i am probably one of the many players who had posted a flamethrower idea,but i'm just throwing it out there.
what it would look like: it would look like a arm cannon, but there is a nozzle where all the fire(or frost) is coming out and some other more fancier designs.
branch of the sprayers.
3*- Haze sprayer
desc:Spray those monsters eyes(or entire body, arms, legs, etc.) to death with this break action stun sprayer!
does elemental damage
damage-3-5 per second
4*-Flame sprayer
desc: this modified haze sprayer replaces one unknown substance with another, more flammable substance
does elemental damage
damage-4-6per second
4*-Freeze sprayer
desc: this modified haze sprayer replaces one unknown substance with another, more Freezing substance
does elemental damage
damage: 4-6 per second
4*-Stun Sprayer
desc: a modified haze sprayer had adds more punch that could cause a concussion
does elemental
damage- 5-7 per second
other- stun
5*-Salamander Spewer
desc: made from the spit of a firey salamander, this cannon causes moderate burns even when touching the barrel
does elemental
damage: 7-9 per second
5*-Tundralisk Thrower
desc: made from the spit of a frosty tundralisk, this causes frostbit from just touching the barrel
does elemental
damage- 7-9 per second
5*- Tickle Trinkle
desc: a modified stun sprayer make monsters feel like they just got crushed by a Trigslav
does elemental
damage-9-11 per second
other: stun
5*(shadow damage)
5* Firebrander torch
Desc: this once burning factory flame sprayer was enchanted by firebrander devilites to create is cannon that shoots shadow fire from firestorm Citadel
does: shadow
damage: 8-10 per second
other: fire
5* layoafer icebox
desc: enchanted by layoafers devilites in Moorcraft manor makes this freeze sprayer shoot frost jell from the ice queen's jelly palace.
does shadow
damage: 8-10 per second
other: freeze
5* Overtimer whip
desc: enchanted by pit bosses to punish their devlite workers, this dark haze sprayer can make monsters wince by just looking at it
does shadow
damage: 10-12 second
other: stun
5*(shadow lair/elite)
5* Tempest Tantrum
desc: a gremlin modified flame sprayer gives anyone caught on the other end a 'shocking dissapointment'
does elemental
damage: 9-11
other: shock
Branched from: Flame sprayer
these could be classified as a new weapon or under the gun's catalog.
future nub readers Q&As
Q What happen to CTR and ASI UV's
A Well we can remove CTR uv in flamethrowers like bombs remove ASI, and ASI would be a more damage in a second, mabey like with a medium ASI UV, from 1 second per damage, its reduced to ~.90 second per damage(just an example so you get the message)
Q it looks weak
A although it looks weak these sprayers shoot by dps, not by a bullet
Q these need to reload but how?
A there should be a HUD bar above the health bar that show how much juice is in there before reloading
Q how would this sprayer work?
A you just hold in the attack button and you would get a recoiled knockback from the initial burst then your enemy would be showered in flame/frost before reloading(look up a question)
Q how long would the spray last?
A OOO decision, not mine
Q will you still move while using flamethrower?
A yes, but its reduce to 50% speed reduction
Q is there a charge attack?
A no, its a hold attack button type weapon
Q dude it should like a gremlin scorche flamethrower
A then how should me were back accessories?
Q Jim-Dale says...
Q dude you shuld start at 2* cuz 3* is too muc dud 200 CE dud, i dont hav enough ce to craft it dud
A really?
any thoughts?
well anybody?