Entry Thread: Cradle of Love! Category 2

This thread is to be used for entries for Category 2 of the Make a Spiral Knights Valentine event. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/113531
Deadline: February 15, 2016, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific time zone)
Posts should include the information below:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, heart eyes, lovely glasses, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, hoptimer or mewkat).

Knight name: Tenderfoot-Mender
Link: low budget valentine's card
Prize preference: LOVELY GRE- Love Puppy Pocket, please.
Good luck to everyone else!
Knight Name: Ian_Galloway
Poem: To my bae, Basil
Your name is of a spice,
but you're actually rather sweet,
I think you're super nice,
you could say that I'm "In Heat."
You give me red pills,
and crafting recipes too,
in the clockworks I'm racking up kills,
and I owe it all to you.
But the reason I wrote this letter,
that just so happens to rhyme,
because there are knights that are so much better,
but will you be MY valentine?
Prize preference: Love Aura
knight name : Greg-Randall
Prize reference:Love aura
4 february 2016
Poem and drawing:
Your smile is my sunshine ..
Your love is a wonder ...
You are the light that enlightens me,
A star that fascinates me ...
Against you, I am released (e) ...
In your arms, I love fly away ...
Feel to have wings,
The sensation of touching the sky ...
There was magic time
romantic moments ...
Difficult times ...
Sorrows, fragile times ...
But here's a little way,
As we go hand in hand ...
And for Valentine's Day, lovers day,
My pen you wrote these words happy ...
Jardinons our love tenderly ...
For our relationship never cease ...
Gregory Art poem ;)

Knight Name: Eric-Varcolac
Link to entry image: http://ericvarcolactueils.deviantart.com/art/Valentine-Sk-590574797?ga_s...
Prize preference: love aura
Someone tell me if there is any grammatical problem in the drawing... And have a wonderful day ;P

Knight Name: Blazer-Of-Troy
Prize preference: MEWkat
To: Margrel
Will mew please be my valentine?
I'm always thinking bout mew.
I keep preforming dark rituals for mew...
I keep telling the knights that I don't what they're talking about...
But mew never notice.
They hand me their books...
I summon mew...
all in the name of love.
But then you fight the sky dwellers.
Then mew lose.
I see them come back, wearing your face...
That is the only reason I greet them...
But they summon you... and...
My love is forgetten....
by mew...
Again and again.
Please this valentine's day be mine.
I really do love mew
From: A secret admewirer!
P.S. I'm the conjuring kat and I wuv mew.

Knight Name: Fangel
Link to entry image: To those who have "fallen"
Prize preference: Love Aura
Just a little note from prideful fangel over here, but I accomplished all of this via only the brush tool... Well, ignoring the gradient background. I've never had a paint program feel like painting before, but now that I've pretty much done paints with it, I can say that it's a whole lot of fun!

Knight Name: Miabot
Link to entry image:
View 1
View 2
All Lined Up
Front View
Back View
Tumblr Post
Prize preference: love Aura
EDIT: Modified entry to fit into guidelines ><

Knight Name: Krakob
Link to entry image: A Story of Love and Denial
Prize preference: Chroma Whelp
Knight Name: Rin-Ren
Link to entry image: Digital Art (My Knight's name is on the bottom middle)
Price Preference: Love Puppy Monster Pocket OR Mewkat Monster Pocket
Good luck to all who enter!
Yours in Eternity,

Knight Name: Gustim
February 14th, 2016
Poem: Sweet Salamander
Shining Scales in the underbrush,
Glimpses of eyes that are yellow,
Gliding through the forest,
Is such a perfectly good fellow.
Salamander, sweet salamander,
The best chromalisk breed.
But the color of love does not conceal you from...
Those overlanders and their needs.
But before those pests,
I must confess,
My love for you my Dear,
Without you, my life would be most miserable
All throughout the year.
I must say this now, I must be quick,
The clockworks are ticking. Tick tick tick.
I was just wondering if it would be fine...
That you could be my Valentine.
From: Wolver
-BFF's (Best Feinds Forever) -
Prize Preference: Love Aura

Knight Name: Theirillusion
Link to entry image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOq5yGpSHjU
Prize preference: monster pocket (love puppy)

Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
Link to Entry Image: http://fightingpolygon.deviantart.com/art/A-Spiral-Valentine-590915605
Link to Progress Gallery: http://imgur.com/a/Pn45y
Prize Preference: Love Aura
Just to be doubly sure the pun gets through: Since players often say GF rather than Gran Faust, it could also be mistaken as girlfriend. That means your girlfriend is secretly a purple-glowing weapon of destruction in the form of a slapstick. Go and take her out to a Lockdown match. <3
Knight Name: Master-Tigress
Link to entry image: http://mastertigres.tumblr.com/post/139369931537/love-puppy-gift
Prize Preference: Monster Pocket - Love Puppy

Knight Name: Mrdonbdc
Link to entry image (video): https://youtu.be/91jd9HfnMhA
Prize preference: Love Aura
Knight name: Novaster
Link to entry image: Paku-Paku & Explanation
Prize preference: Love Aura
Some background:
Apologies for the lower quality of the photos, I do not have a spectacular camera and my scanner currently denies the concept of contrast. I also do not like gallery formats, so it's all in one big image. Which will likely take a while to load, and I hope that's okay - there's a lot of wordy explanation, which I know is unusual for something that's supposed to be a valentine. If anyone is interested in a digital version of this thing (with cleaned up pictures/not handwritten or hand drawn) so you can print the toy out, fold it, and play with it yourself, PM me in game and I might do it if I have time.
With this valentine, remember why you love Spiral Knights, and know it loves you right back.