I need to change my entry. It should of been mini fiction x_x
I need to change my entry. It should of been mini fiction x_x
Anyways, details: Emberbreak Helmet and Armor, Bristling Buckler, [Either a Cutter or a Flourish] :3
Posing and whatever else would be up to you :) I don't like demanding too much, especially regarding arts. :)
Anyways, uh, thanks :3
Hello! ^^
Anyway, I have two knock-knock jokes. Despite the fact that I think someone asked this before, are you allowed to have more than one? ...if not, I'm not sure which one I'd prefer. ._.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Grintovec who?
Grin to vex me!
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Hail Driver!
Hail Driver who?
He'll drive 'er crazy!
Not very good, I know.
Also, I have a Livestream request, a knight-
Reference Here
Dusky Tailed Helm, Flak Jacket,
Maid Headband, Mecha Wings,
Hot Edge, Iron Buckler.
Any pose.
And one question:
Are you allowed to add a drawing/Spiralspy work to a fanfic as an "illustration"?
Thanks! ^^
Coming by email!
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Bloogato who?
Bloo ga to let me in; Margrel's outside!
Knock knock!
Who's the--?
Werner wh--?
Wer ner-t erver gonna let you finish a sertnernce.
.-. I dunno. Knock knock jokes are like puns with a bad coat of paint.
Livestream Request
/e is afraid of asking for something too complicated.
This is more conceptual than literal, so here's the description first, and then "references" at the end.
Helmet: Crown of the Fallen, Sultry eyes
Armor: Armor of the Fallen, Volcanic Wings
Detail: Red color, male.
The special part: There is a Polaris fused to the knight's right forearm, which was lost in battle.
Yeah, the Polaris part is the ticket (or the turn-away). If you're up for it, then there you go. xD
The general idea:
Also, if it's too hard to make a masculine Armor of the Fallen, Dread Skelly would be the fallback.
The fallback:
The references do not exactly reflect the description (obviously). So again... if you're up for it. :/
PS - This is from a fan fiction in which a knight loses his arm and abandoned from his squad. Gremlins recover him and fuze a Polaris to his arm. He ends up fighting for them, thus the shadow armor. ...maybe sounds familiar.
IGN: Meta-Knight-Kirby
EDIT: Got another pic. :P
Profile View: http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Ryan_Li/media/IMG_0342_zps21bd7de0.jpg...
It's an idea for a new Freeze-themed boss. Undead and Beast all in one, so it can deal Piercing and Shadow. I guess split monster types have been brought up in the past, but whatevers.
Sorry I was quiet yesterday- down all day with a fever. I'll be alright for Livestream Sunday tonight, though.
Thanks, Lat and Remila, for the mini entries. ^.^
Remilia: Yes, you can include an illustration, but the illustration won't affect judging on your piece either way. If we have enough people interested, I may add an "Illustrated Fiction" category next year.
Livestream Requests: I'll get Skye's and Remilia's this week. Since Lat already had a request, I'll do his next week if there aren't other requests from people who haven't gotten one yet.
@Kirby: Thanks for the entry, but this year they must be finished at time of submission. Would you like me to count what you currently have finished as your submission, or would you rather enter it later when you've had more chance to work on it?
Knock Knock Jokes Entries
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Divine avenger
Divine avenger who?
Theee fine avenger ish here to avenge you!
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Vana who?
The Van's gonna run ova ya!
My knock knock jokes are horrible >_>
.... would you guys murder me if I didn't stream tonight, and perhaps made it up another time this week?
would you make a winmillion 5 star concept contest?
First off, apologies for being a less-than-stellar hostess lately. I don't know whether the lackluster participation has been because I've been inattentive, or whether I just haven't really been that into it because of lackluster participation, but either way I should be taking better care of my thread. Aside from actually being on time with things, if anyone can think of something they feel would make this more fun, I'd love to hear your ideas.
Second, the games have (finally) been changed over. I'll try to get to the Livestream requests that should have happened on Sunday sometime during the week. I have all of the winners' IGNs this week already, so I'll get the prizes sent out shortly after I finish here.
Third, re-reading some of the requests for Livestream, I'd like to remind everyone that these were initially supposed to be simple, quick little sketches with little detail and that each person was only to get one. Especially considering that I've just lost my job (as of the end of the month - the new UI for the game I was working on doesn't require much background at all and my main duties happened to be painting background) and will be needing to take on commissions, I'm going to have to begin actually enforcing that; the time limit slightly less than the one-per-person (I initially planned half an hour for each and have yet to spend less than 45 minutes on one ... most have taken over an hour. XD)
And now for some replies:
@Kirby: Okay, will wait to put it up until you submit your finished version.
@Snarby: No, I likely won't. I'm not much into concept contests. If you want to design a 5* Winmillion, feel free to enter it into the concept category.
Oh dear.... was my request too detailed? D: ...um... you don't have to do it? ._.
..anyway, here's an entry for the mini contest!
Kat: I hear a zombie coming. I'll boooo him.
Zombie: I hear a kat coming. I'll grooooooowl at her.
....yea, I overdid that. And it wasn't very good in the first place. Owell.
And by the way, I've pretty much finished my Spiralspy entry. I want to post it along with my longer (and long ;_;) fiction entry since it also serves as a second illustration... in the meantime, however, I have two questions.
Are you allowed to use two shots for different angles? and
If so, and your shots are too many for the poor page, are you allowed to use two links for more room?
I'll be getting to work for the minigame, too. It sounds fun. ^^
What does an artwork made with base images in SpiralSpy, then heavily edited (I mean heavily edited) count as? I'm sorry if I'm asking a rather dumb question; first time I've ever done something like this.
i just thought of this one randomly.
knock knock
who's there?
gremlin who?
gremlin gonna thwack at you.
@Remilia: No, your request is fine, hon. I'm just reminding people that it's one-per-person and that I'm not doing any crazy concept art. ^.^ Also, yes, you can send in shots for different angles, and can use more than one link. Just don't go over three links, please.
@Slyph: If it's really heavily edited and you don't think it belongs in the Spiral Spy category anymore, you can put it in the All the Arts category. And it's alright, the only dumb question is the one someone already asked and you didn't bother to read the answer to. XD So no, it's not a dumb question.
@Snarby: Heh, thanks for the knock knock, but you're a smidgeon late.
?: Knock Knock
Chroma: Whose There?
?: Lickitung
Chroma: Likitung who?
Attorney: Hello, On behalf of Nintendo, I am suing you for Copyright Infringement of Reptiles with Elongated Tongues known as Likitung.
Thanks, and Contest:
Zombie: Might wanna share some of that?
zom: /think I knew I shouldn't have planted all that Spookatnip...
In-Game Name: Icreep
Entry Title: Diplomacy
Entry: http://puu.sh/3G6EF
Just something I threw together with SpiralSpy, Photoshop, and Illustrator (I can't draw to save my life). I consider it practice for all I've used, and was a great learning experience.
"sending in the correct answers less than half an hour after I had posted them."
IMPOSSIBRU I did it on Friday. So unless you also posted the game on Friday instead of Monday, then ???
Anyway, the contest is about half way over... Need to stop procrastinating and start working on my story and poem. :3
It seems my email client was playing timestamp tricks on me, and that I owe Snow 5k cr.
After reading the acknowledgements; since the theme is the seasons of cradle, how about giving out items from the solstice prize box?
In-Game Name: Snowprism
Entry Title: Winter Snipe
Entry: http://snowcube94.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-Knights-Winter-Snipe-386876223
Hurray, first entry down! Now for the next one, if I can ever finish it in time.
@Snow: Thanks for the entry!
@Snarby: Mostly because I don't have any of that stuff left and offering a selection of item prizes last year was a really big hassle.
Just to let everyone know; I'll put up the new game and mini contest tonight, but will give everyone an extra day to do the current one, since I got it up so late.
Can I make some improvements with my current entry and repost it?
@Piosionus-Snarby: Sorry, I had a huge amount of that going on last year and it got confusing, so rule #7 on the art rules says that your image must be finished at the time of entry.
@Anyone and everyone: I'm doing a little bit of prep and then going to stream.
Livestreaming pigtail knights to the Pacific Rim soundtrack! Join me!
EDIT AGAIN: Stream is over ... only got one of the pigtail knights done, as I need to work on something for my actual job. Working on updates now, but might not get them posted until morning. *is fried*
Subject: ENTRY (Artwork: SpiralSpy Scenes)
In-Game Name: Happyapathy
Entry Title: Something Spiral Seasons
Entry: Something Spiral Seasons, plus the story behind this amazing work of art
I would love to hear people's initial reaction to this beautiful creation of mine.
P.S. The "report" about the cannon is something people who follow AiD would know about.
I guess I better dust off Spiral Spy or something. Can't let him be the only one with a Spiral Spy scene.
Assuming I can whip something up in record time, which is unlikely.
@Happy: Thanks for the entry!
@Everyone: Sorry I'm late (again) with games/mini contests ... family issues this morning. Incidentally, no one has entered the mini game yet to my knowledge (although I haven't checked my in game mail this morning).
Tev, have you checked your in-game mail since Thursday?
Also, yay, someone entered the Spiralspy category! :D
Maybe, since I have mine done, I should enter it... another time.
In the meantime, I'm trying to juggle 4 more entries, two of which I'll be lucky to finish in time (aside from the fact I haven't even started the other two) Wish me luck ._.
Expect my entry soon enough! seeing as only one [person has yet done a spiral spy entry>.<
(Last minute entry, better hope this counts.)
Zombie: Braaaaiiiiiins... oh don't worry little kitty you're all hollow in the inside.
Bush: What a no-brainer.
Alright, that took a while. Been working on it non stop:P Anyway, hope you like it!
Subject: ENTRY (Artwork: SpiralSpy Scenes)
In-Game Name: Ariav
Entry Title: Season x4!
Entry: http://imgur.com/a/RyfNN#0
Unfortunately, Since I'm no comic artist, I don't have a wicked story behind this:P
Anyway, Heres a rundown on each of the seasons
Summer: This is the largest Island. It's got some nice shrubs, a tree, statues, fancy stonework and oh what? How'd I get in there? lol never mind. I would of put Tev in there, but I don't know what he/she looks like!
Winter: This island is dull and rather boring, medium sized. It has no awesome knight on it, and basically, yeah... Winter.
Spring: This island is also medium sized, green, and statuey. (If thats a word, it's hell of a weird one)
Autumn: This island is the smallest, with a pile of strange, dead shrubs on top of each other. Yeah. Sounds like Autumn.
Top View: All four islands are shown. Fancy that!
I had some trouble with the seasons, because I couldn't really change the colour of the floor or grass, but I hope it worked out. If you look at summer and autumn, I had to use the same colours>.<.
I'm really hoping I get that Mewkat pocket, but I doubt I'll get the community vote:P Or any vote really... that spiral spy comic is damned amazing:P Good job!
Hope ya'll enjoyed! I also made this strange picture of me fighting 3 gremlins a while ago...
I'm not too sure if you can actually see these images, so if you can't, tell me.
Weekly contest: Caption
Undead: /think You ain't catching that pokemon...AGAIN!
Mewkat: Yush I will. I'll catch all of the pokemon on Cradle! Hehehe...
More than halfway through the contest period and the success of the first contest is barely in sight. :c
Things just aren't what they used to be, aren't they.
(I'd probably try to put in another SS entry but a virus stabmurdered my PC and I lost all my files, and I'm just not in the mood to start from scratch from what seems like the billionth time.)
Can I re-post the same picture on here but with better quality?
And also, why is that i can't find my entry at thumbr. Everyone's on there but i can't find mine. :(
In-Game Name: Klear
Entry Title: Mystery Confirmed: A Wolver tale
Entry: http://klears.deviantart.com/art/Mystery-solved-Wolver-tale-388145929
'' A tale has been told that ignoring the attacks of a wolver long enough,
while wearing wolver-like accessories,
they will let you join thair pack and show you thair home. ''
Ugh, I'm so sorry guys ... it's been one of those weeks and I really don't have an excuse. I feel really bad.
I'm having something to eat right now, and as soon as I'm done I'll do the Livestream for Remilia's request, post up the art from this stream and the last one, change over the games, get prizes sent out if I have people's IGNs, and take care of the new entries.
Sorry again, and thanks to those who put up entries while I've been inattentive. If your entry was put up before and you haven't seen it in Tumblr yet, it may be in the queue; I did that to several of them so as not to flood when I was adding all of the entries from when I was out of town.
Okay, going to start by posting the Livestream results, because my computer is being weird: http://spiraltev.tumblr.com/post/56847563542/pigtail-knights-for-skye-li...
You know, I was hoping to be around a lot more here as well... as it is, being at university all day for three weeks and then being out of town for the next two weeks isn't helping anything. .-.
First of all, Tev, those drawings are really cute!! :D I really like the second one, I think because it's not a pose you ever see or expect to see in the game, but it works. Nice job!
And second of all... there is no way I'm making a wall of feedback for every entry I've missed in the last month. :c
But I'm hoping to start doing that again from here on out, so there you go.
Good luck everyone on your entries in the meantime. What I've seen I've been entirely impressed with. :D
... I need to get into the game to do some changeover stuff, but it's still patching, and each time I check on it, it's unsure where between 200 and 750 minutes the wait time is at. -.-
hehehe thanks Tev. Looks great. :3
-.- University keeping me busy. I meant to be around here a little more often. Everyone's stuff is looking good though!
Hopefully I'll find the time to pick out people specifically again sometime.