I don't want to speak about some obvious things that everyone (including me) wants. Like new boss/dungeon, and gears, but about the res.
I quit the game before the new gui was introduced, and until that time, for come back to life, you had to wait another player which help you with half of his life or by yourself, with 10 CE.
Now, since the first try is free, but you have to use spark of life, and this item cost 200 ce per 10, the cost is doubled. And the worst thing is that nobody can help you.
Which is enough to vanificate a run for gaining some crowns, if you die a few times.
I think Grey Havens should return back to the old system, and instead of this repristinate ce value for gears crafting or even for take the elevator (with or without Elevator Pass).
Signed by a old knight playing in the '11-'12 which feels again romantic regarding this game.
PS: the old icons were so much better, these doesn't have anything in common with the graphic of the game
I'm no expert on this but we had this talk a while ago. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/114482#comment-1030181
I think Fangel has some valid points.
And which icons do you mean? The weapons icons?
I personally think the old weapon icons are a bit too open for interpretation, whilst the new ones tell you unmistakably which weapon/armor it is at first sight. Also since the flat design is gone it would not make much sense to bring them back. (Not saying the positioning of the new HUD is flawless.)
Edit: You can revive or be revived by sparks of live. Just click on your teammates avatar and select the option on the drop down menu.