I don't know exactly how to go about this post, but I need to express it fully.
I don't know if many of you have been paying attention, but my guild, we specialize in selling things and we have been noticing extremely dropped prices. Fausts and Avengers selling for under 500ce(only the start), materials being sold for nearly dirt cheap and some of them are 3* and above.
No buyers for anything, but sellers up the butt.
You can stand around for hours and simply just not find anyone willing to buy something from you.
If you are a mat seller you might as well just start crafting..oh wait you can't do that either, because you can just barely front the costs of all mats plus crowns and ce not to mention heat leveling time. Yah, the market is dying.
The only thing that seems to sell is UV's and I'm hardly seeing those anymore either.
It's become what is referred to as a buyer's market, this market design is utterly horrible. It NEEDS to be fixed. If no one can make a profit, they will quit and that is not good for the longevity of the game or it's health. If you got in right at launch and started learning the market and sold things to the newbies coming in, you should be richer then crap right now. However, for those of you just joining in, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, you are having a HELL OF A time trying to do anything and make a profit, to actually generate CE.
AS it stand right now, there is pretty much no way to get good amounts of CE without buying it, and that's not right.
I believe I mentioned that these things would happen earlier if things continued like they were. Once again CE prices are on the rise(however I'm unsure if they will break 4500) and with no way to make actual profit, people are going to quit the game and it's going to not be good. In fact I have already noticed an EXTREME decrease in the amount of Haven's that used to be populated up to red. I believe it barely goes past 6 now, the rest are all green. I have been noticing an increasing amount of "Can't find a party" messages. This means the population is dying!
I slowly feel this game, due to it's structure and layout of the market, is converting to pay to play or pay to win.
The coming Auction House will do NOTHING to improve it, it will only crash the economy.
Something must be done, but idk what, I'll leave you guys up to decide that. I'm just the one that brings things to people's attention.
As much as I'd love to say "Stop whining", you are correct in that the game economy is all out of whack. I'm sure the devs put some effort in initially to design a game economy they thought would work, but I feel like they haven't been trying to really fine-tune it since. I could also be entirely wrong, and the ceiling-devs could just be watching us and collecting data, only to step in when things become truly dire. The best move right now is probably to keep voicing your concerns and sit tight, and pray that it will be in the interest of the devs decide to step in with a fix.