Why is there no 5 star version of the Winmillion?

Just look at what they did to the RSS. People wanted a 5* version, they got it. (not exactly in the way they wanted it)
I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with 6 alchemy paths for the Windmillion, one for each damage type and two geared towards undead and constructs. Not to mention take away the projectile and replace it with ridiculously detrimental knockback. (or should I say, blowback?)
Be careful what you wish for....

Sorry, Marazo, but that would still be an improvement. The projectile is half the reason it sucks (thank for the dodge trigger, OOO!). The other half is mostly simply lack of 5* and partly removal of the lunge.

The Winmillion is not a bomb, and as such only buffs can be applied to it.
Such is the rule of Spiral Knights.

Even if winmillion were to be changed negatively, it would still be an improvement- I'd have something new to try to figure out for a while as opposed to a garbage weapon for a while.

1) Make projectiles move fast enough to hit dodgers. Also add a delay before they appear, so enemies don't dodge the swing itself. (Does this happen? I remember it happening, but I haven't used the damn thing in so long.) Increase projectile damage somewhat.
2) Re-add the first lunge.
3) 5*.
Oh, we're in the Arsenal? Whatever.

You have much to learn on fixing the winmillion, Derpules. I'm a bit disappointed in you, fixing the winmillion is one of our primary things to discuss on the forums. I kind of hope it never does get fixed, just so that we can talk about it forever.

if I replied in Fehzor's thread, so I'll reply here.
How about just giving Winmillion a Polaris amount of knockback instead of increasing its damage at all? It'll fit with the wind-theme.

@Zeddy: DA charge shots were narrowed to prevent hacking in FSC
I don't really like the idea of a med/fast sword having a ton of knockback...but I can imagine the last hit blowing the enemy away, not at the teleportation speed of regular hits, but a bit slower.
Those improvements to the projectile don't sound too bad, although since I have never touched a spur I can't say how annoying the dodging/shielding must be.

I used Spur for the first time today and it felt amazing and fast. Admittedly it was purely because it was part of my pirate costume and I had ASI high, but still can see the appeal.

It's not my first choice for a weapon I'll reguarly use in my loadouts. As it is, the only reason I have it is because it's a unique weapon and because 4* weapons aren't that difficult to get.