Why they gave me 3 star sword and shield, when I have 4-5 star equipment (SWORD, SHIELD and suit are 5 star!!!) I AM THE GUILD OWNER!
When my friend recieve 4 star stuff, and he is just a guild member (promoted to GM)
Guild Hall PROBLEMS!
If I have not read the patch how would I know aout 50k cr huh?
So I cheked guild treasury, there is no 50k.
So as I am not vanguard, can I obtain higher level of this sword when I become one?
UPD: Just have checked that one of my GM spent all my 50k cr for buying some [scrappy] stuff for guild!
No. You're stuck with a worthless 3* sword that will be useless to you going forward. Rage to OOO about it-that's what I'm doing.
Thats is rly [superlatively] bad.
Another stupid move from OOO. Where I can write about this?
Either you find another thread with lots of players ranting about it and add your opinion, or you rant here, or you try the Support portal : http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Support_Portal or you place a suggestion in the suggestion forum (I would bet there is already a thread).
Or all the above if you are really pissed.
Or you can also be grateful for the free cool stuff with a cool skin, even if you are not going to use it. Most people will probably never use that sword, since it's not really good in the first place.
In any case, don't get your hopes too high, it's unlikely the possibility will be added.
"don't get your hopes too high"
Well I don't!
I asked about GH improvements about a YEAR ago, and they made them just now! Moreover they spoiled this things again with such small things like sword, shield and stand! Now my guild NEVER be so attractrive for other players like others guilds who have Vanguard Battle Stand(s).
Plus why should I buy alchemy machine for 90k cr when I already had it, huh?
Oh, so you said that is for free, rly? How about my time which I spent to gain some crowns for buying some [scrappy] stuff huh?
Time IS money. This game not for FREE, some people spend money to save their time, some people spend time to save money.
Moreover I have spent money buying [freaking] CE.
And now that's what I have for all my efforts - [freaking] 3 star guild sword, shield and knight stand which can not to be improved!
Now my guild NEVER be so attractrive like other guilds which have Vanguard Battle Stands.
You know what, yea, I am rly PISSED OFF!
Don't think that I am saying all this only for you, no. This message and for OOO too.
It really amazes me how there are people on both extremes. People who got to vanguard rank in less than 24 hours after missions were released, and people who aren't vanguards but were definitely around when missions came out.
You are too young and naive especially if you dont understand such simple things about time and money.
This thread made by me, so it's not your business to decide what will happen to my tread.
Move along, I am not force you to read it and to write an answer here.
I have already said what I want, nothing to add.
If you said what you want and have noting to add, ask a GM to lock this thread
You want to look smart or what is the point of your comment?
Calm down.
Seriously, also, you need to do missions to that ranking+ Liek you would use it. No seriously, if you have a useful weapon(Like Glacias, Combuster, DA, ect.), you wouldn't use it. It's just a reskined calibur.
And this is an open discussion forum. If you wanted to moan to OOO, contact support.
We should be able to upgrade it, at least. Then we're paying to get what everyone else got for free, which makes the people who got it for free feel big and important, which they've pretty much STATED is what they want.
Another "smart" person with "very smart" suggestion.
I will decide by myself what I need to do and what's not, ok?
I did lots of lavels before and I dont want to do them again only for this *** rank or whatever.
Maybe I like the skin of new sword and shield, they looks cool. Maybe I want that *** Vanguard Stand.
There is no whay now to obtain them for me now.
If you will be smarther you well realised this by yourself and It was not neccesary to explain this simple thingsd to you, kiddo.
P.S. No need for me to write to support, they already know all this. The point of this thread to highlight the problem.
P.P.S: Still think that game is fo FREE?
Read this post of about Upkeep of GH! ---> http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/67939#comment-566886
Awesume! ^_^
No need to throw a tantrum.
I've seen others with a similar predictament and not handling this like you. They handle it better. It's jut a game, no need to swear.
And BTW, I don't have Vanguard Battle stand. I have a lower set. Hmmm?
Also, your medium of handling things seems silly. If you contact them, you get some resolution, maybe you could use suggestions? Maybe you could go to several other threads about this problem(Which you've overlooked).
"this thread is solely about what I want, and anyone who disagrees with my opinions on the matter should not post here, lest they face my 'wrath' and incoherent ramblings in fractured English"
000 doesn't care what YOU want. They care about whether or not ENOUGH PLAYERS want it, and if they can make some money off the players with it.
OOO was offered free stuff. This free stuff could be useless to anyone. If someone already has a leviathan blade, they have another. If someone has a 2* honor blade, they keep it. OOO is not making anyone pay for this. Thank you, OOO for giving us some pretty nice fancy equipment for no cost whatsoever, even if it is just for costume. Okay everyone, get back to your runs with your original equipment. Nothing has been removed or destroyed. Move along.
We have ANOTHER one.
You didn't meet the requirements, therefore you didn't get it. You can be as imaginarily important as you want, but if the slipper doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.
Simple. And throwing a tantrum about it like a spoiled baby does nothing for your chances, 'cept maybe increase the ones regarding hate.
"P.P.S: Still think that game is fo FREE?"
Yes. Not my problem if you don't over a trivial matter like this.
"If you will be smarther you well realised this by yourself and It was not neccesary to explain this simple thingsd to you, kiddo."
Hey, guys who frequent suggestions. Doesn't this guy sound familiar?
Also, complaining we're stupid, can't right click and spell check.
"I have already said what I want, nothing to add."
"I asked about GH improvements about a YEAR ago, and they made them just now!
"Where I can write about this?"
...I shouldn't even need to say this, but what the Slag; Irony.
You are too young and naive especially if you dont understand such simple things about time and money.
This thread made by me, so it's not your business to decide what will happen to my tread.
Move along, I am not force you to read it and to write an answer here.
I have already said what I want, nothing to add."
And yet you dont seem to understand that the sword is a BONUS. You have done NOTHING to deserve more, if three rings had never added a sword, then this whole thread would have never happened. Yet they decided to be NICE and give us free loot, I dont really see how this justifies anything."
Oh and trust me, I understand exactly what you mean by time and money, still doesn't justify you getting more free stuff, sorry.
Ok mr "I am fitted to all requirements", you think you get some prize for licking all 3 rings?
I am saying about faults of this GH update, you about what?
Your comment nothing but pointless "Slag".
Who the *** are you to decide what I have done and what I deserve? Thats are things out of your competence.
Both of you: be nice and eat that sugar bone which your master gives you, and be happy inside your brand new kennel.
Who's next?
"Ok mr "I am fitted to all requirements""
Remind me who you're talking to again? I met the requirements for 4*, that's all.
Grow a brain before you decide to try being assertive. Tch.
"I am saying about faults of this GH update"
You're a fault, your spelling and grammar are terrible.
"Who the *** are you to decide what I have done and what I deserve?"
The question is, who are YOU to decide what you deserve from a third party that owes you nothing.
Grow a pair and get over yourself.
Also: "be nice and eat that sugar bone which your master gives you, and be happy inside your brand new kennel."
Seerusly? Speaking into a mirror does nothing for your ego you know.
You're the real kid.
Dude, in all simplicity, it's a game. No need to start flame wars. No need to swear. No need to obsess. You act as if you're the only one who's suffering, and think that a staff is going to comment on something other than your attitude towards others, which is against the ToS.
The faults? Just a crappy for practical use gesture that the third party that owes you nothing is the only bad thing. Hah. Ever thought about the other stuff? Like the additions? the customisations? Addition to members? Something that people other than you(Tell me, did you reall contribute to this one dudes megathread which was there for an entire year?) asked for a long time? Yeah, a stupid promo is more important.
You get free stuff, People complain
You get a great update, People complain
Who the *** are you to decide what I have done and what I deserve? Thats are things out of your competence.
Both of you: be nice and eat that sugar bone which your master gives you, and be happy inside your brand new kennel.
Who's next?"
I do not decide what you do, I do not decide what you deserve,
However I don't understand why the fact that you spent time on a F2P game which three rings COULD have charged a monthly fee for like World of Warcraft, but they didn't. It is very possible to reach end-game without spending money. A full game for free? What could possibly make it any better!?
Oh wait, its also continually updated with free content, such as this guild hall update, which you can also get from being completely free to play as well, just get a guild together with your friend from the energy you earned running the clockworks, and start purchasing things. Too expensive? Split the costs. I mean, how can it possibly get better than this.
Three rings gives you a free item just for logging on. Now here's the disconnect. I still don't understand why you seem to think you deserve more, Nick clearly stated somewhere in his patch notes a long time ago that people were going to be rewarded for completing missions with their rank and prestige. We have the prestige badges and now we have this. Judging by the fact that you're in 5* equipment, that means you have access to all the missions meaning it was possible for you to complete the missions to get you to the vanguard rank.
At this point I'm just repeating myself.
tl;dr They give you a free game with free content and decide to throw a bone at you, and you get pissed that the bone wasn't as juicy as the person on the lefts. Sorry.
Lemme break it down for you like this since you don't seem to understand: this is called a "forum" which means it is for discussions. If you just want to complain 'bout something without people expecting to discuss it, put it on a blog. This is not a blog. It is a forum. For discussions. It's not a one-way-street-type deal, 'kay?
As for my second point, I said it before and I'll say it again: the fact that it was a surprise makes it that much more special for the fortunate ones who did get the 5* version (which, before you make any assumptions like with Psycho, I do have) since there couldn't have been low-ranked players who just rage-bought ALL the CE so they could get to Vanguard by the 20th. Besides that, these things almost always show up in featured auctions. Just wait and buy one yourself if you need it that badly.
You can't even spell 'awesome' properly so I assume you're just a whining 10-year-old. The shield and sword were free and have nothing to do with whether you are a Guild Master or not, it's dependent on what rank you were in the missions.
I agree that's overpowered. We're asking to be able to upgrade what we have using CE , CR and materials. We're proposing to work for it.
Now listen here, kid. I'm saying this once. If you think it's unfair you got a 3* sword and shield (Which are reskins), and a stand which you could sell for, I dunno, 1K crowns, maybe, try being the guy that's getting those items at a 2* value. Believe me, they could just as easily not have released those items as a promo. Be happy with what you got now. And stop being so angry. It's just as easy the Game Masters (Halleujah!) could've decided, "Lol! Nope! Let's not give anything but the bare-bones update! Let's not use our time and money to create free promotional items that everyone can earn!" Be happy with it and stop whining.
I've been saying it a lot lately, but I find it remarkable that out of all the MMOs I've played, SK seems to attract people who both rage/complain/whine and call everyone else "kids".
So many threads over even just the past few days that have had people raging and complaining, being selfish, greedy and otherwise whiney, and when they get telt off start throwing the word "kid" around, as if they're being adult or mature about it.
Never read forums like it, honestly. I wonder if trolls/whiners have their own wee personal forums where they sit and discuss what the latest trend in wasting peoples time should be. Maybe they have a committee to decide what their word of the day will be, or what they should start calling people.
I mean, in this particular case, I actually agree with what's being said above me, but the attitude behind it and word choice just immediately makes me lose respect for everything said.
On topic and @whiners?
It's free stuff that you did nothing to earn, and from your current attitude, do not deserve.
Take it with a smile on your face, or I'm sure OOO will find a way to just take it right back~
why does this game attract the worst of idiots
and by idiots I mean OP and others like him
You guys made so many "right" conclusions about me, so I realised that most of you are "great thinkers".
Well, happy paying for upkeep!
You better go and make some money until your precious master will not close your rooms!
I had enough this kindergarten.
I had enough this kindergarten.
The ironing is delicious. You're an ingrate and illiterate, sugar-fed child with no attention span. You won't be missed.
"I had enough this kindergarten."
Yeah, better go back to the real one.
"You better go and make some money until your precious master will not close your rooms!"
That makes no sense whatsoever...
Really, just stop posting, you make yourself look like such an idiot just by appearing.
what is this again
someone save me
im drowning
You the one who acting here like idiot, quoting me and trying to analyse each of my word.
Seems to be they are wery valuable for you.
On the second thought, I realise that you are not... the one.
We are far from main theme, aren't we?
"On the second thought, I realise that you are not... the one."
That's right! I'm not 'the one' being the idiot here!
Good job! /golfclap
Also, what topic?
While I'm certainly in favour of upgradable Honor Blades, we DO NOT need a flame war here. It'll get us all banned.
Also, Sintag: Yeah. I got the 4* ones. Again, I'm proposing that since we haven't really EARNED the 5* just yet, let us do so by crafting it!
I fully understand the one point you continue to make (I'm at fault too there)-we're getting it for free-but we want the opportunity to have the optimal one, even if it IS just a reskin. It's pretty much fair-you were Vanguards first, you get it for free, I have no issue with that (well maybe a little but I certainly wouldn't rage about it!) but we're permanently locked out of what is, in my opinion, the best-looking gear in the game. Also, keep Groundbreaker out of it please. That's another argument entirely, and one I'm happy to have once this one's cleared up!
@Nemezis: Here, Have a free card to another MMO
Also, LIFE IS UNFAIR, I deal with it, so can you!!
@Shadowracer: "we DO NOT need Nemezis here"
Fixed that for you.
Lol see guys this is why we can't have nice things
Ikr? Sometimes people are better off just having nothing. Give them something and it just feeds a greed; all they want is more, more, more.
Long gone are the days when you could give someone something and have them go "omg wow tytyty".
In fact, if people wanna call me a kid, go ahead. Children are the only humans alive who can get given something for free and their firts instinct is to jump for joy and amazement and fall absolutely in love; why should they feel anything but excitement when they get free stuff?
Grown ups...adults....that's when people start getting greedy.
@OP: I would like to request that you answer my response specifically with your (and just so ya know, that's the proper use for that word) opinion on it. The only reason I ask this is because you seem to lump me into some sort of group of people you think have made assumptions about you whereas, as far as I can tell, I made none. I also don't appreciate being called a "kid" as I am currently enrolled in college and it only serves to detract from the discussion. That's also why I don't call others names. If you would like to be mature about this and remain civilized throughout this ordeal, I would be more than happy to discuss the topic at hand. This is my offer/challenge. Do with it what you will.
Successful troll is successful. Brought a smile to my face.
Applause. I cooperated by donating 10 seconds of my life.
...Actually I want my refund.
As much as I hate to backseat moderate, if we start pointing any more fingers this thread'll be locked, and I don't want that. Pretty sure you don't, either.
1) guild treasury, read the patch
2) you are not vanguard, read the patch
3) WTF? instead of reading the patch won't get you anywhere. Calm down.