Hello, fellow knights! Looking for adventures in the fiction world? Right here, you will choose the path of the storyline, and take control of the fate of all characters! Experience the world of Cradle like never before!
This is the main directory to all things related to the Choose Your Adventure, Pick Your Path series, where you can find every single story we've done, and also the one we are engaging on currently. You can check here for any upcoming updates and additional notes. Finally, feel free to give any feedbacks here. Thank you for visiting!
Current story:
Stories now up for votes
List of completed stories:
Here is a list of stories which may be up for votes again:
- Lost in Time
- Another Favour
What is all this about?
Basically, this is a fan fiction of the Spiral Knights universe in Cradle, but the readers have the option to twist, manipulate and direct the storyline after each chapter. There will be up to multiple paths provided for your choosing, and you get to vote on any path you wish to take. The choice with the highest vote will be the next course of the story. Additionally, you will receive points for each vote cast. There are also bonus rounds in place of usual chapters, where you get to exploit a great advantage, or fall hard for failing.
Rules of participation:
Updated: 18th January 2013
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Every player who takes part in a story can earn points for themselves. The more you contribute, the more points you earn!
Simply cast a vote, and you earn one point per vote! Bonus rounds can give you a chance to earn 2 points!
Whenever a story is finished, all players can redeem their points for prizes! (See below)
Points earned by players are non-transferrable.
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10 pts. - Random material roll, ranging from 0* to 5* (I'll be using the list randomizer)
30 pts. - 3000 cr
50 pts. - 100 CE
100 pts. - Mysterious reader-exclusive prize from Snow! (limited)
200 pts. - Super mysterious gift! (limited)