Good Ways to gain money (Crowns)

36 replies [Last post]
Spikepk's picture

Like the title says, What are some good ways to gain crowns

I know one way, to sell really good mats (or rare items)

Any other ways?

King-Tinkinzar's picture
Royal Jelly run. I rake in at

Royal Jelly run. I rake in at least 10k every time... IF I go with a group of 3-4

Green-Lantern much do you much do you make if you go duo instead of 3-4? why is it less

Legacy Username
reselling popular recipes for

reselling popular recipes for fun and profit, second half of T2, and the usual mats/crafts/items market.

Negimasonic's picture
1. Add a lot of friends

1. Add a lot of friends AND/OR Join a guild
2. Look on your social tab for anyone in the second half of a Tier. More specifically someone on D14, D15,D16 of Jelly King
3. Drop in on their party
4. Kill and Profit
5. Add anyone in the party who seemed a little competent
6. Repeat

You MAY consider skipping Jelly King himself. Most of the direct profit of those stages comes from the levels before him. And any deaths you take while there will actually cost you money (in energy). Also, this doesn't have to apply to just jelly king, stages you know where there are more arenas, graveyards, etc, you could be on the lookout for those and other things.

This is a good way of having fun while earning money, and maybe, just maybe, making forming a bond with 1 out of every 20 people you work with. This is a social game after all.

Metaknight's picture
yeah i did some jelly king

yeah i did some jelly king runs last night minus the king himself, and i was making 7-8k by myself. which I can also make on a good Tier 1 run, so I hope thats a bad Tier 2 run :)

Legacy Username
I agree most especially with

I agree most especially with NegimaSonic's point #1. Having friends and guildmates helps a lot. Being able to skip to lower levels really accelerates your income generation, since way more coins and nice mats drop on the lower levels. You can easily profit solo, but it takes longer.

Negimasonic's picture
yeah, I mostly go for JK but

yeah, I mostly go for JK but sometimes I've gotta question how smart that is, I usually work with awesome people so I almost always win, but I almost always die at least once, sometimes twice.

So in the worst case scenario, that means 10 energy for entry and 15 energy for revives. A total of 25 energy which is worth about 1100 (if prices haven't risen since Friday). Or on my best day, 10 energy for entry (440 cr). I don't think you pull out more than 1000 directly from fighting him (if that much). The main profits from JK is potential money. I'd say from upgrading and selling the items earned from those tokens, but I don't have the recipes to milk that lol...

Legacy Username
I get bored with jelly king

I get bored with jelly king sometimes .... it's really more about getting the jelly tokens for me than it is the lucrative nature of mutliple slime drops.

Try shaking it up by also targeting treasure rooms, arenas (never take the first elevator you come to unless you're worried about surviving), and .... always ALWAYS open danger rooms if you're sure you can survive. Counting in all the materials you earn just killing everything, in addition to the coins (and the guaranteed one or two tokens, besides), it more than pays for the three energy you invested. If you have trouble with them, put down the sword and stop diving into the fray, and invest in a good bomb to kite with.

Seriously, 3 energy is about 120 crowns at the going market price. You'll make that back with your first couple of shard drops. Being cheap and miserly with your energy only makes sense if you don't actually stand to make more than its value by spending it. Let me repeat it just to make sure nothing is lost on the TL;DR crowd:

UNLESS SURVIVAL IS AN ISSUE, IT IS ALWAYS WORTH IT TO OPEN DANGER ROOMS AND ADVANCE TO THE END OF THE ARENAS, FOLKS. Haha, some of the people I've seen that are so reluctant to do frustrates me. -_-;

Also, I know it can be boring and a real drag sometimes, but try to spend 15-30 minutes between each tier run just trying to dump some of your more abundant materials on the market. If things just won't move, undercut until they do .... patience is for people with more time than you, haha. You should be making far more crowns on loot than you are on .... well, crowns .... from your adventures in the clockworks.

Legacy Username
I did a danger room recently

I did a danger room recently and was surprised to find it was easier than I had anticipated. I notice as well that the chests at the end seem very likely to drop high quality materials, in addition to the heart boxes.

I will be doing Danger Rooms more frequently now.

Negimasonic's picture
well they did change a few

well they did change a few things about the danger rooms with some recent updates, the heart boxes at the end are new, and they've modified some of the traps in them.

Not saying its easier for me, but those modifications can help.

Metaknight's picture
i said it in another thread,

i said it in another thread, i dont think ive done one since the update, but i dont really want heart boxes in the rewards room after the danger room. before it was like all red chests. if that means they traded some for heart chests, im getting less loot for more health. which i dont always really need, at least in the lower tiers.

Negimasonic's picture
oh...I think it was the same

oh...I think it was the same amount of treasure boxes, they just threw a few hearts on in the back, but I can't remember. I only did one since the update. It was the kind that was filled with four mini areas of floor spikes(which themselves are actually areas of four).

But unless they still have the old kind, the grid for that has changed slightly.
It used to be

Now its like:
[shock tile][----spike---]
[--spikes--][free space]
(relevative to what part you're standing on, this would be the upper left corner). I think the shock tiles aren't always "charged" though. I dunno. I never stepped on one.

Legacy Username
No treasure box placement was

No treasure box placement was sacrificed -- they've just added exactly six (three for each back corner) heart boxes behind the existing six treasure boxes. To be honest, though, aside from the tokens, most of the profitability in danger rooms come from the drops you get by clearing them out. The treasure boxes in the back are little more than icing, really. :)

I'll say it a third time: never pass a danger room gate out of impatience or fear of spending three energy. Only do so when you don't think you could clear it without dying.

Negimasonic's picture
The last part being the

The last part being the reason I skip them >.>

Metaknight's picture
yeah man i got murdered in a

yeah man i got murdered in a poison danger room the other day in tier 2. won't be making that mistake again. poison lichens shooting poison darts all over, it was a disaster. but i am usually down for any other one

my arena policy is similar. the gun puppies in the third room can be brutal, so i may bow out early depending on the depth and the status they inflict

Negimasonic's picture
lol, I don't even remember

lol, I don't even remember what danger room I was in, heck, it might've been a mostly normal danger room (sans the traps I described), but somehow two giant lichens managed to was a party wipe practically but one guy kept it going for a long time so when I gave in and revived, we finished easily...I also felt embarassed that I threw a random vial at one and I killed it. That was...anticlimatic. Like popping a bubble

Hazel's picture
I'll do all of any arena

I'll do all of any arena except deep T3 freeze and poison arenas.

Just awful.

Legacy Username
@NegimaSonic The last part


The last part being the reason I skip them >.>

Oh, I know. That wasn't really directed at you, per se, so much as it was the concern of djbiznatch's that some of the treasure boxes may have been swapped out for heart boxes.

I also just wanted to say it again just in a public sort of way, as I keep running into people who just can't seem to grasp the idea that three points of energy is not more valuable than a guaranteed 1-3 tokens, bucketloads of heat, a few hundred crowns, and more loot than they can shake a stick at.

Negimasonic's picture
oh but that wasn't the last

oh but that wasn't the last part I was talking about..this was
Only do so when you don't think you could clear it without dying.

XD Sure that wasn't directed at me but its still true

Negimasonic's picture
Well I see you made a thread

Well I see you made a thread about it, but doesn't look like anyone took you seriously, so I'll answer here with one of the things people did say, always check the wiki first, chances are, the information is there. A lot of people get tired of the same questions when they are publicly available.

Here's the exact page:

Now that doesn't tell you "where" it is. But I can't answer that for you because he's always in one of the four gates every week. Unfortunately, I can't get on right now and the gate he was last in, should be gone for now. So you'll have to ask in game or look at all of the gates under Tier 2 for the gate with a lot of single path levels that say stuff about "Royal Jelly Palace". He lives on the last one of those levels.

As far as a personal strategy from me? I can't tell ya either. I have probably done about 20 fights against him (with people) and lost only three times, but it was just because the others were good battlers and I just knew the most important thing to do is to hack and slash.

The general strategy is to ignore the smaller jellies that spawn when you can and hit the jelly king with poison vials (and whatever else you have) while beating on him with normal attacks. If you have a teammate with a poison weapon, this is even better, but its not impossible to beat him without that. I like to start the fight by dropping a freezing atomizer where he and the mini jellies spawn before I step on the party button, it can help make a path around them but I don't think this is something everyone can do so I won't suggest you expect that.

Oh and don't die AT ALL before you get to him. If you die, make your teammates revive you. Because you may and probably will die in the fight against him, and your teammates wont have the time to save you, its more important this time to just revive and continue the fight. That's why your first revive should still be at the default 5 for best things. Try not to revive past the 10 point. If your party can't beat him after a 10 revive, give up and go home.

Further strategies are in this thread:
But keep in mind that it was made before they made the jelly king a little easier to beat so some of the must have equipment really isn't necessary.

EDIT: I got ninja'd a bit...

I would say don't revive

I would say don't revive after 20 because then after that it's 40 and that's' just NO.

Legacy Username
When it's 10 energy to

When it's 10 energy to revive, you're looking at the value of finishing the tier versus starting over. Unless it's right before Jelly King and you place the value of those jelly tokens over the value of running another full level, you ought to quit before you spend the 10 energy to revive.

If you're spending 20 energy to revive for anything other than Vanaduke you're kind of wasting your energy. Really wasting it.

Legacy Username
I don't think it's

I don't think it's necessarily bad to revive at 10 energy if you're after the halfway point but before the last floor of your tier. The second half of the run is much more profitable than the first half. Obviously before you revive you should closely consider if you can actually progress further in the state you are currently in or if reviving is more likely to just end in another death shortly thereafter.

Legacy Username
this method requires you

this method requires you already have 4000-ish crowns (maybe less or more depending on energy prices) place an offer to buy energy then place an offer to sell energy for enough that you make money. repeat many times (keep in mind that when you sell energy you pay 2% as a fee) for example:
i just bought 100 ce for 3900 then sold it for 4080 and made 98 crowns while watching TV. see easy but if you want to make alot it takes a long time

Pawn's picture
lol good method

@ superbanana, there is a whole thread discussing this and it's morality vs terms of agreement, jump in and be heard!!!

Fraxur's picture
Arenas and Bosses give you

Arenas and Bosses give you lots of money.

Legacy Username
I love necroposting

In my personal experience, Snarbolax runs have not been profitable. Most of my runs have been from floor 0, which probably brings down the average a lot.

Also, it's probably been mentioned elsewhere on the forums, but I didn't see it repeated here: buying the 3* jelly armor pieces with tokens then selling them to a vendor gives you some extra crowns every 5th jelly run or so. There's also a good chance of getting normal tokens (usually primal sparks) from the red boxes in the prize room after beating the Royal Jelly.

Soulstaker's picture
One strategy

Royal jelly king runs are profitable if you do the danger rooms and bonuses u can get like 6k-8k crowns.btw your only offensive plan that's good is hit hit and then shield bash the jellys


I was surprised to c how many people posted on the Jelly King and not the Twins. I have noticed that doing a single twin run solo can bring 7-10K. In a group setting the profit drops slightly to 6-8k. In addition to that the rewards from the tokens you get from beating the boss seem to sell faster and in the recent months, in higher quantity. I personally recommend doing a Twin run over a JK run in terms of gaining cr. If your goal is to gain heat, I would choose Jelly King.

Timewalker's picture
Sure Senferno, it's a really

Sure Senferno, it's a really old thread. All posts before Soulstaker were when the Roarmulus Twins weren't released.
Also at the release, the Twins gave significantly less Crowns than how it's now.

Kickthebucket's picture
i still don't get who the

i still don't get who the hell would buy boss items???? i mean do a couple of damn runs :s (i did a couple of RJ runs to get both gran faust and the divine avenger) so in first you EARN money doing a run for the items you want (instead of paying CE to unbind it)

and i always look for something with 2 or 3 arena's in 2nd stratum (kaching)

Guarder's picture
jelly king runs honestly he

jelly king runs honestly he isn't that hard... i can solo him and you can just leave b4 u fight him anyways.

[edit] also invest in a elevator pass I don't was any ce on jelly runs and make all profit. if you do missions look for one that gives you a good amount of profit. calculate the unit price of CE lets say the current price of CE is 7000crns for 100ce the unit price is about 70crns for 1ce and 700 crns for 10 ce if you go down 2 floors w/o dying you loose 1400crns make sure you make more than this because you could just be loosing moneys.

Fallenhope's picture
can't people like you stop

can't people like you stop necro'ing?

but what if...

but what if your to noob to solo bosses i mean i cant solo jk or the rt's so does somebody has advice for me?

Traevelliath's picture
It's a record!

I think we just set a new record for the most people jumping on a dead horse in hopes its twitching corpse will provide some entertainment!

and by that I mean this thread has been Necro'd 5 times and it isn't even two pages yet...

Coatl's picture
