Introduction (can be skipped)
Lately I have come to think that it really doens't matter to much what bugs there are or what things need to be balanced. As time passes you see ever less fixes or changes on items the people would want to have changed. So if nothing is moving in that department, why not clog the suggestion forum with something that might actually appeal to OOO? And with "appeal" I mean hard cash making items that need absolutly no balancing and are purely aesthetic.
And I think we all agree that everything is better than those fugly reskins where you paint something green and call it "hunter".
The Origin
While playing I have had more than once the privileg of watching my little knight shake his hips as he walked up the screen. And while seeing him, rocking his body like he had soiled his pants, I thought to my self: What the hell?
Then, at times, I use a sword. I charge, the knight hiding his sword under his arm, I release and he? He takes the sword from under his arm, moves it over his shoulder and attackes overhead. ... Overly complicated, don't you think?
The Idea
Until now you have no idea, what I actually want to suggest but I guess you can imagine, what I am going for.
The item(s) could be applied to the armor to change the players stance when wearing it. Walking, how you hold your weapon, maybe even how you charge your weapon. A possible example that came to mind rather quickly, given that OOO is owned by Sega, were fleeting steps like Shadow the Hedgehog, just to give a general idea. Or imagine to walk like a ninja with quick, narrow steps. Goodness, that sounds awfully cheesy. Maybe, just for the lulz, walking like a little girl, skipping steps. To add up on the Heavenly and Infernal promo of late, how about levitating? That would sell.
To charge your weapon, regardless of sword or gun, hold it straight above your head to be extra flashy.
Maybe strike a less comical death pose?
Is it manageable?
In fact, this question gave me no struggle, as it would be no problem for the combat. The knight frame (haha, see what I did there?) exists outside of the world we play in. What we actually play with is nothing but a mere Hitbox that interacts with walls, hits and objects. You can observe that best when you play Battle Network. Try walking along a wall and see how well that works for you. Also, for all non-BN players, you might as well have noticed that your character never actually reacts on his surroundings. Going up the stairs, being hit or hitting a wall. No reaction.
So all this item would change is the model within the box, minimizing the necessary programming work. Also, lifting objects could stay the same, because what would you want to change about that?
Constructive criticism is encouraged, approval would be nice, too. Everything else I can not prevent, so why even bother trying.
A new stance would be a good idea, but I'd hate to see this end up in CE purchases and having RF's sell it at blown out prices in the Auction House. If it were me: keep it free for players and be able to change it at will.