So basically gremlins are playable as well as knights. A new faction. Below is my huge explanation in HOW I make this happen.
We alter the mechanics of the gremlins (obviously, we are not NPC thwackers here) by making them almost identical to knights. Swords and stuff remain identical in how they work, gremlins are shaped enough like knights to a point that it would not be awkward.
Gremlins have a different version of armor for every version of knight armor. For example, Azure Guardian armor -> A more gremlin-fitting armor with identical stats. Divine armor -> A MUCH more gremlin-fitting armor with identical stats. Gunslinger line -> A much more gremlin-fitting (not cowboy) version of it with identical stats. Etc etc etc etc goes on for every armor.
Basically, the above two paragraphs explain how gremlins are going to work identical to knights (just look different). This way, PvP / PvE would not be different wether you are a gremlin or a knight. We need to keep the mechanics the same for a reason.
So obviously, with these 2 missions that we have, knights hate gremlins and gremlins hate knights. The gremlins are fightin with Seerus / Tinkinzar / whoever the heck is the gremlin leader dudes. The knights have Feron etc etc. So it makes RP sense.
Now, we cannot have gremlins start at the same place that knights do. If they started out in the rescue camp, that'd be weird. Gremlins instead start out in a level that is in the deepest depths of the clockworks. As knights go from rescue camp -> Haven, gremlins will go from one level to another when they start out. The gremlin "Haven" will have the same exact features of knight/original Haven but look different of course (especially because it is deep in the clockworks).
As knights go from depth 0 -29, gremlins go from depth 29 - 0. Now let's talk about how the clockworks will be different for gremlins.
Gremlins "created the constructs" and all, but some of the RP-text that they will get in their missions explains how they are to fight the malfunctioning, bad constructs that are not worthy to fight among the gremlins (mecha knights that shock themselves fit this description). Abandoned constructs, basically. Possibly reprogrammed by knights?
The Project Roarmulus will obviously be much different for gremlins. I see it as Seerus sending gremlins on a mission to correct the biggest malfunction in all of gremlin's bad abandoned constructs. "Little do knights know, we are opening the gates to the project roarmulus simply for them to kill our malfunctioned, failed plan to destroy Haven that went totally wrong. *Gremlin laugh* how clever of us". Of course, Gremlins will be killing the roarm twins as well for the reason of both factions sharing the roarmulus twins encounter. This is how we explain why the gremlins are fighting their own creation. There will be gremlin bodies scattered for the gremlin version of IMF to make it make more sense.
And of course, Gremlin thwackers / menders / demos / fire dudes will not exist for the gremlin faction to face in their journey from depth 29 to the surface. Instead, they will be going against knight counterparts. Knight "thwackers" (obviously renamed) will not use the same weapon as gremlin thwackers or have the same mechanics. Just be similar to them. They will wield cobalt line armor, depending on the tier. Then, I vision them with a heavy sword. Knight "menders" (I vision them being called "medics") will heal other knights. The armor they wear is in the magic line, depending on tier (finishing at Divine armor for tier 3 Knight Medics). Knight "demos" (possibly same name?) will easily be identical bombers that drop different looking bombs. They wear demo gear, depending on tier. And for knockers, we would have to have a different substitute.
The Core level for gremlins will be called The "Surface". Instead of approaching knights at the core working on opening it, the Gremlins are at the surface building some constructs to take out Haven. Of course, the "Surface" will be just as boring as the core. The whole RP of reaching "The Surface" for the gremlin faction is to bring more supplies to the gremlins that are building the constructs to take out Haven.
Firelight and Moorcroft Manor are both knight / gremlin neutral. They aren't sided with either, and we can repeat them for the gremlin faction.
The missions for gremlins will be identical, just changed up RP for the missions that include gremlins / constructs (RP changed in a way I stated above).
Royal Jelly Palace and Firestorm Citadel will be awkwardly shifted around for the gremlin faction, FSC towards the surface and Royal Jelly Palace deeper in. Just don't tell the knights about this and they will never know about this awkward change.
Obviously, elevators go up and not down.
Gremlins and Knights DO NOT interact with eachother, except for Lockdown. Lockdown is mostly gremlins against knights, but so que times are not stupid, gremlins and knights can be mercenaries and on the same team. The issue with this idea is that we would require many more people to play this game for a stable Gremlin economy.
I'll edit OP to add things that make more sense later. For now, post what you think :) This is something that will never be implemented BUT WE CAN ALWAYS FANTASIZE!!! xD Though if they did implement this, I would pour in money like there is no tomorrow.
So let's say gremlins DO destroy Haven. Here is my suggestion for that one
You, sir, or ma'am, deserve a job with Three Rings. If ever implemented, I would see it that gremlins would have different armor, but smaller forms of the same weapons. Just what I think. OR, entirely different weapons, like the recon gremlins buzzsaws. Now THAT would be fun to use... a two-hit slash combo, with the charge being a heavy toss... Pure genius, man.