In my (and apparently MANY other players) opinions Heart Res, and the item sharing was a CORE mechanic and at the (if not THE) very heart of Co-op and for Spiral Knights at least, its (again in my opinion at least) a mostly Co-Op experience/ game and is fundamentally changed accordingly whenever the Co-op mechanics are so altered. Such as they were when the Spark/Forge system was implemented. Granted, some felt the spark system was just a means to force players to buy "Lives" or the means to continue a felled group in the clockworks with Real World Cash, Via the Depot. This is in part true as it DOES encourage the use of sparks, and even punishes you (were all familiar with the fee for getting caught with your pants down in the works without sparks and dying - 50 CE is steep no matter how you cut it) for not buying them before hand should you need to purchase one or more on the fly (mid dungeon)
Co-Op before this change was so much more involved, more group oriented, more tactical/coordinated group dynamics, more "CO-OPy" hell it was just MORE all around ffs, you were more a part of a greater whole rather than just 1 dude alone in a group playing alone for your own stakes, and your OWN items and your OWN safety on the line and NOTHING more- Before, If YOU had HP, your GROUP had HP, if you had a pill YOUR KNIGHTS had a a pill, if YOU hurt, THEY hurt, you win? THEY win. you were in it together and for all the right reasons. at the end of a string of intense Arenas/ Clockworks depths runs (some of which you battled across a room full of enemies alone BARELY making it to your fallen comrades in time to raise them and then stand back to back against the now surrounding forces as you AGAIN, thank the gods that your buddy(s) gets to split/fight with that other half of your 1 HP bar with you- through walls of said enemies to get back or get some HP drops.
THAT was Co- OP, THAT was multiplayer- and THAT was SPIRAL KNIGHTS. and it was unique and something NO other mmo/gameplay ive experienced ever offered. I want that back, and i don't think im alone
I Believe returning heart res to the game would offer enough benefits to outweigh any potential downfalls, and also do not think it would in any way damage the Spark but rather improve/ strengthen it. Consider that with heart revive implemented it does NOT make sparks obsolete. a group can and often times WILL still wipe completely, thus a single spark could potentially be the difference in a group succeeding entirely or not ( a single play might choose to split their HP with a downed companion thus lowering their odds in terms of sheer survival rate but increase potential offensive/ tactical ability by sharing the same amount of HP with another knight, offering another set of weapon combos, decisions and dynamics all arise.
Such is the depth that a simple mechanic potentially offers even in its most limited amounts , and if you consider that, you have a small glimpse of what we lost when what i like to call ''The Dark/ Promo Train Ages" i hope that now with Grey Haven, our seeming saviors running things, this matter might be seen/ hopefully picked up and noticed and i would love to see my fellow vets who feel the same way voice their opinion to further any momentum/ chance we might regain this wonderful/ unique piece and gameplay mechanic of spiral knights that deserves to be remembered and revisited to see if its alteration was for a worth while purpose, be it progress, improvement, greed w/e. and if not, to bring it back.
If the Gray Haven team REALLY is a group from the "good 'ol days" i hope they might see this and relate.
Just in case that wasn't a TL:DR typa deal... lol heres a couple links to some posts i made in the past about the same point but a little more in depth/ overly passionate about our missing mechanics - (remember, guilds BAILED when they took this out, my whole game/friend and guild network broke down and dissolved because of this) anyway- let me know what you guys thing one way or the other - all opinions welcome
some of my past posts on topic if you care
Okay, you've posted this before, and many others have as well. I've responded the same the entire time.
Old mechanics were much more team based. The problem is that bad players caused good players trouble, and therefore bad players never had to "step it up" and become better as long as they had one other good player. Alt dragging was another popular tactic due to shared loot.
Currently, the mechanics are themed around "you are good, your team is good". However, instead of a strong team being 4 players, now a strong "team" can be a single player, and that's just not teamworky. In essence, I agree with you.
However, I do not think that we should "bring back the old ways" necessarily. We've seen what is good and bad about both systems, so we can build that to make a better system instead of bringing back old problems.
There are plenty of ways to make this work. Here's a short list of ones that have been mentioned before or popped into my head as writing:
Remove ER, replace with-- Team revives using health pills. Activates like old health revives.
- Team revive using new pickup. Activates like old health revives.
- Team ER rarity that drops more often than sparks of life. Activates like old health revives.
- Old health revives, except you must have over 50% health to revive players.
- Short minigame similar to castle crashers to revive a teammate.
Make all consumables and vitapods to drop serverside. Allow consumables to be dropped by players for others. Crowns, heat, and hearts are still client sided.
I want to also bring up that sparks of life are used by everyone currently. However, good parties use them less. If we bring back health revives with no other changes, then good parties will never touch sparks of life ever again. That's a bad thing.