The vast majority of people who start out with the Wolver set tend to go to Vog Cub over Sklover. I've heard two main reasons for this:
1) The Attack Speed boost scales better than the damage boost giving you better overall damage, especially when combined with the propensity towards Divine Avenger line.
2) Dat Firestorm Citadel. Fire status, wat do?
Regardless of the overall gear choice differences that you have to make when choosing Vog over Sklover, why is it that Vog Cub is seen so much in favor of Sklover? Is there more than just the above two reasons? Am I missing something?
I personally was looking at Sklover + Owlite or Vog + Barbarous Thorn Shield line while probably using a Brandish/Calibur line sword. Does it really matter?
It's not that attack speed scales better, it's that it's generally more useful because it also provides a defensive bonus since you can time your attacks/shield/etc more easily.
Also, Vog Cub has elemental defense, which is generally more useful than Skolver's piercing.