Chocobo's New Player guide: How to become self-sustaining in less than a week.
Edit: I'm back! Updating the guide slowly, please read the first few introduction paragraphs as they explain a lot, and are more important than the actual step by step guide.
Since Steam released F2P games, lots of new players have entered the game, and CE prices have dropped dramatically. Now, since we have an Auction house as well, it is increasingly harder to be self-sustaining within a week. I have added some new notes at the end of this guide to compensate for this being somewhat out of date. Please check the MORE EXTRAS section for this new information.
So far I've been seeing players having trouble with energy management and acquiring t3 armor to explore the depths of the clockworks without the use of CE. Now, while I do condone the use of CE and buying CE highly (I have purchased a quantity myself), some players do not have that opportunity. I wanted to try and write a simple guide for casual players who want to start slow but build up to a mass of wealth later in a week or so, and will hopefully solve anyone quarreling over how CE is too expensive or how you need CE to play this game.
Foremost, I consider Spiral Knights a "casual" type game, since you can play for an hour or two and then be done for the day if you wish, while still keeping up with the majority of people you start out with under the same conditions. If you want to buy CE and use it with this starting guide, you will have a much easier time and be able to progress faster, but like I said before, I wanted to write this to make sure people who don't have that option still have a fair and fun game experience.
Starting out:
So, you saw this game from wherever, made your account (or just used an old one) and want to hop in and play! Spiral Knights is good about getting you into that action quickly. Technically, you're going to start out with 90 Mist energy, even though your tank holds 100, since the starting level (Crash Site) costs 10 to enter. Now let's quickly go through this starting level!
Crash Site/Tutorial- Energy Cost: 5
Crown total: 0 (Q___Q)
Mist Energy Total: 95
CE total: 0 (For this guide we will not start with any CE)
Right Click/Z = Attack
Left Click/W&A&S&D/Arrow Keys/Numb Pad 8&4&6&2 keys = Movement
X = Shield
So the basic story is: Onoes u r crashd hir, plz join other knights! The purpose of this level is to teach you how to swing or shoot at things, as well as orient you with the Crowns/HP(Heart) drops. What you should be doing in this level (since it is a forced use of 5 Mist energy), is to BREAK EVERYTHING.
**Break everything will now be referred to as RULE 1**
Rule 1 Explanation: This includes: Shrubs, Grass and Monsters. The only exception to this rule is Bricks/Blocks, which have a 100% chance of dropping NOTHING. The reason is that shrubs and grass can drop crowns; however you might be thinking picking up one crown from a bush is useless, it does add up quite significantly later on. Think of you (the guy breaking everything) versus the guy who doesn't break a single object unless forced: by the time you reach tier 2, you have probably saved up an extra 1k crowns by now and died less (from hearts popping out of grass), and can therefore enter the tier 2 areas faster!
By the time you have left the Crash site, you should have around 100 crowns, give or take on your luck.
Rescue Camp-
Crown total: 100+/-
Mist Energy Total: 95
CE Total: 0
Don't buy anything here, This guide assumes you know how to press Z and occasionally X (if you can't press Z fast enough). Skip over the Abandoned Depot (Looks like an Emerald Pawn Gate), and head straight to~
The Final Test- Energy cost: 10
Crown Total: 100+/-
Mist Energy Total: 85
CE Total: 0
Grab a Handy-Dandy Health Capsule and Head down. Now, This and your Crash Site level are pretty straightforward, you cannot get lost and you must explore 100% of the level to continue on. There are only bricks on this level, so no need to break 100% of them, however still you need to keep Rule 1 in your mind. You will have a Party Switch fight at the end of the level to face off versus some skeletons, though they will be pushed over within 5-6 hits. Congratulations! You've made it to Haven!
Haven, Day 1-
Crown Total: 250+/-
Mist Energy Total: 85
CE Total: 0
Check your mail, you should have a FABULOUS Mist tank available to you, which we will now SAVE untill we hit 0 energy (or less than 10 if we need to continue on).
Now, I know you might want to check out the market, but please, force yourself into the Arcade! Pick any active elevator and hop on quickly, before you have the urge to spend your precious crowns. SAVE THEM, you will need them later to make your gear to get into tier 2, while your starting gear is more than perfectly fine for anything tier 1 throws at you.
Now, before you grab your HP Capsule and dive on in, I have a few more rules to explain to you:
Rule 2: Explore EVERYTHING.
A quick tip on knowing if you explored everything is to Rule 1 everything untill you hit a dead end, or a party switch. If it's a dead end, turn around and search for a new path to take; however if it is a party switch and you HAVE NOT explored every path to take in the level presented to you so far, make a U-turn and go explore the rest, because as soon as you hit the party switch, the past part of the area will be sealed off for you, and you never know if you missed a few prize boxes if you didn't explore that last branch of that path!
Rule 3: In-Floor Arena under the right conditions.
This means if you have more than one person in your party, or if it's in the lower depth areas of your tier. They are a great source of heat and crowns if you don't die. However, they are very difficult, especially on your first run down through the clockworks.
Rule 4: Always wait on Arena levels.
Clockwork levels that are specifically arenas are a major source of your starting crowns and heat; Do not pass them up; Check your gate map and plan a route to get as many arenas as possible if you can, as well as doing all 3 stages they offer.
Rule 5: Reviving more than once is very costly on any tier.
It might not seem like it is a lot of energy to revive, but if you do it enough times you are missing out on extra depths of the clockworks you could have explored.
Rule 6, and the most important rule: Be Patient.
You will make more money passing up on selling an item for lower than what it should cost, and by waiting on certain levels on the clockworks that will drop the materials you or someone else needs. There is no time limit on levels of the clockworks either, so feel free to take your time and explore them 100% as well as waiting on a new gate.
Also: Most people don't know when they start out that gates will rotate after a certain amount of time; the time being around 1-3 minutes for lower tier gates, and around 15+ minutes for tier 3 areas. Don't be afraid to wait it out! There is no time limit on levels in the clockworks!
After exploring your first dive through the Clockworks to Moorcroft Manner, you should have around 1.5k crowns to 2k crowns; which is a nice start. However, you should be almost (if not completely) out of energy, excluding using that mist take you have just gotten.
Haven, Day 1 Take 2:
Crown Total: 1.5k-2k+/-
Mist Energy: 0+/-, with 1 Mist Tank in inventory.
CE Total: 0
The first thing I will reccommend you to buy ASAP is a Calibur Recipe from Kozma. Swords are your bread and butter weapon, and this one will let you get into tier 2. Now, unless you were lucky enough to grab 2 swordstones on your first trip down, you will have to sell some of your supplies that you recieved to make it. Some easily sold items are Shards, which will sell for around 75-300 crowns each, depending on the type and who is buying. You should be able to get all of your materials if you're cheap and picky about the vendors, since some will sell swordstones at 700c while others will sell them at 2k each. When you have everything and the crowns to make it, use that mist tank to go from 0 to 100 energy and make the Calibur! Congratulations, you are now five MILLION times stronger, Tier 1 arenas will now cry out your name in pain and crowns will be yours for the taking.
Go ahead and explore the clockworks with your leftover Mist energy, and if you have enough crowns to buy a Defender or Cobalt Helm/Armor recipe, buy them. Then, as painful as this will be, log out for the day. Spiral Knights will be here when you come back tomorrow =)
Haven, Days 2-4+:
Your goals now will be to collect the materials to make and have:
A Calibur
A Defender
And the Cobalt Helm & Armor.
Yes, this will probably mean selling off any non-important materials and not playing 24 hours a day, but this is a guide on how to start out. If you're lucky, you might be done in the second or third day, or if you're unlucky then maybe on day 5 you will have your full 2* armor, in any case, make them and start saving up crowns from any materials you do not need.
Here is where it gets interesting: Now that you have your 2* armor, shield, helm and weapon, you now have access to Tier 2 areas next time you venture to the Manor. In these areas, expensive items like Swordstone, Iron gear, Force dynamos and more will drop quite more frequently than they did before. Grab them all and then sell them to that guy who needs 5 more swordstones to make his Leviathan Blade for 10k. While the money is rolling in, now is the time to start thinking about buying CE from the market for crowns.
Buying CE from the market:
There are better times during the day and week when energy will be cheaper or more expensive; usually between 2 EST/ 12 PST and 8 EST/5 PST prices for energy will fluctuate more, so now might be a good time to snatch up energy for 300 crowns less than what you saw 5 minutes ago, or you might get overcharged 500 crowns since someone just bought up most of the CE.
The goal now is to accumulate around 2k CE without spending any of it. At current market price, this will cost you around 66k crowns, which you should have gotten around the end of week 1 or mid-week on week 2 depending on your luck with items.
With 2k CE, you should be able to explore the depths of the clockworks to your hearts content, as long as you are not reviving for 300 each time. As well as having tier 2 armor and weapons now, you will be getting around 3k-6k crowns each trip from Moorcroft Manor to Emberlight, depending on arenas and such. Right now with energy prices, that's spending 80 energy to get 100-200 or more! As long as you are selling un-needed materials and then buying energy to replace what you have used, then you should be set at this point in time. Now I would suggest start finding what weapons you like to use, the armor set(s) you want to make, or just enjoying the game however you wish!
Common Mistakes new players make:
Selling Items too cheaply!
Reviving five times each level of the clockworks!
Not exploring 100% of the level!
Buying ANY items before basic 2* gear! Getting to tier 2 is more important to anything when talking about becoming self-sustaining with energy!
Shoebox Note: Use Vartel and Traveling Merchants to get 2* gear that you like easily. Also, don't fall for scammers who demand payment for crafting items for you, because they could just keep the items if you don't pay them enough.
Since the new steam users have joined, CE prices have gone down from 7k crowns back to around 4k while I'm writing this. With the new AH, material prices have dropped significantly and selling them might not be the most profitable way of getting self-sustaining now. However, it is still possible to become sustaining even now, though the process is longer now and days. You will now want to try and find friends who are already in Tier 2 or Tier 3, and use your mist energy following them around and being a "support" player. This means reviving your friend in Tier 3 or Tier 5 gear while hitting switches and staying out of the way. if you go from the Manor to Emberlight by fighting through Royal Jelly, you will net around 7-9k crowns, which will translate into about a 200 CE gain. Also, if you do not spend any CE or extra mist reviving during this, you should only spend about 80-90 Mist energy, leaving you 10 or 20 to craft a low level item for a UV if you are productive, or letting you delve back into the Clockworks even faster. Now, if we use that 200 CE we gained buying on the market to run the Royal Jelly path again, we will keep netting a 100 CE profit each time. Assuming you can do these runs in about an hour or so, two hours a day of gaming will get you around 300-400 CE a day, while four hours a day will net you an extra 200 CE added onto that. If you save up your energy you should be able to buy Tier 2 armor and entrance into Tier 2 clockworks within three days or less. Like the guide states many times, patience is what will lead you to becoming self sustaining.
tl;dr version:
1) Explore/Break everything in your levels in the clockworks
2) Do not revive more than once or twice a run
3) Do In-Level arenas and also Arena Gates, as well as aiming for Deconstruction Zones & Random Graveyards for more crowns/heat
4) Sell materials at a good price, there is more than one person in the world who will buy your matieral
5) Get to Tier 2 as fast as you can, even if its with items you will throw away later
6) After getting to Tier 2, sell materials as much as possible if you will not use them for your equipment
7) Patience, Only use a mist tank untill you get to tier 2; This might be painful but Spiral Knights is not going to shut down tomorrow!
8) Enjoy yourself while playing! I hear Spiral knights is actually a game meant to be enjoyed.
Thanks for reading!

about the controls you can also use the arrow keys to move and the num pad, ppl usually over look this because its not mentioned

I would recommend that people check Vatel and also Terminal Vendors for items, as they have more exotic and useful recipes for items than Kozma.
Vatel rotates every 24 hours, he always sells 1-star recipes. Usually these will stay the same. What you want are the 2-star recipes which are further down the list and cost 1,000 crowns.
You can get some good items from him.
He sells the Wolver Set, the Spiral Demo Set and Magic Set, three of the most popular sets in the game. I've also picked up Crystal Bombs and other 2-star items from him.
It's worth checking him out every day, until you're in Tier 3.
The Terminal Vendors are a bit more random and have a wider selection of items than Vatel, but they cost Energy to get too, which means if you get a terrible bunch of recipes, you will have to go back to Haven and go back down all those floors again to get another shot at the recipes you want.
Keep in mind that there are also kind souls (me) out there who have the recipes and will craft the items you want for you at cost (just the Crowns, Materials and Energy), saving you the 1,000 crowns of buying the recipe. If people ask for a tip when they say they're crafting, don't craft from them. They will withhold the items from you until you give them more money. It's more a fee than a tip and they're quite happy to just keep your items and sell them at an inflated price to somebody else if you don't pay up.

>.> I'm a noob for underselling... I'll deal...
Anyway, you may wanna mention deconstruction zones and graveyards. I really don't wait for arenas (another noob thing) but I often choose a path that has a randomized chance of going into one of those two areas, they are always good for crowns or heat if you can handle them.
Awesome guide. Really helpful.
I'm a bit confused on the part where you talk about getting the 2 sword stones for the Calibur sword recipe. Is there some vendor I can go to to buy it? Or do I just need to try to find someone selling them in chat?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

@Ashkelon, there are no venders that sell Swordstones (for crowns) at this time. You can trade certain tokens into Brinks the token trader for swordstones though. But depending on your luck with getting tokens, he probably intended for you to buy them from other players or find them naturally.
Updated with Shoebox note and other stuff.
Ashkelon, yes, I did mean for you to either find the Swordstones through monster drops or buying from other players. Vendors will never sell mats (other than token vendors).
I'd like to know more about why we should go for this equpiment specifically. Is it simply the easiest/cheapest to make? Is it a good set for upgrading in the future, or is this strictly starter advice and we should ditch this stuff ASAP?
Maybe this is beyond the scope of your short guide, but I'd also like to know more about trading/crafting with people. Do you really have to just trust them to make whatever you want them to make and not just steal your mats? Is there any sort of protection built into the game that we should know about?
Nice guide, very helpful. I wish i would have read it before i used my mist tank refill :)
The recipes Ceviche mentions are the ones that are always readily available. Other recipes are randomly available only from the depths of the Clockworks (through the Clockwork Terminal levels, where Basil the traveling merchant stands).
As for the trading mechanism, I think the proper protection is "always have something they would want" and the trade confirmation windows take care of the rest. Put your stuff into your window, watch the other person put stuff into their window, click confirm when you're fine, and when they click confirm and nothing has changed, the trade will go through.
What I mean is, can they craft you the item straight out of the trade window (from the mats being provided while trading), or do you have to hand everything over to them and hope they don't run off with it?
In that case, you have to hand over and hope. Know the reputations of the people whose crafting you would make use of.

In general, people around here are good. Most people just want to craft something to make money and stealing stuff would give them a bad reputation or leave a bad taste in their mouth. Still, if you need it, here's some people who say they can help out on the low level stuff.
[I'm technically one but I can be difficult to reach; but a promise is a promise =) ]
To those who were asking, yes I just used recipes that will always be there and are pretty simple to make; not that they are better than other gear, it's just that this guide needs to push you into tier 2 ASAP so you can start farming CE =)
I really enjoyed reading this guide, and it's helped me out a bunch. I got my Calibur yesterday, and I'm hoping to be able to craft the Cobalts and the Defender over the weekend. There were a couple things that I was unclear about, but I've been able to mostly figure them out from the wiki. I thought I'd post them here in case other people were hung up on similar issues. Let me know if there's anything I've missed or if you have any additional tips or tricks.
First, I wanted to know how to maximize the chance that I would get those 2 Swordstones on my initial runs into the clockworks. The wiki pointed me to mecha Knights, retrodes, and trojans. I haven't seen any retrodes yet, and I don't think I've seen trojans either, but I found an arena that was chock full of mecha knights. Unfortunately, I didn't write down its specific name, probably Iron Edge?
For the Cobalts and the Defender, instead of Swordstones, you'll be looking for Iron Gears. They are dropped by gun puppies, lumbers, and scuttlebots, but your best bet is gun puppies: the turrets that you see in almost every level of the clockworks. In spite of this, they're still very rare. Regular lumbers apparently don't drop them, but if Flame Lash Arena: Fiendish Fray pops up on a Gate map, you can get them from the Redward variation of lumbers. This is all according to the wiki: I haven't gotten any gears yet myself.
I only learned today how to determine what level an elevator will take me to. I had to read the wiki's Gate page (under Level Rotation) to figure it out. When you first choose a gate, you'll see the gate map and can mouse over the various level icons to find out their names. Then when you enter the lobby with the first elevator, you can click the main menu icon (the gear in the upper left) and choose Gate Map. A line will be drawn from the lobby icon to the icon for the level that the elevator will take you to. If you want to go to a different level at that particular depth, just wait a minute or two and they will rotate.
If you have bad luck with materials drops, you'll have to trade for your Iron Gears and Sword Stones. Don't be shy or impatient: ask a few people who are advertising low level mats how much they're willing to sell for and get a general idea of their market price. I was impatient and bought Swordstones from the first person I asked for 1000 each. Then when I logged in to craft the next day someone was selling them for 600 each.
Once you've found someone you want to buy from, you'll need to meet up. I didn't realize until I started this process that the game runs several different instances of the common areas in the game. My mats seller told me to meet him at 'Arcade 13 by the alchemy machine'. 13 was the number of his instance, and I had to transfer to where he was. To do this, I had to click my location at the top of the minimap and choose the number 13 in the menu that opened. You can check out the Minimap page on the wiki for more details.
After that, you need to right click on your seller and click trade. It's as simple as entering your payment into the appropriate box, waiting for your mats to show up on his side, and clicking confirm.

despite already having used my mist tank and having bought 1 star gear, this will be quite useful as I recover... soo anybody wana but some ectodrops...
Ok I just started today, so I am pretty much total newb. Nice guide, I think it will help me alot, but I have a question. I bougth Calibur recipe but I am having a trouble getting materials for it.
When you say buying swordstones from Vendors do you mean from other players? Because I can see only Token trader has them for sale but I don't have right tokens for exchange. Also how to get the rest of the materials? buying from players or there is some vendor that sells them ? Because I see you wrote " You should be able to get all of your materials if you're cheap and picky about the vendors, since some will sell swordstones at 700c while others will sell them at 2k each. ˇ I am not sure if you mean players or NPCs here, because I cant find that any NPC vendor is selling materials I need.
The vendors referred to are other players. You'll find them advertising in Haven chat or on the forums; alternately, try posting in Haven chat the amount you're willing to pay for the mats you need. I've seen players selling swordstones for 500cr but 1k seems closer to average.
The tokens you need for swordstones seem to be from levels beyond Tier 1; I've only encountered Primal Spark tokens so far (with a whopping level and half done in Tier 2).
One thing to note is that this guide - as helpful as it is! - is an "optimum efficiency for self-sustenance". Optimum efficiency isn't easy to achieve and, at this point, the economy is still in flux. I found myself frustrated trying to sell mats nobody wanted for the crowns to buy the mats needed for the recipes listed; eventually, I checked Vatel (the recipe vendor) and found 2* recipes I already have the mats for!
I've been using this article as a starting point for determining roughly what to expect various mats to sell for. I don't have any idea of what the going rate for CE is - I haven't seen many people advertising it and, without proper crown sinks in the game, I do have concerns about the effect of inflation on the cost of CE.
Ah tnx, I bougth all materials now.

Just a minor note, while it may not be the best weapon to get to tier 2 with, you can try some of the alternative weapons like hot edge->searing edge just to get a two star weapon. It IS a dead end sword, but it's a pretty good one for the time being (though stay off fire levels >.>) and the materials for alching it are easy to get. You won't have to deal with any other players if you don't want to.
Thank you so much, this guide really helped a lot. I can't believe this hasn't been stickied. Is there a mod in the house? :D
Awesome post this is a great guide for a brand new player. Are there other ways to do it? yeah sure, but this is easy to understand, straight forward, and will do exactly as stated. Wanna get off to a great start in Spiral Knights? Read and follow this guide and you will quickly be on your way!
Can I make this tip? I didn't see it in the posts.
When in a party, never, EVER pay energy on a revive. Your party members can revive you (at the cost of half their health, which is negligible because that can just be healed). Why is this important?
- You keep your revive costs down. -- This is extremely important if you do things like Jelly King / Vanaduke, where sometimes your party members can't realistically be there to help you get up when you fall down. That way, your revive cost is as low as it possibly has to be when you need to rez up.
- It promotes synergy. -- Knowing that someone has your back builds that innate trust between the two of you. When that person falls over, you should be right there to help pick them up.
- The energy it takes to revive grows exponentially. It doubles. Every time. If you start in tier 1, your first rez is 2 Energy. Then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1000 (Revives cap at 1000... please don't ask why I know) If you're in tier 2, you start at 5. Same thing. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1000. Tier 3 starts at 10. Let's say you die in a group in tier 1, and you revive yourself four times. You've paid 2 + 4 + 8 + 16, that's a total of 30 energy just on reviving alone! That could pay your elevator fee for three whole floors, meaning you miss out on that much cash!
BUT WAIT. Maybe sometimes you want to pay for a revive?
- In a boss room like Jelly King or Vanaduke (not so much the latter, since that fight is rather long), your party members have more important things to do than to spend half their health to revive you. It's usually best at that point to revive yourself so you come back at full health, and are able to help out!
- If you're entire party is dead, only ONE of you should revive up. No matter how big that party is, or how small your health bars are. Let's say Players A B C and D are all dead. Player A revives up, and rezzes player B. Now they're both at half health. The most economical way, then, is for player A to rez one of the others (let's say Player A rezzes C), and B rezzes the last player (So in this case, D). Player A could technically revive everyone, but by the time he rezzes the third person, they're at 1/4th of the health player A started at, which could just lead to another death.
- Furthermore, there should be a number of factors as to who revives. Cheaper Energy Cost is a big factor, but also Max Health is important too. If you have a 4 man party, and a player with 6 health has cheapest cost, but there's a player with 20 health who is paying slightly more, don't make the 6 health player revive up. You'll spread your health out way too thin. Talk it out with your group.
Fantastic. There are lot of people who could stand to take this advice to heart.
I'm sorry for this, but I feel in need to bump this topic, it was the guide I read while downloading the game and it helped me a lot, every newbie should drop by and read this guide, really helpful :)
Nice guide, helped me alot to get myself going straight away.
Feel like i've been playing for ages and know all about the game hah. :)
Where can i find kozma?
Nevermind, im stupid. lol
Yeah, uhm... material prices are steadily dropping. Don't take crown prices from old posts literally. I thought that should be mentioned. You're not going to sell anyone a shard for 300 right now, and you shouldn't pay anything near 700 for a swordstone. (Who knows what will happen later, of course.)
Also, IMO, the Cobalt Helm/Armor and Defender Shield are pretty poor equipment. It's good advice to know they are -always- available and will get you into T2 faster (which is good!), but don't be afraid to grab a different 2* recipe from Vatel or Basil. You should prefer recipes that start as 2* or when you can buy the 1* and 2* upgrade at the same time. It may be a 'waste' if you pick a line that doesn't go to 5*, but as the OP emphasizes, not as big a waste as being locked out of T2!
Also consider diverging from the OP in just outright buying 2* equipment. The game is getting on enough that people are starting to mass-craft 2* equipment as they look for UVs. That leaves people with dozens of caliburs, owlite shields, and wolver armors to get rid of when they don't get a UV on them. Of course, you're passing up a shot at a UV there (but you'll still have UV chances on upgrades, so it's not a total loss), but you might well be able to buy some of the more popular choices below cost.

Thanks for this guide, I found it very helpful as a new player. =)
This one's a bit out of date, but I'm not seeing anything like it on the board, and it sure was helpful to me when I cam through. bump/necro.

I still reference a few of my other site friends to this topic though it could use some updating.
Updated on 6/21/11, MORE EXTRAS section added to try and un-outdate the guide.
IGN is Chocobo if anyone needs to friend/contact me

Thanks for updating it, Ceviche. Looking good!
Extremely well written guide. Thanks a lot and keep it up!
"Also: Most people don't know when they start out that gates will rotate after a certain amount of time; the time being around 1-3 minutes for lower tier gates, and around 15+ minutes for tier 3 areas. Don't be afraid to wait it out! There is no time limit on levels in the clockworks!"
I am likely one of said people who don't know this... as I don't have a clue what it means! :D
Can someone explain this?

Was a mine of info when I started, really glad it's being updated for new players, deserved a bump !!! :-)
I thought it was pretty self-explanatory, but it means you can just sit in the level, looking at your gate map screen, and waiting for the gate of your choice to switch so that it will be the next level down instead of the undesirable level you were able to travel down to currently.
AKA AFK/Wait around for the level you want (Arenas), so you get more crowns.
Quick question: Given the choice between an arena and a treasure vault-- which should I pick for better crowns?

Arena, without even thinking!!! (for both heat and crowns actually)

Pretty helpful guide!
I did the mistake with reviving myself A LOT x_x
I was able to get them by using the tokens (forge sparks) that I found while running around the clockworks. They cost two tokens each. I'm not sure if it was a good idea to use them, but I did, and now I have ... 2 swordstones!
Still need some of those bronze screws to create the Calibur though...
Calibur! Congratulations, you are now five MILLION times stronger, Tier 1 arenas will now cry out your name in pain and crowns will be yours for the taking.
This line made me crack up :D

1. Build friends list and get into an active guild
2. Try your best to get into the second half of a tier (see #1 for hints)
3. Pick armor and weapons based on your favorite route! Or pick a route based on your gear...
A. Shadow Weapons AND Normal+Piercing Defense Gear -> Royal Jelly Palace
B. Elemental Weapons AND Normal+Elemental Defense Gear -> Ironclaw Munitions Factory
C. Divine Gear? Skelly Gear? Well, have fun looking for a Fiends or Undead stratum in Tier 2.
4A. Always ask before paying 10 energy to go down into a boss.
4B. If your party is weak or if someone's leaving before a boss, just suck it up and quit while you're ahead (in energy). Go home and be a family man.
5. When you first reach Tier 2 with your 2-star gear, decide already whether you want to be a Swordie, Gunslinger, Bomber or "hybrid guy with normal damage weapons". Don't switch. It's expensive.
6. If you can trust anyone at all, and they have already learned the recipe for something you need, have them craft it for you.
7. Read first post for more help. :)
Speaking of prices, I made an alt where I won't buy CE with $$ or use outside funding. I was able to auto-buy a calibur for 1,700 cr. I think it can be lower depending on time.
Also, lower material prices are a double-edge sword: you won't make as much money as before from selling mats as before, but on the other hand, mats are cheaper, so it balances out...
I think this person's advice is not very good. His equipment recommendations are sending people on a path of wasting time. Cobalt armor is perhaps one of the most useless sets as it has no buffs compared to other sets that have similar defense.
This is my recommendation.
Sword - Calibur
Shield - Owilite
Helm - Wolver Cap
Armor - Wolver Coat
If you are going to be hitting arenas a lot get the Magic set for elemental protection and an elemental weapon to help against the constructs.
It may well be cheaper and quicker to just buy your 2* gear in the AH. Most 2* items can easily be bought for around 4kCr max and sometimes for much less (caliburs are really cheap). I got my alt 2nd teir clearance for under 9kCr : cutter for 2100cr, wolver cap and coat for around 3kcr and a bristling buckler for tokens doing Snarby runs. You may argue that it's not the most viable set of equipment but it works well enough for tier 1 and early parts of tier 2 and it's cheap enough that I can pick up alternative gear like a calibur, owlite shield and a 2* gun when I have some spare crowns

I suggest brandish or caliber line.
For temporary armor get full combat so you can get more profit.If you want to support the game and need some CE pay three bucks for like 700 CE it's a pretty good deal.

@ddrhazy: If the goal is to get to tier 2 as cheaply and quickly as possible, then it makes sense to buy the cheapest weapons and armor possible. Maybe because Cobalt was cheap when the old guide was written because its recipe is readily accessible. However, veterans now make Wolvers to hunt for good UV, so Wolver set is the cheapest effective 2* armor in the game... for now.
As for owlite, it can be swapped for insanephoton's recommendation, Bristling Buckler, which is essentially free as long as the new player only hits the snarby gate. With a little luck (read: getting 4 tokens once on the boss battle) and joining halfway on Tier 1, it can be had for as little as 90 energy spent.
Calibur is a pretty solid sword, even better for a new player since it's so cheap in the AH now.

Hmm... This is pretty useful! I made a few mistakes mentioned here before (like reviving too many times... orz). And I total didn't know I could pick my route like that before reading this. The arsenal options helped a lot, because I have no idea what stuff to get and how to get the materials for the stuff. Thanks! :D

Great Guide this will help a nooby player like me alot :)
sounds really good. im on my first day with a 2* armor and helm. im getting close to my sword. i just need the CE for it. good guide :D