All we want to do is eat your brains.
Just a little reminder. Only common enemies are included in these family rebalances. No mission-specific-enemy-that-only-really-shows-up-in-like-one-to-three-places-and-nowhere-else-ever enemies like Mortafires, Ghostmanes, Deadnaughts, Grimalkins; that makes this family all the more disappointing to rebalance because most members are being discriminated. Racism against the dead. Not all of them, just ones that only live (or die) in very specific areas.
Zombie goast turrets. Unlike mechanical turrets, these ones have a very special ability in all tiers: once they die their head flies after you. In T1 the head simply goes forward whichever direction it was defeated. In T2 it tracks a little but has slow turning. In T3 it tracks and turns faster. The head also flies faster in higher tiers. Pretty great stuff. Other than that it acts like the normal turret but as part of the undead family instead of construct.
I got stuck already. Not too surprising for most of you, is this? We gave the robot turrets robotic stuff. What do we give zombie turrets? Zombie stuff? Do they try to bite you at close range? Do they get projectile interference like the robot ones? Tune in next time to find out! No one is going to get that reference.
- the Howlitzer can "eat" projectiles once every ~3 seconds then "spits" the projectile(s) with full control of which direction and when it fires (the regurgitated projectile behaves the same as whatever it ate, such as Pulsar bullets starting small then expanding and exploding; the regurgitated projectile deals 50% of the original damage but in pure shadow regardless of what damage type the original projectile was; the projectile has the same speed, range, area of effect, etc. of the original projectile; only one part of the projectile attack needs to be "eaten" for the Howlitzer to absorb it but each Howlitzer may only store one projectile attack at a time)
- the Howlitzer can "bite" nearby knights (about the same size attack as the first basic swing of a Calibur/Brandish), deals normal-shadow damage; cooldown of 10 seconds between bites
- the Howlitzer has a 20% chance of becoming a totem upon defeat but with only a 2 space radius and will destroy itself 20 seconds after appearing; the totem can be moved as a normal totem but may not be destroyed by any other means
Totems have very unique features. They can resurrect zombies. They can be moved by knights. They block movement like enemies but are invincible to Pulsar spamming. They are invincible to damage. I would count them as part of the family and make a rebalance for them but they are already amazing, just not common enough to be a significant threat. Even if I did make a rebalance for them it would probably just be to have more of them in maps which has nothing to do with giving the totem itself new things to do.
What else can I do here. I already wrote the zombie stuff so most of the fun has already happened.
- the Howlitzer can "eat" projectiles once every ~3 seconds then "spits" the projectile(s) with full control of which direction and when it fires (the regurgitated projectile behaves the same as whatever it ate, such as Pulsar bullets starting small then expanding and exploding; the regurgitated projectile deals 50% of the original damage but in pure shadow regardless of what damage type the original projectile was; the projectile has the same speed, range, area of effect, etc. of the original projectile; only one part of the projectile attack needs to be "eaten" for the Howlitzer to absorb it but each Howlitzer may store up to three projectile attacks at a time and may choose whether to use its normal projectile attack or to spit an absorbed attack and can choose which absorbed attack it wants to spit out)
- the Howlitzer can "bite" nearby knights (about the same size attack as the first basic swing of a Calibur/Brandish), deals normal-shadow damage; cooldown of 5 seconds between bites
- the Howlitzer has a 40% chance of becoming a totem upon defeat but with only a 2 space radius and will destroy itself 30 seconds after appearing; the totem can be moved as a normal totem but may not be destroyed by any other means
- the Howlitzer can howl in a cone area of effect (~2 space range, similar area of effect and duration as zombie breath) which pushes knights within the area of effect 2~3 spaces away from the Howlitzer
- the Howlitzer has a 25% chance upon death to place its skull which can be obtained by zombies which grants them +100%?/+5 bars resistance to the status "opposite" of their theme:
- if the zombie is fire theme they get freeze resist and vice versa
- if the zombie is shock theme they get poison resist and vice versa
- if the zombie is stun theme they will get +20%?/+1 bar resist to fire, shock, freeze, and poison
Only one Howlitzer skull may be worn by a zombie at a time and it counts as one "part" which you will read more about in the zombie stuff which you may have already scrolled down and read about before reading this sentence. Cheater.
You know how some people like cats and other people like dogs? There are also people who like Kats. One of their parents was a cat person. The other was a necrophiliac.
This might sound weird, or at least weirder than usual, but Kats are pretty good as they are. Not as close to balanced as Menders, but closer than zombies. Until you read about them below. Then wet yourself. Anyway, Kats. When I first saw these things I swore on the god of BLT sandwiches they were white sheets with holes cut in them with a purple balloon underneath. Put the phone down. No need to call the authorities yet.
- if the Kat is next to a knight (<1.5 spaces apart) it can "blanket" the knight; the Kat covers them and slows them to 70% movement speed and unable to perform any actions but become immune to damage (any status which has effects other than damage will still occur); the Kat can be knocked off by other knights with two attacks or will jump off on its own after up to 5 seconds (the Kat may not remain on the knight for more than 5 seconds at a time, 30 second cooldown before the Kat can blanket a knight again)
- the Kat can place a "litterbox" which is a circular area of effect (~2 space radius) which slows knights who try to walk through it by 20%, slows projectiles which enter the area of effect by 20%, sword swings by 20%, and bomb fuses by 20% (if the center is within the area of effect); the area of effect will dissipate once the Kat is killed, only one litterbox may be placed by each Kat and litterboxes may not be within 5 spaces of each other
- the Kat can "lick itself clean" to cure all statuses on itself or another Kat within ~2 spaces, cooldown of 20 seconds
Yes, I know a litterbox is not supposed to be circular. I also know not to headbutt people until they become pudding. Yet I do it anyway.
You know how I told you not to call the cops earlier? Well, funny story about that; I may have accidentally eaten them all. The cops. It was accidental, I assure you, but they looked so delicious covered in sprinkles and colorful frosting in circular sha- never mind, those were just donuts. You already called them? Liquids.
- if the Kat is next to a knight (<1.5 spaces apart) it can "blanket" the knight; the Kat covers them and slows them to 50% movement speed and unable to perform any actions but become immune to damage (any status which has effects other than damage will still occur); the Kat can be knocked off by other knights with two attacks or will jump off on its own after up to 8 seconds (the Kat may not remain on the knight for more than 8 seconds at a time, 20 second cooldown before the Kat can blanket a knight again)
- the Kat can place a "litterbox" which is a circular area of effect (~3 space radius) which slows knights who try to walk through it by 40%, slows projectiles which enter the area of effect by 40%, sword swings by 40%, and bomb fuses by 40% (if the center is within the area of effect); the area of effect will dissipate once the Kat is killed, only one litterbox may be placed by each Kat and litterboxes may not be within 5 spaces of each other
- the Kat can "lick itself clean" to cure all statuses on itself or another Kat within ~2 spaces, cooldown of 15 seconds, no cooldown when used on itself
I had so many stol- I mean, inspired ideas from a skeleton-esque enemy in Wakfu for our zombies that I am typing this first but it comes last alphabetically so it looks like this one was done last. Shows how well I can control myself.
Zombies are one of those enemies who gains no new abilities by tier, but gets the generic resistances to knockback and interruption. Like everything else gets. Even when those other things also got new abilities. Sounds like someone got ripped off.
- if the zombie is killed by sword (whether it was by charge or basic attacks) it will randomly drop an arm, leg, or rib (33% chance for each, only one will drop per defeated zombie) which grants bonuses to any zombie who walks over and consumes/activates it for the rest of their life:
- leg gives +15% movement speed (up to +45% movement speed per zombie at a time)
- arm gives +7% attack speed and damage (up to +42% attack speed and damage per zombie at a time)
- rib gives +15% interruption and knockback resistance (up to +45% interruption and knockback resistance)
- if the zombie is killed by gun it will randomly drop a skull, pelvis, or hand which grants bonuses to any zombie who walks over and consumes/activates it for the rest of their life:
- skull gives +15%/+1.5 bars pierce defense (up to +60%/+6 bars pierce defense per zombie at a time)
- pelvis gives +10%/+1 bar element defense (up to +30%/+3 bars element defense per zombie at a time)
- hand gives +10%?/+1 bars resistance to fire, shock, freeze, and poison (up to +40%?/+4 bars resistance to fire, shock, freeze, and poison per zombie at a time)
- if the zombie is killed by bomb they have a 20% chance of resurrecting the upper body, 20% chance of resurrecting the lower body, or 60% chance of nothing happening (only once per zombie per life; if either the upper or lower body resurrects and gets killed within range of a totem they will not revive again, but if the zombie does not revive its upper or lower body and dies normally near a totem it will revive normally):
- if the upper body survives it creates a "Crawler" (no legs, crawls on its stomach; looks like a zombie without legs) which has 50% base movement speed (may be improved by obtaining legs from zombies killed by swords), 60% damage and attack speed (may be improved by obtaining arms from zombies killed by swords), 50% health of its previous form, but 50% more resistance to knockback and interruption of its previous form (may be improved by obtaining ribs from zombies killed by swords)
- if the lower body survives it creates "Crazy Legs"/"Just For Kicks" (no upper body, walks on its legs; looks like a normal zombie from the waist down) which has 125% movement speed (which can also be improved by legs), attacks only using the normal zombie swiping attack (but instead of swiping with its arm it tries to kick you, can be improved with arms for more attack speed and damage), 50% health of its previous form, but is 30% more vulnerable to knockback and interruption of its previous form (may be compensated with ribs)
These upgrade-item-body-part-things seem pretty overpowered in old Firestorm Citadel, right? Good. I should stop talking here and say they can wear an infinite amount of body parts for crazy high bonuses but that would be too evil, so instead each zombie can only wear up to four body parts but has no means to exchange or remove them unless they die. But being dead means being dead. If a zombie has body part upgrades, dies, but is revived again by a totem, it will not keep its body parts. Each zombie will only drop one body part ever and will not drop more if revived by a totem. When the zombie dies all equipped body parts will be destroyed and will not be returned for other zombies to pick up. No matter how hilarious that would be. Zombies trying to steal body parts from each other.
Not-so-funny note, only the part where the zombie can revive as its lower body was taken from Wakfu. Chafers, a skeletal enemy, have several turns after their defeat before they are removed from the battle during which their corpse/a pile of bones, clothes, and their skull take up one space; this pile has a countdown which decreases one every turn and one every time the pile is attacked, meaning you can use rapid attacks on it to remove it from battle sooner. Every turn the pile has a chance of resurrecting as the lower body of the Chafer which will run after you and kick you. It looks hilarious.
I think I may be having too much fun playing with dead bodies here. I even set up a little tea party and put them all in dresses and have been making voices for them for the past few minutes. Oh look, the guy with the happy needle is coming.
- if the zombie is killed by sword it will randomly drop an arm, leg, or rib (33% chance for each, only one will drop per defeated zombie) which grants bonuses to any zombie who walks over and consumes/activates it for the rest of their life:
- leg gives +20% movement speed (up to +60% movement speed per zombie at a time)
- arm gives +10% attack speed and damage (up to +50% attack speed and damage per zombie at a time)
- rib gives +20% interruption and knockback resistance (up to +60% interruption and knockback resistance)
- if the zombie is killed by gun it will randomly drop a skull, pelvis, or hand which grants bonuses to any zombie who walks over and consumes/activates it for the rest of their life:
- skull gives +25%/+2.5 bars pierce defense (up to +75%/+7.5 bars pierce defense per zombie at a time)
- pelvis gives +15%/+1.5 bar element defense (up to +45%/+4.5 bars element defense per zombie at a time)
- hand gives +15%?/+1.5 bars resistance to fire, shock, freeze, and poison (up to +45%?/+4.5 bars resistance to fire, shock, freeze, and poison per zombie at a time)
- if the zombie is killed by bomb they have a 40% chance of resurrecting the upper body, 40% chance of resurrecting the lower body, or 20% chance of nothing happening :
- if the upper body survives it creates a "Crawler" which has 70% base movement speed, 70% damage and attack speed, 75% health of its previous form, but 65% more resistance to knockback and interruption of its previous form
- if the lower body survives it creates "Crazy Legs"/"Just For Kicks" which has 150% movement speed, attacks only using the normal zombie swiping attack, 75% health of its previous form, but is 45% more vulnerable to knockback and interruption of its previous form
Unlike T2 zombies who can only wear four body parts at a time, T3 ones can wear up to six. If T1 were involved with any of this they could only wear two at a time. Patterns.
Yeah, that’s why I don’t do it here. I’m too lazy to have to log back into steam when I get back to my main comp.
That’s not a good thing. If you played WoW Cataclysm, it used to be actually challenging. Then it got out of beta, and all the new players complained that all the raids were too hard. So Blizzard caved in, and they nerfed virtually everything. The community basically took that as a sign of weakness, pushing for nerfs everywhere you can get them. Blizzard, afraid of losing their precious subs, did what they said because they nerfed the first thing. If you do this in SK, it’ll produce the same result, and sooner or later all the monsters will have 1HP and no attack. No thx :( Better to keep it hard, but reasonable. Why put in something that’s going to be either never noticed, or complained about?
I think I prefer straight defense/HP buff rather than healing - unless the healing decreases the casting Puppy’s health at the same rate. And I still like the defense better, just cuz. Believe it or not, I think this should do the opposite of making normal weapons more useful - it should increase the need for specialized damage. If the eventual goal is to increase usage of normal dmg weapons, you need to leave in some reason to keep specialized weapons around instead of smacking everything to the four corners of Cradle with your Leviathan Blade. btw, revised stats for the defense buff- 25% per Puppy, max of 4 Puppies/200% total defense/100% extra defense on the original puppy. Casting Puppies cannot be buffed by other puppies. Sound good?
I don’t care what it looks like, I just don’t understand it purpose. It seems like Rooting a knight would just make more sense and be more effective.
If you’re taking out the fragments for Mechas, then put them back in for Retrodes. With the gremlin part. Nothing else on Retrodes for now, they’re tough.
When was the last time you, or anyone else you know or have heard about, got corned by a pack of scuttlebots? They’re so weak, it doesn’t happen often. Also, they would only “turtle up” when they’re under attack, so you could get out of the corner by shield bumping them out of the way. You could also make it so they only do that when they have something like 10-15%HP, so you can avoid it by finishing them with a big attack. If you somehow get cornered and start wildly flailing away with your Cutter, you panicked and it’s your own fault you got stuck. Plus, there are plenty of other ways to get trapped in a corner- namely Trojans. Do you want to make Trojans vulnerable to knockback, too? I didn’t think so.