Hi there, my name is Soral and I enjoy the hell out of fine business suits. That's pretty much the entire reason for this topic. The only other disclaimers for this is that this armor operates under the preconception of it being token rewards from an obviously yet to be developed Devilite boss which obviously would require more effort than the armor itself to implement. Also, while stats for the sets themselves will be outlined, the primary point is to make suggestions on the visual designs themselves. That said, allow me to proceed to the actual outline of the armor itself.
- 3 Star
- Helmet: Dingy Derby
Stats: Normal/Shadow defense, Global ASI Low, MSI Low
Description/Appearance: "A dull, weathered looking hat that is likely to have more monetary value than its wearer makes in the typical work week."
My general picture of this item is a typical, likely violet (to match the color of the fodder tier devilites), fedora, perhaps with a prismatic rim to suit the player's personal color.
Armor: Dingy Daywear
Stats: Normal/Shadow defense, Global ASI Low, MSI Low
Description/Appearance: "This uniform, while providing solid performance enhancements, certainly paints its wearer as not much more than a working class stiff."
This I imagine as sort of a tattered and coffee stained suit, not all that great looking. Standard fodder devilite again as my color suggestion here, with a prismatic tie and a white undershirt (which would remain the constants throughout the upgrades).
- 4 Star
- Helmet: Spiteful Fedora
Stats: Normal/Shadow defense, Global ASI Low, MSI Low
Description/Appearance: "A finely tailored hat that is both stylish, and ideal for head protection in conflicts with unruly employees."
A less tattered and finer looking version of the 3 star helmet, perhaps in the color of the Yesmen Devilites to signify the midling position of it in the upgrade tree.
Armor: Spiteful Suit
Stats: Normal/Shadow defense, Global ASI Low, MSI Low
Description/Appearance: "A classy suit that clearly is maintained by someone who can afford professional dry cleaning."
Here would basically be a more cleaned up version of the 3 star armor, again in the color of the Yesmen and with the prismatic tie.
- 5 Star
- Helmet: Fiendish Fedora
Stats: Normal/Shadow defense, Global ASI Low, MSI Low
Description/Appearance: "Only the most stubborn executives can handle the power that comes with this magnificent headwear. To climb this far up the corporate ladder and stay at the top, you need a hard head, and a harder hat."
A fine, pure black/midnight fedora with of course, the prismatic rim. Truly, the classiest of all hats.
Armor: Fiendish Formalwear
Stats: Normal/Shadow defense, Global ASI Low, MSI Low
Description/Appearance: "Made from the finest Griever silks, this is the creme de la creme of style, and displays of corporate power. You'll feel AND look superior when you're telling your secretary to fire that broken cog down in accounting."
And this would be the ultimate evolution of this glorious attire. A black/midnight colored suit (perhaps with optional dark gray pinstripes), a white undershirt, and of course maintaining the prismatic tie. Also, an aura accessory slot for this armor would be ideal.
And that's my outline. Thank you for reading, and if you're a dev reading this, I hope you consider passing this concept along to your art guy :)
Love it. Suit +1 Nuff said.