I don't put money into this game because........
What are some reasons why you don't pay into this game?
Restricted by parents.
Spend $65 of your money on a game in 3 years=Outrageous
Buy 2 $300 Purses in just 3 months=A-O-K
I don't feel like I need to in order to enjoy it. I could still play through the game to tier 3 without spending a penny. Sure, it would take longer, but I wouldn't mind that - makes you appreciate the journey more. The rewards that energy provides don't really faze me, and I'd be far more ready to pay for expansion missions like OCH that offer new experiences.
Because I see a lot of merchants who are able to make both smaal and big profits daily.
I feel like I should be able to do the same, paying 20 bucks for 7,5kce seems a bit redundant if there's an option to learn how to be a merchant and earn that amount in a few days.
Money? What money? Oh you mean the currencies I exploited off other people? Heh, yeah, I don't have any money. Just buy low and sell high, that's how you are gonna scrape through the paywall.
cause I still haven't a peyment method I rely on to pay.
if I had, the second thing I would do with it would be buying OCH.
I think its a little bit like cheating.
I want to get 5 star gear without paying something.
So before this gets out of hand, I think I'll comment about the FTP nature of this game vs paying real money. While I agree that it is very easy to generate wealth in game and you most definitely do not need to pay real money to advance in Spiral Knights, I think it's important to keep in mind the reasons why we should all at least consider still paying a little to play (assuming it's not outside of your budget/there isn't anything in the way keeping you from being able to contribute and you play other games which you pay for from time to time)
I personally enjoy playing Spiral Knights. Yes I've been here for years and yes the game is getting a little boring for me, but I still find myself hanging out online fairly often even as I have less and less free time to commit to Spiral Knights. In the better part of 2.5+ years I've spent over 70 days playing, Merchanting, socializing, and idling in haven. That's almost 1,700 hours of enjoyment from a FTP game. Now if you're willing to spend (or have your parents spend) anywhere from $20-$60 on a single player game with 10 (ie: Uncharted 1) -100+ (Dragon Age) hours worth of gameplay, why not throw OOO a bone and say thank you every once in a while by making a purchase. By playing this game so often I've saved a lot of money that I would have spent on buying other games when they first come out, so that's been excellent.! I tend to wait until there's a really cool package or promo released (ie Guardians Armor when it was on sale or the shadow accessory promo), but I find it worthwhile to say thank you to OOO, even if they release content slower than many of us would prefer them to.
Just something to keep in mind.
I find it easier just to steal Dogrock's Ce, but since Eos is dead I might need to re-think how I will earn Ce.
I'm lazy and hate farming.
Don't have a credit card yet... just lots of cash filling my wallet and my parents don't let me use their credit card.
I've already reached endgame a long time ago and I can manage without paying.
Hoardin all dem green bills. ;)
But the minute I get a credit card? Heck.. I'd probably burn it with all the energy pack purchases. Who knows? The sudden urge in income to the company might actually urge them to make a few more player-suggested changes to the game.
GUI Change *hint hint*
I use money to buy things, but mostly only cosmetics or 1-tiem purchasable energy packs for the special gear inside. I'm also endgame, so I don't really use the energy I get from those packs, it just sits there in my alt until I need the latest costume piece.
I didn't start buying stuff until recently (when I finally got a job and got money to spend), and the biggest reason I didn't buy things before was that I didn't like the idea of buying your way up to T3 endgame content. Using money to craft things faster is something i fervently frown upon, as it takes away the experience of learning how to do these things yourself. It goes along the same concept of not using cheat codes on a game until you've beaten it at least once already.
just steal rating's CE, he only buys CE to say thank you to OOO and doesn't need it himself :O
I buy energy occasionally, usually when a promo shows up and the boxes seem so shiny. I'd never consider buying weapons or progress (for one, because I have already gotten pretty far ignoring my wallet), but I see nothing wrong with buying orbs for progression, especially because you needed to acquire energy to progress before.
Before the radiant drought, I thought this game had one of the best Free to Play models for a RPG-based progression game. All content is available to everyone, and paying players have the same odds as non-paying players.
Oh and here's a helpful hint for those of you who have cash but no credit card: convenience stores sell pre-loaded visa cards that you pay cash for, and you can use those as you would a credit card
NJ pretty much steals my E already as it is. Poor NJ is poor ;)
I was paying because I wanted to enjoy this free to play game more.
I am not paying now because I find myself already enjoying in it.
I will pay in future again when something really amazing announces.
The payment options are just too limited for me... i really enjoy spiral knights and want to show my appreciation by investing money into the game. However since i dont have a credit card and paypal is not a viable option in my country i find it impossible to do just that.
This being the case i would like to take this oppurtunity to encourage the devs to explore other payment option (like cherry credits and the like which is heavily used where i come from).
Anyway, i just hope that the devs get the rewards they so deserve for all the investment they've put into the game. The moment you make it possible to pay for us people that dont have credit card or paypal is the moment i burn my money and bleed my sources dry.
I bought an Ele pass eons ago. When the old UI is back - my credit card will be too.
I thought Dockrock got their Energy by stealing from you, though.
Others can get over 50$ of in game currency due to some exploit or glitch that comes out, while I had to pay money.
And because they get away with the benefits, I'm left feeling jaded and ripped off.
After so many hacks, it's hard to convince myself to ever pay again.
... because they don't deliver much. They do mostly care only about making promos and moneymaking stuff, and that's no secret. It's clearly visible. What were the greatest changes in 2013? Battle Sprites, Dash and Shield bash, Halloween and Winter mission. That's more or less all. Or am I missing something? For a lot rich people this game has turned into a costume simulator, and personally I think it's pretty sad. This game could be so much more. But they don't even give us a level editor to kill the content problem. Reason? Money. Why should they change anything if people keep spending money without thinking? Yeah, right. And by spending money, you support their behavior. This includes the deletion of truths.
Because they haven't added anything worth rewarding them with my business since I bought 750 Crystal Energy back in 2011.
The only money I spent on was OCH with a Steam card back in December 2012. I don't plan to get anything else.
I used to pay this game a lot. I bought elevator passes, OCH, energy purchases, packs because I thought this game was fantastic in those days. Whenever a promo came out, i bought energy above 10$ even if i don't need it because getting promo boxes from energy purchases was one of the most entertaining things for me. I could sell them if i wanted to make some more profit, or unbox them if i wanted to try my luck or have fun. I mean, making an energy purchase was giving you something special for free which other non-paying players can hardly get. Also i could buy elevator pass if i wanted to play for hours and hours without thinking about my mist energy. It was fun.
After that big update, OOO removed mist energy, elevator costs and passes which was one of the main reasons i pay for this game. It was a very good update because the biggest problem of f2p players is removed and they can play without thinking about how much mist they left or wait mist to refill to do another mission etc. and this was the best thing OOO made so far(IMO). But it also stopped me to pay for elevator passes. But overall, it was good.
One other thing is, they also removed the promo boxes from energy purchases, which completely stopped me from paying this game. Now if you want to get promo boxes, you need to buy energy and buy boxes with energy. Some people think it is bad, some people think it is good, but I don't care about that. If making an energy purchase will only give me energy, not special things like promo boxes, then i should use the most profitable way to get energy. If you are a steam user and you want to get some energy, there is no need to pay to spiral knights anymore. For example, I have 10$ and i want to get energy with it. I can:
1. Make an in-game energy purchase, and instantly make 3500 energy
2. Buy 4 TF2 keys from community market, then sell them between 1200(very fast)-1500(takes some time) energy each in game. In this case, i can get between 4800-6000 energy, which is far better than first choice even if i am quickselling.
Even in the most bulky energy purchase, you can select the 2nd choice and make profit, that means if you are a steam user, there is absolutely no need to pay to three rings for energy unless you have ideology to fund this game to help developers make a better game or you are rich enough and don't need to think about it. In case of non-steam players, they need to make in-game purchase.
tl;dr: I used to pay, but i don't pay now because i don't need anymore. Also if you are a steam user and going to spend some money, you can get more energy by using community market.
I prefer to have the satisfaction of earning my own CRs and then saving them until I can buy things for me/others. It makes it feels more special that way.
My reasons are very similar to what Launcel said in post #17.
Japan is largely a cash society, or increasingly, payments made through cell phones. I bought $9.95 worth of crystal energy back when I first started and Operation Crimson Hammer when it came out, but both times I had to ask someone in the USA to pay for it for me, which is not something I want to do again.
I'm sure many of our teenage players don't have a credit card or a PayPal account. They may, like me, live in a country where payment options are very difficult to use or completely unavailable to them practically speaking.
Now, if I were somehow allowed to sell some of my in-game stuff for online credit which someone purchased with real world currency (not through Steam, which we also cannot get in Japan nor would I want anyway), I would gladly spend that credit on the game. I realize that's a whole nother can of worms, but it might be an option worth exploring.
i havent spent lately on spiral knights because well, mostly like mushta situation, i used to buy monthly my elevator pass so i wouldnt worry about my mist energy and using my mist for mist crafting everyday. i also used to buy promos because they give me something in return for my purchase. and while this new system let you buy boxes without the need to buy again to get more boxes or just being all f2p and get your promos boxes for free with your crowns... but also without the incentive of "getting" Free prize boxes on every purchase well. you dont have reason to buy energy... or at least not for me.
so... basically i do what mushta said. i better get the tf2 keys in steam market and trade it for CE then i do whatever i want. also another thing i do is saving up cr before a new promo arrives, wait a few days or even at the last days of the promo and i get the costumes / accesories i want, for cheaper Cr instead trying my luck with the boxes.
its not that i dont like to support OOO team, i really did and i really supported them on every promo costume/accesory they give us, and with my E-pass every month (i dont even want to look at my "steam historial" of every purchase i did on spiral knights) but with the lack of incentive to buy Ce (free prize boxes) its better do what mushta said.
also since there is not need to get an E-pass every month, and the lack of things to do in spiral knights that i barely play, i dont need the CE to buy orbs since i just get them when i go to arcade, i barely use spark of life (i used more on grnlinch assault) and with the lack of radiants to heat new 5 star stuff and have fun with them... well theres not much point to have Ce now (and no i dont like to use the CE to buy 50 radiants for 750 Ce, and neither i dont like to wait and spent 450 Ce for a shadow key and wait for a good group just to get radiants).
i wonder if is that bad for OOO to give us back "Prize boxes" on promos in every energy purchase, and still have the prize boxes in supply depot.
It just so happens that I drew up the perfect doodle for this thread:
Economical problems? :P
"i wonder if is that bad for OOO to give us back "Prize boxes" on promos in every energy purchase, and still have the prize boxes in supply depot."
You buy CE and get a free Prize box, and then use that CE to buy another box. lol.
If I didn't had so many problems, I would like to buy a "CE+Prize box" promo. The last one was nicely done with the Impostoclaus set on the SD and the Polar boxes being added to CE purchases.
The important question is: Why would I pay into this game?
Why should you pay? Because if no one does then OOO's doesn't make even a cent as profit and if that's the case then its just a matter of time before sega pulls the plug on this game.
In short - no one pays no one plays.
I know i don't have to elaborate beyond what i've just said but just incase you need to know, the money from players who buy in-game stuff goes to the maintenace/upkeep/development of the game we are playing... the game you are playing.
If one cares enough for this game such question need not even be asked. It goes without saying. I hope that answers your rhetorical question.
i passed the game as F2P...Tier 3, many 5* sets and weapons, Shadow Lairs, all Achievements...
but to show my support and gratitude for keeping me entertained for a good while, i have thrown OOO a small thank you and bought some energy for some shadow dragon wings and also bought OCH...
i would give them more of this ....if they put out new and interesting / exciting levels more often. levels which are outside the box, so to speak..
There is a way to pay without credit card.
^^This^^. Just buy it at a walmart/gamestop, if you get one and need any help on how to use it contact me ingame or here
IGN: Fallconn
Here's a guide I found made by dogrock awhile back
Because I have more important real life things to spend what little cash I get on. |3
Thnx. It has my country on its list. Atm i just dont know how i'm going to use it seeing OOO's payment options, i'll look into how i can use it on sk. Thnx again.
Edit: my bad, i didn't see the other link you posted. Now i know :3
I think you misunderstood Raptorsevens's rhetorical question here.
He's asking "why would he pay?" Not "why should he pay?"
And I totally agree with him. The game isn't worth paying for. People are paying good money and all they're getting is just more and more moneygrabbin accessory/costume events. This ain't a dress-up game. Lets look at last few months updates:
19/08/13 - Gourmet Prize Boxes and Battle Sprites on Supply Depot! [Prize Box Event]
18/09/13 - Flash Sales [Accessory Event]
25/09/13 - Dangerous Times [Prize Box Event]
16/10/13 - Elite Trinket Boxes and Name Change Passes [Prize Box Event]
16/10/13 - Shroud of the Apocrea [Prize Box Event & New Content]
26/11/13 - Feathery Fall in Haven! [Prize Box Event]
11/12/13 - Winterfest Arrives on Spiral Knights! [Prize Box & New Content]
11/12/13 - Flash Sales in the Supply Depot [Accessory Event]
19/12/13 - Operation Crimson Hammer and the Guardians Armor Pack [CE Pack Discount Event]
20/12/13 - It's that time of year... [Prize Box Event]
30/12/13 - A New Year Giveaway! [Free Stuff Event]
01/01/14- New Year, New Starter Pack! [CE Pack Event]
This is a max-pay min-effort game, meaning they try to make the maximum money while putting almost nothing back into the game. I enjoyed the Shroud of the Apocrea event the most. The mission was very unique and fun. It was fair for both sides. We got new content, they got money from the prize boxes.
- Merchanting is too easy
- The game isn't worth paying for
- The more you pay, the faster you finish the game and the faster this game gets boring.
I've only spent $10 on this game and i'm filthy rich. This goes to a lot of my other friends too.
Post #42
I suggest this to every new players out there.
I see your point.
Why 'would' you or anybody for that matter pay into the game?
Let me answer that again: maintenance/upkeep/development
You can argue that 'The game isn't worth paying for' because 'People are paying good money and all they're getting is just more and more moneygrabbin accessory/costume events' and that 'this ain't a dress-up game. You may also try and rebutt my arguement on 'development' seeing that you believe that devs only 'try to make the maximum money while putting almost nothing back into the game
However you fail to see that paying into the game makes it possible for OOO's to 'maintain' servers to optimum performance, ensure the 'upkeep of the company and its employees to keep them, WHICH guarantees the 'possibility' of any further development of the game.
If you STILL fail to see how that benefits you then i got nothing more to say to you i'm afraid.
To me paying into the game is how we - the players - show support into this game. This is bussiness after all. Yes, after everything has been said and done, at the end of the day SK is just plain bussiness... meaning money is needed to keep it afloat.
The game is heavily fueled by F2P for the energy market, but if the F2P starts declining, then boom the game goes down the drain.
I am wondering how many complete F2P vanguards are there?
I have only payed for elevator passes and OCH. That's about to change though. he he he.
I have been using Bing rewards to earn some extra cash. By simply using Bing every day to do a number of searches (and some other random things), I have been getting $5 a month in various form. I can get Amazon cards, or Microsoft store cards, or MOST IMPORTANTLY: Rixty cards. (Referral link: Use this link to sign up for Bing rewards and to give me a few extra points from your referral, please.)
Rixty will allow you to buy Energy in Spiral Knights via their web site. $5 a month in Rixty bucks is a pretty decent supplement to the normal Spiral grinding.
Sign up using my link, then add me in game: IGN: Yvanblo
@Bitsbee: Thanks! Bing is not as bad as I once thought... and they pay me to search... what's not to like, right? Do me a favor; ask your friends to sign up with my link as well. Who wouldn't want $5 a month in SK cash? (or Amazon, which I have $55 to, so far.) This could give OOO a huge boost in sales if enough people sign up!
Hello, its a me Superchannel :D, and why would someone ever waste money unless it for something that useful,save that money for you grocery shopping!
None of them are available in my country...
Any other suggestions?
I don't have any /cry