• • Tier Zero • • A Tier 3 guild for mature, experienced, and clever players. Embarrasingly high active rate!

151 replies [Last post]
Weedle's picture

A wild Weedle appears!

Yes, my name is Weedle. I've been playing this game for seven months and I still haven't figured out how to evolve into Kakuna. But you know what? Sometimes there's more to life than just being a hard-ass.

Like being in a killer guild.

Tier Zero: What We're All About

Tier Zero is aimed at having the most skilled, intelligent, and active players in Spiral Knights. Guild activities include:

  • Killing Vanaduke. He owes us lunch money.
  • Killing the Jelly King. Because we're mean.
  • Killing... okay, well we kill everything. Why not?
  • Playing Lockdown, because the monsters we kill there are amusingly smarter than usual.
  • Discussing market trends and money-making ventures

And of course, we like to chat and engage in all sorts of hijinks. Typical antics include:

  • Drunk Vanaduke runs with Hanktron and Festering
  • Insisting that the garden is actually Hanktron's house
  • Reviving Festering because he refuses to use his health capsules
  • Turning away as Weedle spams romantic emotes with Auricoma
  • Coloring masterfully on MSpaint
  • Having confusing political debates with Kioso (a.k.a. "Kiosk")

Gaming is for entertainment, so we just try to keep it as entertaining as possible! ;)

About Us

Guild Master

Yours truly. I'm that strange looking lizard thing with an obsession for UV'ed swords. Usually I can be found with my nose in the Auction House, or running laps around the fountain with Repartee and Njthug. People accuse me of being OCD.
  • Normal Loadout: Vog Set, Grey Owlite Shield, 2x Tetra Heart Pendants, VH CTR Divine Avenger, VH CTR Leviathan Blade, VH ASI Gran Faust, VH vs. Fiends Final Flourish
  • Hit: Helvetica
  • Miss: Comic Sans MS


My favorite present participle. Known for his ability to miraculously backdoor his way through anything, Festering can do it all. An expert rock climber, cyclist, strategist, and multi-tasker. Has the uncanny ability to replicate the bark of a small dog.
  • Normal Loadout: Max/High Elemental Skolver Set, Barbarous Thorn Shield, 2x CTR Modules, Divine Avenger, Leviathan Blade, Storm Driver, Electron Vortex
  • Hit: Sometimes even a home run
  • Miss: Nope
Our friendly neighborhood troll! Hanktron is notorious for establishing awkward social situations and generally confusing everyone. A formally educated economist, rugged mountain man, and master colorer. <--- Click!
  • Normal Loadout: Vog Set, Grey Owlite Shield, Acheron, Divine Avenger, Callahan, Voltaic Tempest
  • Hit: Homophones
  • Miss: Poor grammar
Known as the Ice Queen of the TZ officers, Ramenfrog gave up the title of GM of the Chronic Crafters for unknown reasons. She has little patience and doesn't take much hooha from anyone. But underneath it all, she really does care. At least a little bit.
  • Normal Loadout: Skolver Set, Barbarous Thorn Shield, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Master Blast Bomb
  • Hit: Attacking octopus
  • Miss: Squid reyp
As a f2p player, Kioso progresses at the speed of light. He was in Tier 3 in under two weeks, and he always seems to pull new 5* items out of his ass. I don't know how he does it... that's just Kioso for you. I think he's magic.
  • Normal Loadout: Vog Set, Barbarous Thorn Shield, Elite Sword Focus Module, Divine Avenger CTR Medium, Leviathan Blade CTR Medium, Blitz Needle VH Fiend
  • Hit: Gooder grammer
  • Miss: Yup

Guild Roster & Ranking System

If you'd like to see our current guild roster or how we award ranks, please visit our Wiki page at: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Tier_Zero_(Guild)

Applying for Tier Zero

TZ is accepting all players with Tier 3 clearance. To apply, fill out this short questionnaire and post it below or send it to me as a message in-game:

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
What is your loadout?
What is your favorite food? <-- Important

Feel free to write about anything you want in addition.

Thanks for stopping by!
-Your developmentally challenged Weedle
Hanktron's picture
I make hits, not pop flies.

I would like to add that there is a difference between satire and trolling, although I've been known to do both. Also, "a formally educated economist" might be pushing it. Expert character analysis for Festering. Also, since we're discussing font choice, Three Rings can do better for SK.

Weedle's picture
I think SK takes on the

I think SK takes on the default font set by your OS. When I run SK on Linux, the chat font is gross. Grosser than your knee.

Hanktron's picture

Hey, my knee is almost healed!

Repartee's picture

All I see are lizard people.

Do more laps! They get your lungs pumping!

Michaelb's picture
I want a lizard pet

I want a lizard pet

Hanktron's picture
Lizard people are people too

and people aren't pets.

Weedle's picture
You're my pet. ISN'T THAT

You're my pet.


Arbituser's picture

I would like to join this guild. I am currently fairly new to Spiral Knights and I AM LOVING IT. I want to learn how to actually succeed rather than getting owned on Jelly King runs. FYI this is currently my primary account, but normally my Steam account is, but steam isn't werking on mah computer, so I'm using this.

Weedle's picture


I'd be happy to help you out. Maybe next time we are online we can do a Jelly Run together? We'll talk soon :)

Weedle's picture
I'd like to welcome Kioso,

I'd like to welcome Kioso, Death-Scyth, Biolover, Necroes, and Sjoman into Tier Zero!

Michaelb's picture
<3 Lizard people Do you want

<3 Lizard people

Do you want a mealworm? :D

Alphasoulz's picture
Can I join?

I think of myself as a little bit of a noob since I havent got to Teir 3 but im getting there... Im pretty skilled when it comes to fighting but still get owned by jelly king... Im a swordbearer type of knight and I LOVE LOCKDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 sooo yeah

Weedle's picture


We are only accepting a few more Tier 2 players. I liked your enthusiasm so I sent you an invite :)


NOM NOM Mealwoooorm

Weedle's picture
New recruits and members!

I'd like to welcome Noobslayerhero, Nightfuryblaze, Bushwick, Blasterred, Notional, and Akeal into Tier Zero!

Frickenzelda's picture
I want in \o/

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since Early July
What tier clearance do you have? 2, i have 4* Shield/Wep but something always gets in the way when i'm going to craft armour (ragecraft)
What is your favorite food? http://i.imgur.com/R8M3U.png

Weedle's picture


Mmm. I hope you like it with Peanut Butter. I do.

I'll send you an invite the next time I log in!

Negatory's picture
On a silver platter

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since sometime in April

What tier clearance do you have?
To the Core!

What is your favorite food?
Apparently jelly cores, as I have about 600 of em.

5* items include: Leviathan, Ash of Agni, Shivermist Buster, Nitronome, and Volcanic Demo Helm

Weedle's picture
Awesome. I'll invite you! I'm

Awesome. I'll invite you! I'm always excited to have more bomber guardians for Lockdown, if that tickles your fancy.

Also, jelly is delicious.

Poopfaurts's picture
I want to join this guild.

I want to join this guild. But I fear that I am underqualified.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2-3 Weeks now

What tier clearance do you have?
Tier 2

What is your favorite food?

I'm working on creating a new character with a better name than Poopfaurts, so once I gather enough crafting resources and make the switch I'll be ready for some dungeon grinding. I know there are limited spots, but just wanted to throw myself out there so I can reapply later when I've grown some chest hairs.

Weedle's picture
I'd like to welcome

I'd like to welcome Cloudtempest, Frickenzelda, Alphasoulz, Rokusha, and Rankerfire into Tier Zero!

Weedle's picture


I approve of the name Poopfaurts, just like how I approve of the movie The Highlander. Although it is understood if you want to change names, haha.

I JUST closed applications for Tier 2 players. However, I'll friend you in-game. Maybe I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and invite you anyway :)

Myllakka's picture
Application ;3

I must say, this is the first time a guild recruitment thread (and ensuing posts) has made me laugh so much.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Not too long; three weeks or so? I've logged 95 hours.

What is your loadout? Divine Veil, Skolver Coat, Levi, 3-pack 4* shields (Rock Jelly, Sinister Skelly, Wise Owlite), bunch of random 4* guns (Gigawatt Pulsar [where are all the Polaris recipes?!], Strike Needle, Mega Magnus, etc.) and bombs (Master Blast, Spike Shower)...basically noob gear. XD Go me? I'm working on a bomber set, but I kind of suck at bombing, so we'll see.

What is your favorite food? Jam, of the Royal variety.

I'm pretty good with any T2 levels, but T3 hasn't been kind to me the couple of times I went down with a PUG. I'm hoping that being a part of a guild will yield better teams, and thus better experiences.

Hanktron's picture
I thought I'd weigh in on the favorite food category.
  • Most life changing restaurant meal in recent memory: Ba-Le (Kona, HI)...I will now order vermicelli at any viet restaurant I'm lucky enough to eat at.
  • Cheese Board effect restaurant: Cheese Board (Berkeley, CA), duh.
  • Restaurant I won't shut up about: Jaffa Cafe (San Luis Obispo, CA)
Weedle's picture
Peperony and chease


Thanks for the support! I'll shoot you an invite ASAP. And you're certainly right about having a better team with us. We'll be frolicking through Firestorm Citadel in no time :)

And that's no noob gear! Turn that spike shower into a dark briar barrage. One of the most useful bombs I've used. I'm always in support of having bomber guardians for Lockdown!

Also, here are quite a few jelly/jam lovers here! We're going to need to pick up some more sliced bread (my finger is on my nose, Hanktron).


Agreed. Although idk about this Jaffa Cafe you always talk about.

@No one in particular

I like this. http://jesda.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/oregontrail.png

Arbituser's picture
How long have you been

Sorry I couldn't reply earlier :P

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?- 2-3 weeks
What is your loadout? Nightblade, Autoogun, Wolver Coat/cap, Owlite shield
What is your favorite food?- Sandviches and BONK all the way

Squeeker's picture
looking for good guild

looking for an active guild on tier 3. i'm in game at least 3 times a week and need friends that want to make to the core.

Weedle's picture
@Arbituser & @Squeeker
I'll send you a friend request. Once you make it into Tier 3 I'll invite you into the guild ;)
I sent you a message!


I want this armor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2h0xFEuZSM

Wolfe-Knight's picture
Thank you.

Thanks for inviting me to the guild, i hope its better then my last one.

I think I can get your armor, it just requires 200k CE. and you to be a cat.

Weedle's picture
Might have to sell some

Might have to sell some things to get 200k CE. The cat part will be difficult.

He is ferocious! A killer! A formidable opponent to any foe.

Weedle's picture
I'd like to welcome Kapps,

I'd like to welcome Kapps, Lejudicieux, Nazdra, Negatory, Snavalitious, Wolfe-Knight, Zinwhippy, Yinfinity, and Zethivar into Tier Zero!

Hanktron's picture
Weedle wants to be a cat

because everybody wants to be a cat.


Weedle's picture
Damn I should have named the

Damn I should have named the guild the Groovy Cats!

Hanktron's picture
You've made a huge mistake

We're fools!

Ambientfury's picture
Application from a Friend

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 13 Days worth on Character Selection, 383 Hours on Steam
What is your loadout? Full Ash Tail, Volcanic Plate Shield, Avenger, Gigawatt Pulsar and Silversix
What is your favorite food? Probably deep fried jelly. Otherwise, Bacon.

Oh, the name could've been much worse, or more bizarre... eg. Dubstepping Camels

Hanktron's picture
Bacon is gross,

I don't approve.

Ambientfury's picture
I strangely don't know why I

I strangely don't know why I typed bacon...probably cos of too much Minecraft...

Weedle's picture
Hey, what's up Ambient?! I'd

Hey, what's up Ambient?! I'd be glad to have you in TZ. I'll send you an invite once I get home in a few hours.

And dude, bacon is awesome. Don't listen to Hanktron. He's a communist.

Ambientfury's picture
At least Hanktron isn't a

At least Hanktron isn't a Fascist...also known as a Nazi

Buzz-Bomb's picture
Hi Weedle =P

You really love croma's.

Hanktron's picture
What does the croma (sic) have?


Weedle's picture
Chromas are the most closely

Chromas are the most closely related to Weedle. They probably eat Weedles, actually.

Hanktron's picture
I probably eat


Weedle's picture
Updated! Guild roster

Updated! Guild roster added.

In the latest news, Tundron has retired from Spiral Knights. Good luck in your future endeavors, Tun!

Hanktron's picture
I would like to add

that Da Lat (WC, CA) has some tasty $7.50 lemongrass chicken vermicelli.

Weedle's picture
Oh man I am so hungry now.

Oh man I am so hungry now. Freakin' Henk.

Wolfe-Knight's picture

Sorry, i wont be on SK for a little while as im working on a project for work. hopefully i can be finished in about 2 weeks then i will be on alot to make up for the down time.

Weedle's picture
@Wolfe-Knight: No worries!

@Wolfe-Knight: No worries! Work always comes first. I'll see you in a few weeks!

Weedle's picture

The post has been updated with newer info. Also updated the guild roster!

Hanktron's picture
You're just jealous

that I had Da Lat and you didn't.

Incoherrant's picture

Just typed a long post and then tried to post but had been logged out. Woe!


You people sound like you have humour. I greatly approve of this. You also sound like you're capable players. More approval. You also like cats. I like cats. We could totally get along.

Dat info:
Played since sometime in August, I think. Fuzzy memory.

Use Vog/Skolver combo, three four star swords (Silent Nightblade, Dark Thorn Blade, Blizzbrand), more random un-upgraded swords, various two-four star guns and a couple of crappy bombs (Deconstructor lulz). Warming two shields up atm, will relatively soon have Barbarous Thorn- and Grey Owlite Shield.

Preferably eat pizza. Yum. I want one now. Might go get one when I've posted this.

I bring optimism and a friendly attitude, an eagerness to get better and a decent memory of how everything works. Also, I talk a lot if the mood is for it, and people can live with m3 typing lik3 this b3caus3 my stupid old k3yboard is missing a k3y and I'm too tight-fist3d to purchas3 a n3w on3. At l3ast my grammar isn't incompr3h3nsibl3 on top of that?
Sadly I also have about four bars worth of negative lag resistance and may be rendered useless in extreme cases - hordes of mecha knights have caused me to futilely lag into corners and get gangmauled; other common side effects are things like thinking I'm shielding in time, only to have already been hit when I hit the button (extra fun around armies of turrets!), or something like trying to revive teammates in an arena and ending up running in circles while stopping every other moment at their corpse, swinging, then fleeing from the mobs as they catch up. Rinse and repeat for a couple of minutes until I finally lag to death or manage to hit. :V
This does not always happen, though! Only thing in the regular clockworks I haven't really explored is Vanaduke.

So yeah. Want a cheerful ditz with a sp33ch imp3dim3nt and a habit of lagging in your guild?

PS: My lizard is bigger than yours. :V