Might I suggest that armor lines that do not boost player damage be given a few pips of regenerating health? I'm not talking rapid regen here. The idea would be that this extra health pool would cushion an occasional blow in an encounter, meaning that a skillful player that doesn't get hit too much would take minimal damage when he DOES get hit, making the more defensively oriented armor sets worth using. This would also make poison slightly more meaningful of an effect. The way things are, defensive power pales in comparison to offensive buffs that reduce the number of hits it takes to slay an enemy or allow the user to finish/get out of a combo and defend. The offensive buffs are, in fact, more helpful at defending you than the extra damage reduction would be!
Defensive Armor
Woah, this is awesome.
Picking up hearts and using pills would fill the regenerating part first.
Although I wonder why you put this in
+1. This circumvents the qualms that many players have about armor being able to "regenerate health" being overpowered. (this solution doesn't bring up the issue of "if I wait long enough, I'll get to full health in the middle of a level.")
Approving the poison too. That's the whole point of being poisoned anyways.
Personally, I wouldn't mind if this only applied to the Cobalt line, or even just to the two vitasuits. It would actually give Cobalt a unique usage niche. Jelly would also make sense, though it begs the question: T2 LD Brute Jelly OP?
It makes some semblance of sense for Plate as well, though honestly I would be happier if OOO just actually balanced its defense more, so that it can actually tank hits.
The amount of 'regen zone' seems reasonable too (half the health that the armor itself provides).
I wouldn't delay the regen myself. It'd just encourage players to hide behind chest-high walls. Good call on the poison part though.
A good suggestion indeed. But we need to think of making regeneration possible ONLY while in battle. That sound weird but otherwise people will be able to get a full health before hard parts and such.
I suggest to give these armors a chance of dropping hearts when player successfully meele attack something hostile. Make hearts visible to player who "Made them" and u get "In-battle-regen". Lower chances of Hearts dropping and make them (hearts) visible to all and u get Healer.
And NO hearts from poisoned enemies ( WHB will gain popularity )
This will fit Plate series armor and Vitasuits. Jellies dont need it because they r good enough even without it ( Just my opinion)
(/))w (\)w w|)
the regeneration is possible only in battle with this. so its not a problem.
yours is a problem. I go with proto sword on a scuttlebot and heal myself. cutter will be a major problem. let's not talk about "the sword only" or you will be eaten by gunners and bombers.
And NO hearts from poisoned enemies
Why would you want to make three of the least popular weapons more useless?
No hearts from Poisoned enemies? You do realise how derptacular Plague Needle and DVS already are, slight chance of Strong Poison... VV would not be used, and... WHB is already better with the cool factor and interrupt..
How about allowing defensive armors to regenerate half a pip of health for every enemy you kill?
How about no.
That has nothing to do with the original idea. :/
It does too.
Edit: I have re-worded my post for clarity.
-1 to all the others. :P
This reminds me of Megaman X 8...when someone is hurt you can swap them out with your other character and then a certain amount of HP can be healed.
why do everyone ignore me and my posts? why?
bloodlust regeneration is not good. unless every billion enemies you gain half a pip of health, and every floor starts from 0. yes, I made a name for it.
the idea of plate armors "absorbing" damage is good because it implies you get hurt by something and you don't regain full health. full stop.
Increase the wait for regeneration, or reduce the rate of regeneration.
We don't want Knights hiding behind walls to regenerate health.
just remember: this effect should work with the Scarlet Shield too, because you trade-off some shield protection for some health bars
and this "little health regeneration" can be used to revive the others? (unlikely)
if not, works like as "passive shield" (negated by poison)... and by some way, is possible the guy regenerate, get wounded and regenerate back without any permanent damage
about your first post:
doesn't need to be "regeneration in battle-only"... passive work better
but that "passive health" shouldn't overheal the knight (get more health than his maximum amount) or enable receive unlimited damage ("if it take less than can regenerate" case)
about your second post:
that can work, but how?
> allow regenerate third of the health lost (not counting the trinkets)? [can stack, reducing even more your "maximum regeneration health limit"]
> extend the regeneration time to 5-20 seconds (changed by tier) each health bar until the limit? [more passive and slower than "10 seconds without get wounded and earn 1 bar each second"]
something like that
Scarlet Shield! I would use the crap out of it if it gave 2 pips of regenerating health.
Letting revive health get regenerated would be okay I think. It does mean that someone with scarlet shield and full Ancient could get the whole team up with 5 pips each. Is that really so bad considering all the offensive power he gave up just to be able to do that?
Yeah I suppose. The idea is that the player has to be able to not take hits for a little bit before it regens. Maybe just two or three seconds?
Vitasuits deserve the secondary health stuff but for the four defense lines (Plate-normal, RJelly-pierce, GrayF-element, DSkelly-shadow) they ought to have something more relevant to defense. Medics flop around with health. The defense lines may as well have more defense to deflect damage. As for whether the secondary health can be used to revive, that would be cheap. You would be giving health to someone which you got for free.
Before they take me back to the padded room I got some stuff for Vitasuit and its "line". First of all, if we want people to take it seriously, it needs to be a full alchemy line. That means the 2* is used to craft the 3* and so on. No more starting out of nowhere or being glued onto Cobalt. Alternatively it could be a branch of Cobalt starting at 3* (2* Cobalt, 3* Vitasuit, 4* Vitasuit Plus, 5* Vitasuit Deluxe) which would open up how alchemy trees could be set up, like making the four defense lines all branch from a single base armor which branches out into a massive tree (2* ???, 3* Plate/Jelly/Magic/Skelly). I remember a thread on this somewhere with amazing art but apparently the link is not in my big index of stuff. Anyway, Vitasuits. First thing is a bonus to health restored from picking up hearts by +1, then at 5* by +2. That could be its own branch to give the whole thing some variety as a little alchemy tree instead of being a straight road. The other branch would have the secondary health which is spent in place of your real health until completely depleted, has a restoration restriction that prevents you from "healing" within some time after being damaged (so if you walk around on fire each tick would reset the timer), but the secondary health may not be used to revive other people since you get it for free. The secondary health is spent to conserve your own health so you can use that to revive people. Badda boom badda bing. Ringaling the ice cream truck bells. Get a cone with some fudge and sprinkles. A pair of eyes on stalks pop out and lasers are shooting out of the vanilla. What kind of cheap ice cream are they stocking those trucks with?
The point of the armor is a "defensive" ability. Having the defensive ability only work when your'e on the offensive (dealing the killing blow to enemies) defeats the whole purpose of the theme.
Instead of a passive regen, what about if picking up a heart refilled both a heart on your health bar and a heart on your overbar?
This way cowardice is discouraged while the armor isn't too overpowered.
Then how about granting defensive armors the ability to recharge half a pip of health every, say, 5 seconds or so, like some health pads in FSC do? That will make the self-healing so slow as to discourage people from turtling, while still granting meaningful regeneration over time.
It still won't work.
People (especially newer players who need the health) still crowd on those health pads in FSC, despite how slow they are.
You have no idea how many people will turtle if free health is at stake.
create a system that allows degeneration of "that overhealing limit", like half of the damage taken from that source become permanent damage, preventing it can be used all the time in some situations where the player has a very high resistance against that type of damage
to earn, some or all, this limit back, the player must pick up some hearts on the map or use the pills
It's meant to discourage turtling, not prevent it. I happen to know that a lot of people will gladly ignore the health pads to get through FSC a little faster. In this system, you're still free to turtle, but it'll cost you a lot of time, which some people would rather not sacrifice. If they choose to plod ahead instead of turtling...mission accomplished! If they choose to turtle, it's called "being patient." Either way, it's a win.
Like Luguiru said, Vitasuits would have this health gimmick going for them.
For defensive armours, they'd surround you with a permanent shield that would functionally be very similar to this, but not directly affect your health. Instead, it'd act like a shield used for blocking, but the health would be much lower than for actual shields. As a tradeoff, it's always up and doesn't hinder your movement. The shield would regenerate like other shields and would be able to break like other shields.
The shields would have roughly half the stats of the armours used to create them. Since the shields do not actually extend or regenerate your health, they would not help with reviving. Vitasuits would.
To avoid it being annoying, the shield would not be visible when it's at full capacity, only visually presenting itself when damaged or broken.
as I had subtended before the concept
just think this "passive defense" should regenerate more slowly, but in general, looks good
and again:
the Scarlet Shield can not be in the same category of Vitasuit?
I actually like that idea a lot, but not for Vitasuits. I will propose a few modifications:
*Vitasuits cause monsters to always drop hearts (among regular drops). This helps the party, too.
*Plate armors have Zeddy's shield.
*The Scarlet Shield acts like a very slow mini-Guardian shield: it regenerates half a pip of health every 5 seconds when the shield is active, and protects anyone within its (short) radius.
think of the new swarming enemies and of the minis. now tell me the amount of health you get.
zeedy, you had a great idea. +30b
no health regen on idleness. you can stare in the clockworks for hours while your health goes up.
Scarlet Shield barely can protect the knight by himself...
i'm just talking about give the "zeddy's shield", increasing the threshold, not to become Guardian Shield of lockdown
Thunder-the-bright already told what's happen if become Guardian shield:
"no health regen on idleness. you can stare in the clockworks for hours while your health goes up."
If you're so bad at the game that you'd need to spend your time constantly hiding and running to regen what little health your armor gives you, it won't be enough. You're still taking the brunt of the damage. And remember, you're trading Very High Damage/ASI for this. Wolver does not get a single damn pip. It's striker armor, made to suit a reckless playstyle.
I don't know about everyone else but I already spend more time on positioning than on the killing itself. I doubt I'd need to hide unless things were getting desperate. In most situations, it'd be ready by the time the next pitchfork comes flying in my face.
A reasonable suggestion concerning regenerating health! The skies must be falling! Let's elaborate: