Bigfootm's New Player Guide To King Jelly: Jelly King Tips and Tricks

To start off, you need to have the right gear. If you have 2* gear and arn't with the best party, I recommend either getting better people or going up. Now for the big guy...
If you are in a party and someone who is alive is the only one alive with low health, try to revive.
ALWAYS avoid the minions. They just regenerate and you should aim for King Jelly himself.
Try to inflict status effects on him. Curse, fire, and poison are the most highly used, although some do use shock.
Only throw one vial at KJ if effect at a time. The effects can last a bit, but don't go wasting 3 poison or curse vials in the first 10 seconds of the fight.
Hope this helped!

I have full colbat and a skelly sheild and have a cutter and a calibur but i have a autogun.Is those enough to defeat the jelly king?I have friends who have 2*-*5 things.I have a reliable friends.

You generally want to avoid guns with JK. I haven't played around with the new guns (catalyzer and whatnot) but for the most part you want to stick with swords. Autogun won't get you far against all his minions, cutter would work but i'd suggest the calibur. (Cutter is harder to control because of the lunge and at JK there is a lot of focus on positioning so unless you have a lot of experience with JK i'd avoid the cutter) Calibur's charge is also very useful in the beginning to clear away some of the starting mini jellies.
As to general tips, Bigfootm pretty much covered it but there are a few other things you need to watch out for.
-When he starts spinning, either kite away from him or hide behind the corner blocks.
-Shield bumping away the small things to clear a path to JK after he stops spinning is a good idea, but don't get carried away with it
-If you find that your party has teamwiped don't waste time thinking about revival. Either do it quickly or don't at all.
-To go along with the point above, JK has a lot of momentum in terms of the battle. If you find that your teams dps on him has stopped, likely its time to give up and go back.
-If you run out of vials or methods of poisoning/fire/curse. give up
-Before you start the encounter, have someone shoot the ghost blocks to clear all the blocks before stepping on the button. It's a small thing but it's very helpful in establishing a good starting position.

Yeah, basically don't use guns. If you DO use a gun for King Jelly, use a gun from the shadowtech Alchemer line.
Why would you use a shadowtech alchemer?

Not that you want to use a gun, I said IF you used a gun you'd want to use a gun you'd want to use a gun from the shadowtech Alchemer line because: Pure Shadow Damage;Higher Star=Ricocheting Bullets
If you wanna use guns, i suggest something from the shadowtech, antigua line. But even if you have just a tempered calibur, you can easily defeat JK. Once you have all 4* gear, JK is like any other minion. Really simple. For now, i would suggest joining a good group with tier 3 players and then going on JK runs with them.
If you attempt JK with less than 3* sword and 3* armour (3* shield recommended but not exactly necessary), i guarantee you, you cant win. (unless you have a butt-load of energy)
This is my strategy of donts to win against JK:
1) DONT run around the place looking for an opening. By the time you inflict 10 dmg, he would have healed 100. (Jelly King can and WILL sacrifice smaller blobs for his own health.)
2) DONT look at your health bar. keep hitting him. it will take only maybe 3 revives (if you didnt die before JK, thats only 25 energy).
3) DONT take more than 3 people when doing a JK run. If you have all 3* gear, you can solo it. Unless the person joining is good (as in, with 4/5* gear) dont take more than 3. Although it seems like a good idea, it can make JK much more strong and healthy.
About Jelly King.
Jelly king HAS a health bar (sort of). It shows you when his health is lowered and when it is halved.
When he has damage, he starts doing one spin at a time in purple colour and kills smaller blobs for health, if his health is full, he just moves around. When his health is halved, he turns pink and starts spinning like crazy in a clockwise direction. When he does this, DO NOT go near him. (Ok, there is no need for me to say this as everyone knows not to charge at something thats spinning like a warthog on beer pint.) One hit in his pink attack form can take up to 6 bars of health if you dont have the right armour and shield.
Hope this helps.
Basically because it has, in bigfootm's words "Ricocheting Bullets".
I suggest antigua line. Its a pretty fast firing gun. If you have a swiftstrike buckler and an argent peacemaker, JK should be like.... eating jelly to you.
The rate of firing tears through the minions and hits jk at about 100 d/s (d/s - dmg per second)
But i would stick to swords. With a 5* sword, you could totally go NOM NOM on JK <:D
That is terrible advice DevilXTreme. JK is not worth 5e in revives let alone 25. If you have a 3*+ sword and a brain inside your head you can outdamage him enough without standing there like a t1 idiot. There's a reason everyone takes poison vials or a Vile Striker.

Yes that is HORRIBLE advice. If you would like to post youropinions make your own thread. And something from the Antigua line? Never. That does split piercing and jellies are resistant to piercing.

And 100 DPS? Simce when? My AP does 120-200 to Slags in FSC. Plus, piercing and elemental to jelly=Not much damage. Now go troll your own thread.

Something from the toxic catalyzer line would be good too.
... Well, after reading this thread, I've come to the conclusion that-
I will never attempt to solo JK, seems like a ridiculous waste of time.
The battle is always extremely chaotic (to the point that the rules of strike and engage that you follow to survive everywhere else in SK don't apply), I generally get off a few hundred damage before I die against him and his overwhelming hordes...
One guy says "if you're out of vials, give up", another says "you're okay if you only have to revive 3 times"...
Is there any GOOD way to fight this guy? I know there are ways to win, but are there ways to do well?

1. Rush In
2. Vial Him
3. RAMBO don't even defend, attack him like you're dog just died.
3a. Don't worry about losing health
3b. Seriously.
4. Run around when he spins, the >>>ONLY<<< time during JK when you should be running
5. Repeat and win.
Save capsule pots for when he spins, never capsule when his not
Though i've never tried by myself, the above method will work 100% in a 2-4 group party. (If everyone does it properly)
Anyone who runs around while his not spinning is making him stronger, literally.

No, unless you are soloing you want to use vials the whole fight. Of course I can easily solo him so I can do whatev.

DevilX's advice is somewhat different from the rest of us. The way most people approach jelly is to win as much as possible without lobbing out CE to get the tokens. Judgin by DevilX's advice, he runs in and hold nothing in reserve to get his tokens, even if he has to revive multiple times. If you have CE to burn then by all means keep on reviving, but from a point of view that tries to limit wasted CE, you really should giveup if you are out of ways to poison/fire/curse him.
and yes, if you're new to JK i don't suggest you try to solo him. It's very possible and i've done it a few times, but in terms of difficulty its extremely hard to manage.

With curse vials and a wep that does shadow dmg like night blade or silent night blade it's gg for Jo not you

i had this stratey for 4people parties. Have two people ith fast weapons smash the jk and 2 other people with knockback weapons smash away the minions. this works 50% the time. my brother tried it and killed the jk in 30 seconds. i tried it and FAILED. Maybe it was because i only had 3 people in my party... but still. so only use this method is u wanto die and have a challengish challenge.
Necromancir, if I kill you in PvP, then will you stop your advertisements? :P

lolz. so this is where u put the kill pvp thing.
back to JK
Mechaknights can also help. alot. especially is u have 4 people in your party and everyne has three..
4 best vials (in my opinion) for jk: Mecha knight, curse, poison, health. if u r pro enough and u don't need health and can have fire instead.
dont worry, no more ad. just siggy

I'm planning to get brute Jelly armour because it has more peircing damage

a good weapon combo is
1. tempered calibur to clear out his minions in the beggining.
2. something form the MkII line. i personally think freeze is the best but a lot of people like fire. do NOT under ANY circumstances use shadowtech. it's a waste and doesn't do anything to freeze or burn anything like that.
3. don't rush him at the beggining even if you have 5 star gear. you'll just die because you really think a 1 poison vial 1 curse vial plus a 5* sword is going to kill jk within the first minute?
4. if you're tier 2 try to provide cover fire with guns and vials don't rush jk with all the other tier 3's because you either 1. dont have the right skills and tactics or 2. you don't have the right gear.
5. don't attack him when he's pink he's invincible and he'll just take down half of your health.
that's a few of the things i know. hope they helped. :)

Uh half of that is pure wrong. Attack with guns or charge of sword (Faust, GF, Avenger, DA) orbombs. Any Calibur line there is a waste. DO rush him in the begging if your t3.

how are u suppoed to get the sealed sword line if u are trying to kill him for the first-7th time? other than buying it in the a.h., i mean. and guns are almost useless fighting the jk.
Calibur is fine, some recommend Vile/Dread Venom Striker but it's not necessary. Using Calibur or anything to clear mini jellies is just dumb. I find mecha knights a wash: they can distract jellies but also fling jellies in your path as well. At least with fire vials you're sure to do damage to JK.

Ok I got better tactics and sword so this gear recommended?
Full combat but probally Gunna equip my jelly helm with low curse resist and med poison
Tempered caliber but soon getting night blade or fire burst brandish.

Deeerrrpppp. Get glacius... But yeah, somewhat better.

There might be a "smart" approach for JK. I haven't tried this yet, but after watching many youtube videos, and after many personal successes and failures on jelly king, I think I've come up with a way to defeat him without dying too much. The first secret is good gear (obviously.) The second is to run in one at a time.
Establish an order in which each player engages jelly king. Probably the best way would be to go by the way player's names are listed on the screen (the leader goes first, then the player listed under the leader, etc.) That way there's less to remember. When it's a player's turn to engage then that player will run in, poison, then whack away at JK. Everyone else will play defense. The next player in line will monitor the player who is currently engaging Jelly King. When the player battling Jelly King is about mid health then it's the next player's turn. A player's turn doesn't end until the next player begins to battle Jelly King. When a player's turn is over then they should back off, heal, then play defensively. When the order reaches the bottom of the list then it will be the leader's turn again.
This way you should be able to keep constant pressure on Jelly King and spread damage evenly through the party. You'll also give each other time to heal. Theoretically this should allow you to beat jelly king without dying too much.
The other option is to zerg rush him and hope he dies first.
If you spend the entire battle running around the room while rarely attacking Jelly King then you are not helping your team at all (unless you are constantly cursing him with a faust or grand faust, or waiting for your turn as described above.) This is one battle where you must keep pressure on the enemy or you will lose.

If you currently don't have the best gear or experience, I would recommend
that you take a look in the Jelly King Buddy Thread. Look for someone with
good armor/weapons and ask them if they'd do a run with you to show you
ingame how it's done.
I also have a question for BigFootM and other experienced Jk players:
I have no problem beating JK now but my stratagy is when he starts
spinning (always counterclockwise) I start charging my sword and following
him through the open path he creates. Once he stops spinning, I hit him
with my charged attack. I noticed that nobody posted this stratagy.
Do you think it's not that great to use? Just curious.
Thanks, Guardianknight.

"3. RAMBO don't even defend, attack him like you're dog just died.
3a. Don't worry about losing health
3b. Seriously."
4. Enjoy your death.
4a. Seriously. Been there, those pesky jellies WILL most likely kill you.

I don't mind an at first I thought you said I had nebbish 2 or 3* gear lol. And yes, I did state that that is a great strategy.

Lol I guess I kind of did make it sound like that.
And thanks for clarifying the stratagy.
Sorry I missed it.

Have you seen the radiant sun shards JK bomb video?
Won't Shadowtech line a.k.a. Umbra Driver be kind of the same, stay close, ya stick your gun INSIDE the boss and shoot like crazy for multiple hits?
Zanoni and Noctuelle, keep your bad advice to yourself :P
Guns = bad
Running around dodging stuff = bad
Attacking minions (except the odd knockback swing from a heavy sword) = bad
Taking turns attacking RJ = very bad
Bombs (other than a shivermist if minions are close together) = terrible
Calibur-line swords = uterly crap (not just relevant to the RJ :P )

Random, bombs are actually useful. Nitronome works well for me atleast, ash of Agni works, venom veiled works, and the shiv is better then you think.
Somebody lures all o them and keeps shiverlocking while everyone else keeps on slashing. I think Volt Tempest does hood too.

Yup. When I run jelly Whig is rare, I use a FoV, GF, maybe a DVS, and a gun.

Excellent guide. Rare stuff in forum
Please do one for fsc, and take me along one day. I would love to be under your guidance.
FSC is significantly harder than Royal Jelly, and I'm afraid BigFootM is not such an expert at it that a win is guaranteed :P
(sorry BigFoot, but our run yesterday wasn't as successful as it could have been :P )
I believe there are threads for finding an FSC team, generally best to go for the one with the most experience, a Shivermist bomber and a lot of Divine Avengers :D
I can totally bring anybody through FSC. Just don't act stupid, stupid people make me angry and then I go solo.

@ruelogh I'll take you and will NOT solo.
@twill I read that a FoV can kill KJ in 3-4 hits with charge. Wanna test it out? My FoV, your FoV, anyone else we can find (Magnus if he wishes to come) which would mean we would need one more if we wanted a full party. I would love to test that out though.
Some other time, sure, I guess.
If you attempt JK with less than 3* sword and 3* armour (3* shield recommended but not exactly necessary), i guarantee you, you cant win. (unless you have a butt-load of energy)
You probably need at most two CE revives in full 2* gears if you are any good. I attempted a Jelly King solo on my first Jelly King run. In that run, I had full 2* gear and did not use any of my capsules. Under those conditions, I managed to get the Jelly King spinning crazily. At that time, I did not know how close was I from finishing. For those reasons, I did not revive in addition to that I thought it was a waste of energy.
There is a Jelly King Solo in full 3* gears without any revives on YouTube: . There is not a lot difference between a 3* gear and a 2* gear as there is a 3* and a 4*.
@swtdrgn yeah, i have two star gear and every time i beat jelly king i've had to use exactly 2 revives
It`s doable with pretty much a poison vial and curse vial. No need for self revive if you know what you are doing. the JK will kill itself for you under the curse.
No curse vial = gg