In order to get the best possible estimate of how rare unique variants are, a lot of crafting is required in order to smooth out small random fluctuations due to noise. Depending on how low the rate is, we may need to craft several hundred haze bombs to get a good estimate.
Towards this end, I'd like to propose that we pool our data, being careful to keep track of how many items are crafted along the way. I've begun a personal project of mass-crafting 1* recipes like haze bombs (which are fairly cheap). The haven vendors sell other 1* recipes that are similarly cheap to craft, which means that we should be able to make a ton of items without critically depleting the supply of just one specific ingredient.
I will also try to note what that unique variant is. With enough data, we may even be able to determine whether good variants are less common than low bonuses.
Here are my numbers so far (to be updated):
Day 1: Made 7 haze bombs; no unique variants. (notation: Haze bombs, 0/7)
Wolver ---> dusker cap: 1/2 (moderate curse resistance at the dusker step)
Wolver--->dusker coat: 0/2
Day 2: crafted haze bombs.
1/9 (charge time reduction, low)
Total: 2/20
We could probably just shorten the notation.
Firecracker 1/0