Rawr, I am me. And I have funny things called ideas. Ideas for weapons that require, oh lord, THOUGHT.
First off, the Conductor Bomb series. These work differently than the standard explosive weapons; a single Conductor on its own will not explode. It'll just exist with an infinite fuse time, being lonely with no Conductor friends. If you were to place a second Conductor in its potential blast radius, however, both would start counting down to kaboom. Here's where it'll get tricky, though- while two are already counting down, you can potentially place a third, and it'll explode instantly when the others do, regardless of how close that one is to exploding.
Conductors would have two variants- one would have a larger blast radius, and the other would have two warning circles. One of those circles is for its actual blast radius, and the other is its (improved) range of detecting other Conductors. Like other bombs, they'd get increased range and damage as they rank up. Perhaps that aforementioned 'third bomb' scenario could be restricted to 5* Conductors, if Triple Ovals thinks it's too crazy.
Next up is the Wave Bomb series. These are pretty much Blast Bombs with directed knockback. What do I mean by that, you say? If you face north while placing one, it'll deal damage in an area... but will knock everything, no matter where it is in that area, to the top of the screen. East goes east. West goes west. You get the idea.
Wave Bombs are potentially a blessing or a curse, depending on how smart and aware the user is, so I'm not so sure they need a penalty relative to their much-less-weird Blast Bomb cousins beyond lower overall knockback.
They'd get better range, damage, and pushing force as they rank up. Possible status variants that might have immobilizing features, like Shock or Freeze, would pin enemies after being pushed, as opposed to ignoring the gigantic wave of energy slamming them because their legs are too cold or they have a twitch.
Last up for bombs is the Slinger. This would work by having two 'attacks', one placing a post, and the charge placing the painful object of death. You can place either one before the other, and the result will be the same- the projectile will fly in the direction of the post, exploding like a low-range Blast Bomb when it hits. Enemies standing where the bomb is launching will be flinched with relatively minor damage. Each of the pieces will have a radius showing you how far away the other piece can be placed; nothing happens outside of the range. Placing a piece while one of the same type is already out will delete the older one. The farther apart the pieces are, the further/faster the lobbed explosive will go.
As it ranks up, it'll get higher damage, piece range, and flinching capabilities. Possible variants include non-explosive projectiles that pierce enemies, one that fires a wide wave of energy, and a spike-ball that creates a small field of damage over time where it hits/lands.
That's it for now; later I'm gonna post a funny little concept I had for a gun. Except it's a multi-functional grappling hook that sticks to allies and enemies and can pull them, and can act like a tripping cable and a line of electricity.
In a nutshell, this is how I see it:
Conductor bombs are chain-bombs.
Wave bombs are claymores.
Slingers are (sorta?) like an archery range.
They are fresh weapon mechanics that would be nice in this game.