My suggestion is to let players have an option when they make a new character or create their first character, to be able to choose between Knight, Emberlite, Or Great Colony Gremlin.
Great Colony Gremlins
For Great Colony Gremlins, The Great Colony will function as their Haven. These Gremlins goal are to maintain the clockworks and struggle to Haven to kill the knights. When they get to Haven, the last elevator wont work for them, thus they must leave just like the knights do when they reach the core. The Gremlins tier system will function differently, it will start at the area around the core being Tier 1, and going upward, making the area closest to the Arcade Tier 3. Gremlin Tier Chart The core, that the knights see isn't the actual core, its just the outer core. Inside the outer core is the Great colony. At the middle of the colony is the Actual core that radiates Energy. The entire Gremlin colony is powered by it. The colony has lights that glow with the energy blue color. Tinkinzar's Castle surrounds the energy core and limits common gremlins from getting to it. So basically the core is still sealed. The gremlins will have an auction house too, but the Gremlin and Knight Auctions don't mix. Only the material auctions and Usable auctions can mix. The gremlins will have unique armors and weapons too. Heres a monster family chart for the enemies the gremlins will meet in the clockworks, Monster Chart . The gremlins armor the knights see are default basically, the armor they wear are like the Cobalt/Calibur lines to the knights. That being said in the clockworks the gremlins will see knights wearing Cobalt line and using calibur line. The gremlins don't have to fight Slimes and Devilites because the Gremlins have an alliance with them. There should be a PVP game called Gremlin Arena or something, where real Player knights can fight real player gremlins. When knights get informed about updates and whatnot, they get it from Spiral HQ. Gremlins will get it from the Crimson Order. The subtowns before Tier 2 will be the Royal Jelly Palace, and before T3, is the Devilite Offices. The Devilites offices is where the Mewkat's Dark Ritual is supposed to take it.
Emberlite Gremlins
They will start in Emberlight, that being like their haven. Their Tier system is a bit messed up. The area above Emberlight is Their Tier 1. The area right below Haven is their Tier 2 and once they get to Haven, they jump on an elevator that takes them back to Emberlight. If they have Tier 3 clearance, they can jump on the Tier 3 elevator that takes them to Tier 3. Emberlite Tier Map . Subtown before Tier 2 will be Moorcroft Manor. subtown before Tier 3 will be Haven and Emberlight. Their enemies will be the same as the Knights and their armor more or less will be similar to the Great Colony Gremlin's armor.
All I ask in return for my ideas is the name Gremlic reserved for my gremlin character
Why are some people so obsessed with gremlins? Even after Crimson Hammer people are still requesting more gremlin weapons and armour, and this isn't the first thread I've seen requesting playable gremlins (although this one is certainly the most ambitious. I mean, can you fathom how much you're asking for here?)