Fate Twister

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Psychodestroyer's picture

Purpose: It can alter the severity of an effect on a weapon. It can go from where it is up to the highest, or down into the negatives.

Can be obatined by:

When applied, it changes the severity of the effect already existing on the gear (includes UVs) to a random degree. So a Wolver Coat with UV Fire resist low could drop to negative fire resist high, or go up to Fire resist high. It's random.

This won't particularly help with anything except allow people to change the severity of the effects of their gear without having to reroll, and maybe some people could put it on the market if they're really bored.



Softhead's picture

Best troll thread ever. Ah, dude copyrighted the name.


Psychodestroyer's picture

Dude, idk what you're on about. This isn't about some random talisman thingy. Idk what that thing even was.

This could change the SK world as we know it.


Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of You Always
Isisdelltion's picture
:D Yersh

This, Psycho, is why us at the forums love you.

Psychodestroyer's picture
Mk-Vl's picture
I had to
Psychodestroyer's picture

I need moar opinions! From GM's mostly cuz their opinion trumps any of you underlings.

But yours count too. To an extent.

[Insert other stuck-up comment here because even pretending to be/talking stuck up makes me feel bad and gives me a headache.]

[0I\/II\/I3I\I75 Plz?

Hexzyle's picture
What is this, I don't even...

What is this, I don't even...

Hexzyle's picture
What is this, I don't even...

What is this, I don't even...

Hexzyle's picture
What is this, I don't even...

What is this, I don't even...

Baodur's picture

Actually I like the idea, I would love to use this on a Faust or something, I mean Chance to curse self Maximum! would be pretty awesome. Or even FoV chance to burn self Maximum! and every time you attack you light on fire! The idea would be fun to mess with. A Trinket with the ability to change the effects of your weapon? That is a good one too, how about a Talisman of Fire or something that makes your weapon cause fire? But if it has to be something already on the weapon, like a UV or something, then what would the necklace say? (This necklace doubles something on your weapon?) Doesn't seem to work like that.

Now that I have wasted all of your time reading this trollish post, I think I'm actually done.

Psychodestroyer's picture
Myg-Mog's picture

I want to use a Calibur (NO! Not even an FoV, just a Calibur!) with Self Combusting powers! It'd be like an icebreaker at crazy Clockworks parties!

Spin spam! *bursts into flames!*

"OH !@#$, you're in fire! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!"

Aw, you know...this newfangled shiny accessory I g-*dies*

Kentard's picture
This suggestion is pure genius.

You heard me. Pure genius.