If you were to ask any of my coworkers they'd all tell you that I love to read a good story. Unfortunately my incredibly small attention span makes this difficult. I need your help to entertain me before I'm distracted by something shiny. So for this event each of you will submit a microfiction story that either takes place with in the Spiral Knights world, or is about Spiral Knights.
What is microfiction?
A microfiction story (also known as Nanofiction or 55 Fiction) is one that follows a few specific guidelines:
It has exactly 55 words.
It may have a title of up to 7 words that don't count towards your 55 word fiction.
It must have character(s).
It must have a plot with conflict, climax, and resolution.
Deadline: Deadline for entries is 7/2 at 11:59 PM game time.
Entry Thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/57277
Prizes: There will be 3 winners who will each be able to pick between a 30 day elevator pass or a pocket monster (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, and Mewkat ).
Submission Guidelines:
- Create an SK inspired story that is exactly 55 words long.
- Different programs count words differently. I will be using a free tool that anyone can use to count the words. In order to be sure you meet the requirements, you'll need to double check that your story is EXACTLY 55 words long using this word counter: http://www.wordcountertool.com/
- Give your story a title that is no more than 7 words long.
- Post your entry in the entry thread. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/57277
- Your entry should follow the template below:
Title of the story
by Knight Name
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass or specify which pocket monster you want (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, or Mewkat).
The body of your story
Q: What word counter will you use because sometimes they end up with a different number.
A: For the sake of this contest and consistency, I'm going to use this one here: http://www.wordcountertool.com/
Q: How many times may I enter?
A: Once per person.
Q: Does my knight name or my prize preferences count towards the word limit?
A: No.
One question:
Does a hyphenated word count as one or two?