Now, now, Before you start nagging and screaming at me, hear me out. Basically, people have been begging for sleep to return since it was removed. Well, thread is basically to discuss on the best ways to rework sleep, and a new t3 boss stratum to go along with it.
Now, I have two ideas on how to rework it. Also, please note that In both ways, healing is completely removed.
Method 1. The Sleepwalking Theory.
~Here it goes. When sleep is inflicted to an enemy, it has a 50% chance to sleep, and be immobilized, and a 50% chance to sleepwalk. When sleepwalking, the enemy's walking speed is reduced, and the enemy walks and attacks and random directions, as if it has no idea what it is doing, or sleepwalking. However, the downside to this would be whether it is implementable. It would pose a serious challenge for balancing in ld. However, I think it could be done if the player, when sleepwalking, has its visibility reduced severely, perhaps have the player go to a cut screen or such while sleepwalking, and so, the player would not be able to see what it is doing, or where it is going, and so, it does not know what it is really doing, and the cut scene promptly goes away after either the character dies, or after 10 or so seconds (bad with numbers).
Method 2. The Yawn Theory
~If you have ever played the pokemon games, you may know of a move known as "Yawn". What this move does, is uses the attack, lets the opponent attack, use an item, etc, and then it falls asleep after its move. Well, with this method, when inflicted with sleep, the enemy would go through 10 seconds of "drowsiness", where movement speed and attack speed are slowed, and charge time is increased. Then, after the 10 seconds is up, the enemy promptly falls asleep and is completely immobilized for 5 or so seconds, and wakes up after. This method would be much easier to implement, however, especially for ld. This method would allow the player to fend off any attackers and get to a safe area before falling asleep.
Now, for the main attraction, the T3 boss stratum. It will be sleep themed. And thus I give you: The Shrine of Slumber.
Description ( for possible mission version): "Spiral HQ has recently discovered a long lost piece of the clockworks. Dubbed the "Shrine of Slumber", the section of clockworks consists of a wide expanse of strange ruins. Scientists have discovered that the Shrine of Slumber had become stuck in its orbit far from haven perhaps hundreds of years ago, but has suddenly and strangely been jarred from its former resting place. Spiral HQ wants you to go investigate the what lies in these ancient ruins."
-Sleep inflicting slumber, bluish in appearance. Normal lumber attacks, but inflicts sleep instead of stun.
~Slooms & Sloombargos
-I think these are self explanatory for the most part. Basic lichen attacks, but inflicts sleep. Slooms join together to form giant Sloombargos.
~Mist Puppy
-Of the red rover variety, except blue, and fires out clouds of gas that inflict sleep and a small amount of damage.
~Shrine of Slumber: Lazy Days
The entrance to the Shrine of Slumber, basically bluish colored stone walls with various glyphs carved into the walls here and there. Layout is much like that of an aurora isles, except with many more traps. Mostly slooms and mist puppies appear here, with a room at the end containing mist puppies, slooms, and slumbers.
~Shrine of Slumber: Nap Time
Second floor, larger complex than floor 1. Several arena like rooms that all contain keys to the end room which contains a myriad of traps and mist puppies, slooms, and more slumbers.
~Shrine of Slumber: Not-so-early Birds
Third floor, crawling with slooms and mist puppies. New trap, throws sleep inflicting pillows at the player when triggered. Player must complete severall arena rooms to rescue several Gremlin clockwork workers who fell asleep while working in the Shrine. Each will present a key when rescued to open up the gates leading to a trap infested hallway to the elevator.
~Shrine of Slumber: Beddy-Bye Time
A gauntlet type floor, several arena rooms right after another, with sloombargos in the last room. A myriad of treasure boxes at the end.
~Shrine of Slumber: Rude Awakening
The player enters a large room that has a large, mossy hill in the center. The blue stone walls are now glowing with bright blue runes. The player steps on the party button, and there is a cut scene of the hill in the center lifting up and turning out to be a giant, blue tortomega covered in moss and vines. The Sleepy Tortomega bellows " Who has awaken me from my sweet, sweet slumber?" And thus the fight begins.
~Boss: Sleepy Tortomega
-Stage 1: Old sleepy staggers around the room, swatting at players when they get close, and occasionally shooting out rockets that track the player, like rocket puppies, which can inflict sleep. Slooms spawn around him. All his attacks deal heavy normal and elemental damage. He is weak to normal damage.
-Stage 2: Sleepy goes inside his massive shell and spins around the room, while a couple of sections of his shell are open to attacks and will be glowing blue eyes.
-Stage 3: Sleepy comes out of his shell. Stage 3 is much like stage 1, except Sleepy now fires large rockets that bomb down from the air, like mortafire rockets, and can inflict sleep. More slooms spawn.
-Stage 4: Basically stage 2, except Sleepy fires blue sleep particles as he is spinning around the room.
-Stage 5: Sleepy puts up one last fight, summoning slumbers, and now spams rockets from his cannons and from above, and swats players harder when they are near him.
Once Sleepy is defeated, he falls to the ground, and crumbles.
Token: Shell Scrap: " The piece of the shell of Sleepy the Tortomega. I shines with a brilliant blue."
-45 Shell Scraps: Ruhezeit 5* (Sleep Time in German), looks like suda/triglav/the thunder except pulsates with a bright blue light
-split normal/elemental, low speed, good chance of moderate sleep on second swing and charge
-2 swinger, charge: like that of a troika charge, but creates a large blue glowing rune on the ground
-"One hit with this blade and any monster will be out cold, if not totally obliterated. Just lugging this thing around makes the most alert of knights want to just fall asleep."
Well, there you have it. As you can see, it could use some help in the details department, and I'm not good with reward ideas. If you have any critiques, ideas, or general suggestions for it, feel free to let me know, because Vog knows this idea isn't perfect, but with your help it could be. As for reworking sleep, feel free to suggest ideas for that or discuss it as well. Thanks! :3
@ sleepwaling theory
force the enemy / player to walk straight forward ... say goodbye to your precious health and hello to every spike and bomb traps :3