Last night I was running citadel, at the big button part of the first floor was charging up my attack before stepping on the button and when I did step on it there was lag spike followed by DC when I logged back on of course I'm laying their dead (thanks).
Today I was doing a royal run was on floor before royal at the part where you need to gather the keys, was doing top left side where you have to break the blocks then stuff spawns, well I was on the last spawn charging an attack before moving in and bam DC again, at least this time I didn't die but I was nearly there.
Seems that if I spawn stuff naturally or via a button right at the point where my sword hits full charge this happens. Not sure if it's the sword (leviathan), or the last patch because one I just made the sword and two this wasn't happening before.
I don't know what else to do, it's extremely annoying to die in this manner. Would be nice actually if we DC that our characters aren't left there to die and/or get a few seconds of invulnerability so we can log back in safely.
Did you submit an in-game bug report about this issue?
Also, this thread probably should go in Bug Reports. Other people with the same problem might see it better there.