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As well as LD and BN, I was thinking there should be other games in the Arena like:
Hunter v World (not my idea)
Capture the Flag (a good suggestion)
Crackdown (New to this)
Light v Dark (New to this)
Like Lockdown but control points have special powers:
They can heal knights who have taken over the control point and curse knights who are on the opposing team of the control point's colour.
They can spawn mechs knights and mechs turrets who help the team the control point is on (note that once the control point is taken over and it has spawned mechas, the mechas instantly die).
If a knight walks on a certain type of control point who has low health, the control point would teleport the knight to a safe area if the knight presses a special button on his/her keyboard.
Your old Striker, Recon and Guardian and:
Hence Skydiver, this class can fly up high and dive down at absurd speeds. They can attack enemy skydivers.
Hence Digger, this class can dig underground and pop up in different places (and have spikes underground wherever they travel). Diggers can attack each other.
If you choose this class, you temporarily become Boost's cousin! You are like a Guardian, except your "field" gives allies ATT bonuses, SPD bonuses etc. You also give yourself a short boost.
Yes, you heard it, monsters! These monsters could be swarm monsters and controlled by the computer (i.e. they respawn endlessly and don't offer any heat or crowns). They attack both teams for added gameplay enjoyment.
Light v Dark:
Lockdown - Light v Dark
Light v Dark
Light Lockdown but the control points, if they are taken over by the over team, are invisible to you (except on the map) (neutrals are invisible to everyone).
Lord Vanduke - Only one
Trojans - Up to three
Fire zombies - As many as you want
Gremlin Menders - As many as you want
Snarbolax - Only one
Head Wolver - Up to three
Wolvers - As many as you want
Silkwings - As many as you want