I noticed there are a lot of these threads, but they are all incomplete in some way.
Please share things you KNOW about status immunity. I will start.
I use terms like 4=Maximum, 3=High, 2=Medium and 1=Low in a way that represents the value of a status unique variant with that quantity.
2 star trinket = 0,5
3 star trinket = 1
4 star trinket = 1,5
5 star trinket = 2
(trinkets not accurately tested.)
Minor status inflict
The most known immunity is against mist bombs in LD.
It is required by having more than 6 resistance.
This also protects from status inflict from zombies' swipe attack.
Example 1: No UVs at all, Skolver Cap + Snarbolax Coat. Immunity against Minor Freeze.
Example 2: No UVs at all, Bombastic Demo Helm + Ash Tail Coat. Immunity against Minor Freeze.
Example 3: Vog Cub Cap with Freeze High + Nameless Poncho. Immunity against Minor Freeze.
Same thing for other status resistances against it's respective status.
Guardians in Lockdown only need 5 resistance or more.
Moderate status inflict
When Compound 42 came, players noticed immunity to moderate status inflict.
This was because of the Poisonous oil slicks that gets left on the floor.
To have immunity against these, you need more than 8 resistance.
Other Moderate status inflicts are Drivers, Polaris and Drones.
Example 1: Skolver Cap + Skolver Coat with Freeze Low. Immunity against Moderate Freeze.
Example 2: Mercurial Demo Helm + Mercurial Mail with Shock Low. Immunity against Moderate Shock.
Example 3: Dragon Scale Helm with Fire Low + Dragon Scale Mail with Poison Low. Immunity against Moderate Fire and Poison.
Guardians in Lockdown only need 7 resistance or more.
Strong status inflict
As far as I know strong statuses can only be avoided in Tier 1. I noticed this during Winter Fest 2012. When I did Tier 1 i could run through Freeze traps wearing Skolver Cap Freeze Low + Skolver Coat Freeze Low.
This can be easily tested in Advanced Training Hall.
Strong is the strongest status inflict and in Tier 1 you need 10 resistance or more to be immune.
Example 1: Black Kat Cowl + Skolver Coat with Medium Freeze. Immunity against strong Freeze in Tier 1.
Example 2: Volcanic Demo Helm with Fire Medium + Vog Cub Coat. Immunity against strong Fire in Tier 1.
Example 3: Deadly Virulisk Mask with Poison Medium + Shadowsun Slicker. Immunity against Strong Poison in Tier 1.
Untested areas:
-More Moderate status inflicts in PvE.
-Strong status immunity in Tier 3. Maximum + Maximum + Maximum + Maximum + 2 Trinkets (20 resistance). What will happen?
-FoV immunity?
I'm glad that someone is trying to collect all of this information reliably. Here are some points, that may be helpful.
As is explained at the wiki page "Abilities", status trinkets seem to give +2.
Search Google for "spiral knights status immunity" to see many threads, where you can gather information, such as this one.
Suggestion: Instead of using "Maximum! + High", just use the numeric equivalents: Maximum! + High = 4 + 3 = 7.