First time making a full suggestion.
There would be a new DLC pack containing a level editor pack. In order to play it you must also purchase the DLC. I picture that it would be very similar to GH designing.
Level Editor
Each level automatically begins with the arsenal station and 1-way energy barrier. Some levels (like jelly farm) don't have this same getup and will start like its own. Each level ends with an elevator that teleports you back to haven.
1. First you will select a level type (clockwork tunnel, jelly farms etc.) and tier.
2. Then you will select a background them, like GH themes (blast furnace, cooling chamber etc.) Themes are not necessarily matching with the level type.
3. I know there are different versions of each level with different maps so each level will have different version types (1-5)
*each level has "sections" (number will vary depending on the size of the map) Each section has a monster limit to prevent exploitation. (E.g. Max of 15 monsters for section 3). Sections are distinguished by 2-way energy barriers.
4. Players will be able to select monsters, blocks and other items similar to carrying GH furniture. Each item costs a one-time fee in crowns (approximately less than GH furniture?) These objects do not have to correspond to their level types (allows mixing and matching) Section limits apply.
5. Once you have completed your level there will be a publish option and a level name option (naming your level). You will also be required to choose a difficulty level (easy, normal, hard). It will then be listed at the level editor building (need a name). See below
Level Editor Building
Don't have a name yet, but it will be in the Garrison. When you walk into the building, a list appears very similar to when you enter the GH building. Instead of listing open GHs, this will list open levels, created by the community. They will appear in alphabetical order by name (which the creator chooses) and next to it will be the difficulty. (The creator of the level will have he option to open it to public). When you select a level, the game will automatically load you into the level.
Creator Options
-Can decide to keep the level open or closed
-Option for "always open"
-Can play his/her own level
-Can edit level even after it has been published. Including name.
Organized Fight
Organized fights are ones that have a party button in the middle of it (arena fight). When you plant down a monster, you can assign a wave for it to spawn in. There are only 3 waves. Each wave has a max limit of monsters. Example:
Wave 1: 10 monsters max
Wave 2: 15 monsters max
Wave 3: 20 monsters max
-Should it be DLC or free to play content?
-Level Editor Building Name?
-All levels can be played with parties
-There will be a save option for unfinished levels
-Section limits ok?
-Did I miss anything?
-All levels can be played on all difficulty modes
-Favorite level option? (List of faves?)
-Arenas allowed as a level type?
-Organized fight monster numbers ok?
This thread again. Even tough it's been spammed a derpbillion times I gotta +1 every single one of them, so here you go.