Left Devilite: /think This is the last time I try internet dating...
Tev's Great Big Contest 2.0: Seasons of Cradle - Results are in!
Sent by email.
In the form of a caption:
"Basically, Mondays."
or, for the more morbid flavor:
"In Soviet Russia, food digests you."
Something to the tune of this or this, basically.
Livestream Request
Um, I guess this.
(there are four images linked via the page)
If you couldn't tell:
Head: Cheeky Eyes, Vertical Vents, Ribbon, Flower, Party Blowout
Body: Valk Wings, Bomb Bandolier, Cat Tail (important)
What with the detail involved and such, I suppose I'm not expecting more than a head... if you do decide to go full portrait and get to posing or whatever... erm... I'm not sure I really care how it ends up being. I just wanna see what Tev can recreate. The person behind the picture is shy in real life, if that helps.
Will you double check the Week 3 game (the crossword puzzle) please? I think the clues for #8 and #9 across may be switched.
I might be horribly mistaken, but I believe the answer to the clue for #8 is four letters long (the length of #9) and the answer to the clue for #9 is eight letters long (the length of #8). Will you please double check for any errors?
Also, would you check the spelling of #10 across? I may be in error, but at the end of the word, #10 intersects with #7 down. The letter of intersection between the two answers is not the third to last letter (as indicated by the number of boxes in the #10 across line) of any helm in the game according to the Wiki.
Also, would you check for spelling in #13 down and #16 across? Again, I may be mistaken, but the intersecting letter for #13 does not match that of #16... not according to the Wiki's spelling, anyways.
~~You know, I've found a couple of other seemingly questionable things about this puzzle... maybe I'm just doing it all wrong...~~
I'll be sure to take a look, although the thing was digitally generated- I just typed the answers next to the clues. I'll let you know if there are changes that need to be made to the game.
EDIT: I just double-checked, and they're correct as listed. (Except that my dumb self didn't notice that the first letter of a few clues got lopped off by the puzzle: The first word of 4 Down is "Bigger" and the first word of 14 Down is "These")
Devilite: *numnum* *looks to Gorgo* Um...
Gorgo: What...?
Devilite: Um...
Gorgo: WHAT?
Devilite: Nothing.
Gorgo: You know, despite being of the same or similar race, I might eat you.
Devilite: *gulp*
Devilite: "Are you sure it's a good idea to eat Jim's sandwich? Last time someone did that, they had to revive 8 times."
If there aren't any other Livestream requests tonight, are you going to spend the whole time on mine? :o
How about Hubert with a jelly crown?
I mentioned earlier in the week that I am currently away from home and will be unable to Livestream this week, so I'll get to the current requests next week.
So I'll do Lat's first thing next week, and then Hubert with his crown. XD
nI emag eman: uriuguL
"Malevolent Clockwork"
Hopefully it will have been worth the weight.
In gold.
Or at least a couple handfuls of gumballs.
Would this be ok for a caption?:
(Link Removed)
"You be eatin too much chubby chub chub"
"Cuz you so fat"
Entry: Rhyming Poetry and Free Verse (1)
Name: Benightz (Skyguarder = Forum account)
Theme: Summer
There once was a boy
Who had found a toy
He thought it was a toy, but it was a sword. That sword was a decoy!
This decoy looked like a sword
That night, the sword was alive
So it walked towards the boy
That's when the boy woke up in the sunshine and realized....
He had found his sword on the ground
So he went to lockdown and took down knights with his sword
He even went down towards the burning clockworks for adventures
And he swung his sword towards a mob, without turning around
That mob got steamed, as if they were a corn on a cob
But then, the decoy melted off
And that decoy has turned into...
A royal jelly!
So the boy decided to eat the royal jelly with joy, before it melted!
Hai guys, I'm back. :3
Still waiting on those weekly minigame results :D
It looks like I"m running pretty late this week; I had to wait until Sol could sign into my account while I"m away from home to check for entries, and then my mother (who I'm visiting) decided that today was the day to get married, so that kept me fairly busy today. I still need to access all the stuff I have saved to make up the next week's games. D:
... it seems that I'm unable to access the files with my game stuff at the moment, and will probably be unable to access it until next week. So here's what we're going to do:
*Everyone gets an extra week to do this week's game and contest if they want
*I'll put up both new contests and games next week, so that there will be two contests and two games next week.
*I will also do two poster drawings next week, one for those who posted this last week, and one for those who posted in the week to come.
*Livestream Sunday next week as scheduled.
I'll try to think of some other little thing to do to make it up to you guys; I hadn't expected the trip to mess up my schedule this much.
Devilite: next time, either wait until my hands are out of your mouth to start chewing, or grow your own arms.
Gorgo: nomawry
So sorry to hear about your difficulties. I hope you can get back on soon.
entry: Rhyming Poetry and free verse (1)
my name: Nai-Chan
theme: winter (night)
entry title: Alone in the Dark
note for those who are interested/don't know: those are 12 syllable verses (also known as alexandrins in french ^^ and its obviously an a,b-a,b rhyming hehe :3) (also "Alone in the Dark" is the name of one of the SK missions XD)
also this poem is written in honor of Leoej (hehe) ^^
ENTRY: http://puu.sh/3o5QM.jpg
ummm well since this is a 12 syllable verse, each line can be devided by two (6 syllables in one half and 6 in the other) so it actually makes 16 parts/"lines" ...But is it alright for an entry? or should i really just make 12 separate lines no matter the verse?? @A@...
Either way, im glad i got to share some poetry with everyone hehe ^^
Who knew traveling can cause so much difficulties?
DISCLAIMER: I was going to use this for your 1st contest but I forgot all about this, I just repeated the 1st stanza of "Its Beginning to look alot like Christmas" so it's theme is Winter in Lockdown. Also, Cupcakes.
In-Game Name: Grittle
Entry Title: Seasons of Lockdown, a Wintery Musically Musical
It's beginning to look a lot like Lockdown
Tryhards Everywhere;
Their Heart Trinkets at hand
And The Ground your head will Land.
Its A lot Like Lockdown!
It's beginning to look a lot like Lockdown
Complainers Everywhere
About the Auto Aim
They think your life is Lame.
Its A lot like Lockdown!
Its Beginning to Look A lot like Lockdown
Skolvers everywhere
They will Hunt you without a Doubt
And your head they will Mount
Its A lot Like LockDown!
It's beginning to look a lot like Lockdown;
Everything is the Same
There is no Diversity
Its like Soccer Varsity
Its a lot like Lockdown!
It's Beginning to look a lot like Lockdown
Rage is Everywhere!
To the Forums they will Flee
And Annoy Eury like a Flea!!!!!!!
In-Game Name: Don-Atropine
Entry Title: Snow Days
In-Game Name: Artistbma
Entry Title: The Front Line
Entry: http://artistbma.deviantart.com/art/The-Front-Line-381338005
Wasn't sure if I should put this in the junior section or not... Gee, I thought I should.
Still... working... hard... on entry...
*looks at calendar* Darn I do NOT have enough time for this. Anyway, I'll give this mini contest a go!
Degeneration: It will only increase your appetite, not your productivity. So work hard!
(This message is brought to you by the Devilites co.)
Okay guys, winners for the last two weeks have been posted, and I'll be getting prize money out over the course of the day. Do I have everyone's IGN? (I think so, but wanted to make sure).
The current and next games are all a bit time consuming in different ways, so I think that I'm going to save some of them for another week.
Sorry about the delay, everyone (I've been such a bad host the past two weeks! D:). It's been ... hectic. >.>
All awards for the past two weeks should have been sent; let me know if you're on the event post for Weeks 3 and 4 but didn't get your prize.
Also, I should have gotten all of the current entries up in the entry post; let me know if you should be there but aren't. I'll be getting them posted to Tumblr over the next couple of days.
A pink, fluffy ghost roams a hall
searching for knights to eat and/or maul
With short bursts of speed
This mewkat will feed
on the wanderers who hear its sweet call
Holy crap... I completely forgot the seasonal theme for my first entry... Darnit... I'll have to fix that, maybe add some snowfall to it? or Maybe some fall leaves.
Entry name: calm meadow of heaven in the summer.
In game name: poisonious snarby
link http://popx12345.deviantart.com/art/Pictures-057-382401959
@Dreathuxy: Any of the places under the "Weekly Game" heading in this post.
@Artist: Yup, you might want to fix that. XP
@Snarby and Dk: Thanks for the entry/mini entry!
IGN: Shotjeer
Entry Title: Winter Beer Problems
Entry Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11rooQftnWFIqFHHjG4xCmSLAiZxFSXtPH4sy...
So I just had this awesome idea for the all the arts categories, but since it requires a lot of time, effort, and materials I need to ask a few questions to make sure that it is acceptable to post it as an entry.
Firstly, is creativeness factored into how you judge these? Like, I know it is somewhat, but if there is a moderately good unique form of art compared to a better yet orthodox digital art then will you rate them similarly?
Secondly, can I make multiple images for one entry, such as if I were to make a new line of monsters or equipment, though obviously that's not what I had in mind since I would be entering my concept art if that were the case. I can't go into more detail because I want to keep what I'm doing a secret ;P.
And Thirdly, should I add a humorous-sort-of-flare to my pieces? I'm not sure how well I can pull it off because I'm not very organized or experienced, but I'm just wondering how much effort I should put into that aspect because you appear to have an affinity to that sort of casual attitude yet still have a respect for the more serious concepts.
Thanks ahead of time for your responses.
Yes, originality and creativity are factored in while I"m judging. Multiple images are permissible, but make sure to present them in a way that I don't have to click 82 different links to see your entire project; your entry link line shouldn't go halfway down the page. Linking to an album on imgur or making a big image with all the smaller images lined up on it would be fine, though.
And if you want to add humor, that's fine with me. I like humor. But I'm not going to say you SHOULD add humor, because it's for you to decide whether humor fits what you want to do.
I meant haunted, not ghostly.
I have a question.
So how would the entries be judged? judges, votes, polls?
Just carious. :)
For the most part, I'm the judge, with my husband Sol as a tiebreaker or whatever if I need help on some things. I've got a judging rubrik that I'm following for each category type, so the entries in regular categories will be judged on technical skill if applicable to the category, originality, how well they fit the theme, "first impression" and "other". The Community Choice prizes are determined by popular vote.
If a picture is in black and white, will it loose marks and will be considered not as good as a picture with colour?
Entry #2: Mini fiction: The Curse of the Unknown Blade"
Theme: Mysterious at the core
IGN: Benightz
(This is my forum account)
@Snarby - Not necessarily: although a hasty grayscale sketch will not be ranked as highly as as a simple piece in color, a quick splash of color in MS Paint on an otherwise uninteresting picture won't help it against a set of clean, carefully tendered pencil lines without color.
@Skyguarder and Shotjeer: Thanks for the entries! I'll have them up as soon as I get the chance!
when are you going to update the current entries list? :?
I've gotten the new entries up on the first page- sorry for the few days delay on that ... I've had a lot of stuff going on IRL. Getting everyone up on Tumblr now.
Um... Tev, you mistook me for Skyguarder.
From first page(By Contestant):
Skye-Lightning: Character Drawing and Paintings, All the Arts, Short Fiction
The short fiction shouldn't be there, it should be on Skyguarder's :)
Oops! Thanks for pointing that out. XD I was tired when I was doing that. I'll go fix it now.
Starting in about half an hour. Gotta get the munchkin tucked in.
EDIT: Okay, getting set up to start in the next couple of minutes! Join me here: http://www.livestream.com/tevokkia
EDIT AGAIN: All done! Getting the pictures posted and doing the game changeover now!
So here's how last week panned out:
Game: "We're going on a Snipe hunt, we're going to catch a big one ..." - Use the clues to hunt the forums, Wiki, Haven, and in-game story for the scavenger hunt answers. There was a tie between Meteoran and someone whose email name is KS but who did not include their IGN, with 9 correct answer each. Both will receive prizes (although KS will have to send me another email telling me who he is first! I don't have most of your email addresses memorized. XD)
Contest: There once was a monster on Cradle/writing limerick's whenever he's able/he writes and he laughs/'till there's knights on the path/then he quits after flipping the table - Write a limerick about your favorite monster while you forgive Tev for the terrible example/title she just posted. Dkjadfjk was the only person who entered the mini contest this week and wins by default.
Random poster this week was Dreathuxy!
Livestream Sunday resumed this week with requests by Latisan-Sklay and Morpho-Cy!
I'll start getting prizes sent out to those I have IGNs for in the morning ... I should have been in bed well over an hour ago. XP
That word scramble game is pretty challenging, but at least I solved it without taking too long. Hope I got it right though. /crossed fingers
Pretty hard to figure out a good knock-knock joke for now, I'll probably leave the thinking later when I'm free xD
Correction to the winners for last week's game: Winners were Meteoran and KS (who I did get an IGN for).
You guys should all have your prizes now!
Thanks for fixing it! I still can't click on it for some reason, but copying and pasting the link works. :)