one unlit photo of your pumpkin, again including your knight's name on a card to show it's your own handiwork.
  7. Host your images on Imgur.
  8. You don't need to make an account--just upload them

  9. Submit your entry with a minimum of four photos per entry (two creation, one lit, and one unlit) in the entry thread in the Treasure Vault along with your knight's name and your prize preference.
  10. Double check your entry to make sure you have four working links to each entry, and that it follows the template below.

Entry Template:

Knight Name:
Creation Link:
Creation Link:
Unlit Link:
Lit Link:
Prize preference:

Judging Criteria:

Judging will be based upon the creativity and cleverness of design, the quality and detail of carving, and the overall effect of the lit pumpkin. Remember, the LIT pumpkin is the photo being used for judging. Take care with regard to shadows, flash, focus, and detail.

Extra Stuff:

You can enter more than once, but only one entry per person can be awarded a prize.

Questions? Ask them here in this thread. Thanks, and good luck to everyone!

Portrait de Fehzor

Why are some of the prize choices worth considerably more than the others? I'm talking about the price difference between anti-personnel spikes, gatecrasher and jack 'o Bombhead mask.

Portrait de Fangel
They did this last year

I think it's because we might desire something personally. Someone might really want a shadow cat tail, but others may just need those hallow devious horns... Whereas a merchant would likely instantly grab the gatecrasher helm.

Prizes are kind of subjective anyways... If there was a crown reward it would be plain and simple, but with items that are more or less varied in how we'd sell them the price variations are to be expected.

'Cept gatecrasher. I think that's just on the list so we'll want to take it to make there be a larger market for the things since there's so few out there. Would be neat if we could get more things like that however, like a hallow/shadow node slime crusher.

Portrait de Umbra-Lunatis
Idea get!

Are we allowed to add small non-pumpkin details on to the main carving?
Following that, is it acceptable to make accessories for the main carving out of pumpkin bits?

Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager
@Umbra-Lunatis You cannot


You cannot add anything to the pumpkin other than a light (candle or other illumination). If you would like, you can carve bits off the pumpkin and use them as decorative elements on your entry.

Portrait de Fehzor


It becomes an objective thing when one of the prizes (Jack 'o Bombhead Mask) can be found on the auction house for 30K tops. Even if you value it at millions of crowns, it would still make far more sense for you to just win one of the other prizes and throw it on the auction house for a couple hundred thousand crowns, then buy your precious bombhead with whatever you get... and that's assuming you haven't already just played the game for a couple of hours and bought one.

Hallow or Shadow node slime crusher + wall as a set is what they should be giving out. The amount of punkin I'd be carving right now for a chance at that would probably be about five.

Portrait de Rodent-Queen
Brilliant Idea!

Brilliant idea! Now I gotta get my paws on a pumpkin...

Portrait de Falminar
Monster Pocket...s?

Multiple Pockets?

Or one of our choice?

Or just a random Pocket?

Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager
Monster Pockets - you choose

Monster Pockets - you choose one!

Portrait de Umbra-Lunatis
monster pockets

Are those Hoptimers just baby devilites looking for a caring guardian?
Or are they deceptive spies of the Underworld bent on tracking the Spiral Order's every movement?
Is Nonna in on this too?
How deep does it go?!

Portrait de Kingtinkinzarforum
Hail, king tinkinzar!

Dat unavailable gatecrasher helmet is worth the most

Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager

Here are the winners for this year's carving contest!

Fighting-Polygon -

Oski-Boski -

Spiralka-Chan -

Prizes have been awarded through game mail.

Thank you to everyone, and have a fantastic Halloween!

Portrait de Tantarian

That Vanaduke pumpkin, simply amazing work.

Portrait de Bopp

I am proud to belong to the same species as these pumpkin carvers. Congratulations all!

Portrait de Kneeanderthal
Plot twist:

Plot twist: Fighting-Polygon's vanaduke lit design was the template for the real vanaduke