Triple max giveaway contest is over .... read my post no. 192

328 replies [Last post]
Laylla's picture

I failed so badly to sell my triple triple max UV'ed skolver cap but I desperately want to get rid of it! (I swear this item is cursed; it attracts stalkers, beggars, licking dogs, etc.)
I don't care about it anymore, so you can take it off my hands for free… BUT you must first test your investigating skills so... let's play a game!

I said hey?! What's going on?

All you need to do is to find my alt and send him a mail saying:

"I know you're Laylla's alt. I won't ease your worried mind."

If you happen to find the victim, Laylla will mail you the skolver cap.

As there are more than 2 SK characters on this planet, I am giving you a bunch of helpful hints:

- My alt is 5*
- He wears the same costume everyday (although he tries to keep it clean) with fewer than 3 accessories attached.
- He is a member of one of the major, Spiral Knights guilds (he's not spy. In fact, he's a very dedicated member and he truly loves his guild)
- He uses the trade chat, plays Lockdown, and sometimes watches you when you sleep.
- He's afk for most of the time.
- Useless hint #1: "When Laylla disconnects, he disconnectes too"
- Useless hint #2 "He has exactly the same sense of humor as Laylla" (most people find it weird)
- Useless hint #3 "It is illegal to dress up as Batman in Australia."

Note that my alt will never reveal or confirm his identity (It's Laylla who'll respond to you)
Moreover, he has never done it before. It's pointless to ask him about it as he'll probably just ignore the message (he's weird I know).
And also, if somebody tells you that he's the ONE, he's obviously a lying troll.

There's a small chance that nobody will succeed to find him within next 2 weeks (oh no!). In that case, I will put the cursed cap into the auction house with a starting bid of 69 crowns.

And no, this is not another thread about rolling UVs, making money, AA whining, quitting SK (for the 69th time), baking poisoned cookies, yellow guy from gangnam style etc. You can use this thread to ask me some additional questions, although using a strong sense of humor is advised (or else I'll unleash my ponies' wrath upon you).

I am planning to retire and I don't really care that much about money anymore. If I could turn back time, I would throw all my UV tickets into the air.

Good luck!

PS: My alt doesn't belong to my guild - Dark Guardians

The-Pecan's picture
It's ok dogs u can lick the skolver cap I'm about to win

I'm not gonna ask the heavens y u r giving a 3uv solver cap away but anyway since I'm ur long time frenemy I'll take it off ur hands
Question: wat hat does it have and is it a boy or girl?

Aplauses's picture
Investigation begin.

I will try to find out your alt.

Generic-Bush's picture

It's Aplauses, Seize him!

Kimahsonite's picture
What helmet does he wear? And

What helmet does he wear? And is the clue that he sometimes watches me sleep actually helpful?

Xcelestialneon's picture


Midnight-Wing's picture

is it a Lockdown guild?

Alynn's picture

Can you at least give us how many characters are in your alts name?

Acerx's picture
ripping out hair atm.......

Can we at least know the personal color?

Drarken's picture
no life much? :P

I dont believe anyone has no life enough to have a 5 star alt. Maybe this might be fake and the OP really doesnt have a 5 star alt, but who knows, some people have all the time in the world to forget real life and live in SK :3

But wow, a 5 star alt AND giving away a Skolver Triple Max for free? Looks like the OP spends a LOT of time and money on this game O.O

Laylla's picture

@Xtreme: I believe he has the same gender as me
@Xcelest: lol 2.0
@Midnight: What's Lockdown guild?
@Alynn: less than 10
@Acer: we both know I hate yellow, its not yellow for sure
@Mtdals: This thread is not about money. But everyday various ppl leave SK, if you know how to find them, you may get free stuff legally and easily.

Hungran's picture
dum dee dum dum?

dum dee dum dum?

Xairathan's picture

What line of armor does the alt wear? (i.e. Wolver, Drake. Nothing blatant)

Ghostly-Gunner's picture

So this is why someone mailed me saying what was supposed to be said above, was wondering why...

Laylla's picture

@Xai: Its mixed
Ghostly: I dont know why suddenly I started laughing :D

Lightyourfire's picture
Oh god...

I think I might know who, but I don't believe it!

Upgrayeedd's picture
free pie? :D

Based on what a friend of mine told me about the OP long ago, I think there's a hidden purpose of this thread besides advertising the triple max skolver. In fact, its actually a bad attempt to "prove" that she is "F2P" lol nice try

- Tries to show that she has a "merchant alt" (most likely made up, but if true has no life since who would have all the time and money in the world to make a 5 star just to merchant?). She even tries to explain why her "merchant alt" isnt seen or heard from by saying it "goes AFK a lot". lol
- Tries to show that the OP "doesnt have money" (instead of writing Tripl Max Poison + Stun + Shadow, She tries to link a picture so we can see the 0 ce + cr.) Why bother linking a pic? :) BTW, the money is on a noob alt.
- Tries to show that she uses UV tickets "instead" of punching (dont know how this would help her case, because UV tickets are not free and u must buy them from merchants for roughly same price as Punch or comes with real money promo purchase :)

Y she tries so hard? :3 Nice try, but she's still P2P :)

I also think the OP is retiring either because:

- Some key pro players (that she tried hard to keep) in her guild left, and more are thinking about leaving. :3
- OP finally found a life and is tired of playing this game everyday, full-time (wait a minute...if she plays full time, where does she get the time to merchant with an alt?) :3

ANYWAY, FREE triple max skolver huh? Count me in ^__^

Bella-Donna's picture
*hugs then yells in your ear* CALLAHAN!!i!

I kinda feel your pain... My Snarby with max fire, max shock and med poison gets a lot of attention... If Someone doesn't win it, would you consider donating it to Aveond? He has give away for noobs that sinks a lot of his crowns and due to it he is not even 5* yet. Other than that, if I gout it I would do reroll that poison one :/ poison is just a nuisance, not a threat IMO. Anyways good luck to all and gimme your hugs! XD


Bigfootm's picture
What Dark Ritual?

licking dogs

Well, now I'd want to buy it. May as well go ahead and try to win this though, will have a low chance because of the difference in our timezones.

Anyway, just in advance, Good luck to everyone, and congrats to the winner.

Also, does it attract Njthug's?

Edit: Damn, I think I know who it is actually. If nobody gets it within the time frame, I'll send ya a message, gonna see if anyone else gets it first. (As much as I want licking dogs following me, I'd rarely use that unless it had shock as well.)


Has the person's name been mentioned in this thread?

Skenderbeu's picture

@Lightyourfire I'll ask for you, just tell me the name XD.

@Aget I don't think you know what you're talking about Laylla says nothing about proving antyhing and also you can't buy UV Tickets on AH. You should be happy that someone would even do such a thing. So you should be looking for Laylla's alt and leave the consperacies alone.

Upgrayeedd's picture

@skender yup, already started lookin for that alt <3

"says nothing about proving antyhing" Duh! thats why i said hidden purpose. If you knew what me and a group of people that know Laylla are thinking, you'd understand :)

triple max here we come!

Wodanct's picture
I'm glad I keep full inspect

I'm glad I keep full inspect off so people can't see my Very High ASI/Very High CTR/Med Con Voltedge.

Emperor-Shawarma's picture
generous p2p players ftw!

Epic gear for free? OMG im soo in.

"I'm glad I keep full inspect off so people can't see my Very High ASI/Very High CTR/Med Con Voltedge."

You'd put full inspect off so people wont see ur stuff....but yet post you have these things on a public forum?

u stupid?

Logopathos's picture

Hm... I obviously can't say for sure that you are an alt of a particular player that was kicked/removed from our guild one way or another, but Dark Guardians doesn't have to have "pros" to be a good guild. Being a notable guild goes beyond Lockdown fame.
There are Lockdown guilds, and there are non-Lockdown guilds. There are some that are a combination. All of those "styles" of guilds are good at their core. /shrug
The central thing about Dark Guardians is being loyal, talkative, and fun-loving. Not having Lockdown skill. Guilds can easily survive without being purely Lockdown oriented.

Be nice to my Guild Master. F2P or P2P? "Pros" that are only there because of your "friend?" Honestly, what does it matter?

/end rant
Back on topic! Regarding the Skolver cap, good luck, everyone. You too, "Aget." :) May the best and/or lucky player win! :D

Shoebox's picture

unleash my ponies

You can keep your dirty UVs.

Upgrayeedd's picture

Logopathos: what you ranting about? I believe i never mentioned Lockdown here. O.o

Wodanct's picture

@Phantom-Vladimir - No, personally I don't care if people know I have it and I have posted it before. I was making a rhetorical reply to this topic about the OP being bothered because of the UVs he/she had when they could just keep full inspect off. Not my problem you made an aggressive reply trying to act intelligent or troll.

Laylla's picture
free hugs!

@Lightyourfire: Come on baby, light my fire!

@Aget (aka Jay-Zz) Either you didn't receive much love in your life or had some traumatic experiences, and this are reasons for you raging and harassing people on forums and in game (and not only). This won't ease your pain, you'd better look for some professional help instead and please stop spamming my thread (which is used for asking questions about my alt). From now I will completely ignore all your actions in game and here. I don't care about it anymore. It was a shame for me to had such friend as you.

@Bella Thanks :))
@Bigfoot: Timezones? No, I play at nights (another tip)
@Bubik: Using ctr+f option, no, I didn't mention him
@Skender: /hug Skender
@wondanct/Phanton: LOL!
@Logo: /hug Logo
@Shoe: lol

Upgrayeedd's picture
lol fail

Im not Jay-Zz, nice assumption.

Its funny how youd think that just because I reiterated the things he's told me about you before. Although he'd be flattered that you actually thought about him :)

I dont ignore people myself. Kinda hard to get mad at a silleh game, unlike somebody <3

Anyway, good luck to everyone with this epic event! Over and out ^___^

Zainj's picture
Laylla i think ur alt name is

Laylla i think ur alt name is

Layllaa and i sent the mail saying "I know you're Laylla's alt. I won't ease your worried mind."

Thrillhaus's picture

How about I just play you the Eric Clapton song on the guitar, and you throw that cap my way?

Artistbma's picture
Ah so that's why Skender sent

Ah so that's why Skender sent me that mail.

Pawn's picture
@ aget

Wow your post #16 was kinda out of left field.
BTW, anyone who has ever merchanted can tell you that paying for ce with money is about the most inefficient way of earning ce. I mean you can pay $20 for 7.5k ce...but i mean ouch. Why in the world would u do that when you could buy a pair of surge wings for 500k and then sell them for 660k in 2 weeks? 2k ce for free. Do this on a mass scale with higher profit margin items, and you quickly realize buying ce is a silly way of making ce. I do gladly admit that i have bought ce many times. I do so to support the game. i do so knowing i can turn 3.5k ce into 7k ce in a week and thus 14k in 2 wks, 28k in the 3 wks, 56k in a month. However, after you have done this many times over it kinda loses it's thrill. You reach a point where there is no urgency to do so because it's there when you need it. I work 50 hours a week, so i have little drive to merchant anymore.

And where did people invent this assumption that people lie about being P2P out of some secret shame? Honestly, if someone like laylla (or others) did occasionally spend money on the game, and told you he/she didn't, i would guess it isn't out of some secret embarrassment or attempt to establish an egoistic superiority over you. It is because it is really none of your *darn* business what some random person behind a cute little knight avatar spends their money on in their real life. NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS. That you would think you have a right to know is just silly.

Even more ridiculous is when someone says "oh i'd never waste my money on this game" in some silly righteous fashion. "Oh wait, hold on, i gotta smoke a cigarette". Won't spend $10 on sk EVER, but will support a $75 a month, disgusting, make them stink, cancer inducing habit. FTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(BTW aget, if you aren't Jay-zz then you basically cut and pasted exactly what he said in another thread, then swapped the position of like 3 sentences. I tend to agree with laylla's opinion though).

Rommil's picture

huh, most established players have a bazillion fully heated 5* swords, bombs, guns, caps, armors, and shields.

Why would it be any harder to 5-7 of those fully leveled items on an alt? I have enough gear i could have 10 alts i 5* (only slightly exaggerating). And im probably not very high on the list! Egoblaster is closing in on having every gear on the game, i believe.

Artistbma's picture

Can you tell us the first letter of their name? Pretty Please? x3


What is your favorite and second favorite color?

Loving-Machine's picture

Lol it's obvious that Aget (Jay-Z) is July who used to be Rhip who pretended to be a girl. "Epic-Truth" is Here
Just compare the rhetoric of J. and Aget.

Laylla's picture
free hugs!

@Zainj: Thanks for mentioning this; I have an alt named Layllaa BUT she's 0* and she's in Dark Guardians. This means she's not the one we are looking for (did I just say "we?") Layllaa is used ONLY for guild contests (I wonder if she ever left ready room) and only guildies and some friends know of her existence.

@Thrill: You just disarmed me, I don't know what to say :D If you do it right, I will throw that cap at you? so.. when?

@ Pawn/Rommil: /hug.. sadly there are people who still think that the only way of being rich in game means wasting tons of $ (there's no point in discussing with them)
@ Arist: Sorry but I can't, this means revealing the name, partly, but still ("can I have the second letter, please please?"), I can't do that :>
@ Bublik: I love violet and red... Have I mentioned that I hate yellow?
@ Ddfdd: That's offtopic.

You all ignored an epic hint in post #10 (cough)

Laylla's picture
free hugs!

Double post, oh yea

Baodur's picture

Am I on you Alt's Friend list? I have 250 friends, no reason to look through them all if I can just ask you =3="

Oh, and BTW, I'm pretty much quitting too, so I'm not going to be looking for your alt really. I may come back one day, but I have no need for a triple max UV skolver cap. It's been an honor, Laylla.

PS: Rawr is I love you in Dinosaur.

Logopathos's picture
@Aget. Again.

Okay, so you never explicitly mentioned Lockdown. You are right. However, when one mentions "key pro players" in a guild, as though they were the players responsible for the reputation of the guild, what else can I guess at besides Lockdown players? Besides, the term "pro guild players" rarely refers to PvE, from what I've seen and heard both in game and on the forums.
Ah well. Whether I failed in interpreting your post or not (and who can say? We have the power of anonymity on the here), you still don't need to be a jerk to Laylla. That was the point of my last post. Like Rommil had said, your post #16 was out of nowhere, and to me it seemed rather uncalled for.
So, in spite of my knowledge that this is completely off topic--for which I apologize to those of you here uninterested in these shenanigans--and that arguing on the internet really and truly gets nobody anywhere, I decided to defend my guild master.
And now I realize there's a chance you might want to call me a suck up or a brown noser, but it really doesn't matter either way, since I'm going to drop the issue after this.

/love Laylla

I still wish you good luck in finding the alt. :D

Baodur's picture

I like how anyone can come and say something stupid and everyone piles on him like a pack of wolves, just epic.

Laylla:"But everyday various ppl leave SK, if you know how to find them, you may get free stuff legally and easily."
^ Did that seem freaking suspicious to any of you money-hoarding treasure-hunters after her skolver cap?
Just wondering, cause she said in the same font "hint in post #10"... kind of figured someone would investigate that, but
everyone ignored it o3o...

Mzculet's picture
Can we have the first letter

Can we have the first letter of the guikd your alt is in? :-)

Mzculet's picture
Is it munuver :"But everyday

Is it munuver

:"But everyday various ppl leave SK, if you know how to find them, you may get free stuff legally and easily."
@baodur thanks for the hint ;)

Upgrayeedd's picture
The Search For the Non-Existent 5 Star Alt!

*Play Star Wars Theme*

Laylla is P2P.

Also, did anyone win yet? :D

Duskfinder's picture
Maybe YOU are the alt and

Maybe YOU are the alt and your real account is hidden >.>

Or its Aget and your're playing mind tricks with us..

Upgrayeedd's picture
le bump

@duskfinder maybe ;)

Upgrayeedd's picture
"But everyday various ppl

"But everyday various ppl leave SK, if you know how to find them, you may get free stuff legally and easily."

Baodur: nope nothing special here. Its just Laylla adding yet another alibi to her "merchanting method" again. She never spoke of this method before, keeps adding new stuff every time.

Zobertus's picture
Crazy guess

I know... Its GWENYVIER!

Sent mail to her...

-69 Crown bid you mentioned, amount of members in EoS
-Yellow's opposite color, violet
- "less than 10 letters", 10

Laylla's picture
free hugs!

@ Baodur: Can you imagine how many times I said "rawr" omg!
@ Duskfinder: Wrong way, please don't associate me with spammers
@ Zobertus: Poor, Gwen who was just spammed :D