crystals are hard to obtain and are over priced in the AH. Radiant crystals are EXTREMELY rare and only found in Vana if your lucky. So i think they should get rid of crystals, it would make heating much easier again. Anyone else agree?
Get Rid Of Crystals
no' ooo will go bankrupt if radiant are common stuff =]
you should be happy because now you can explore clockwork everytime you want~
vana is not the only place to get radiant' you know arcade? hahaha i know no one ever think arcade exist --a
just rush ignore all enemy and break some box until depth 28
and shadow lair is not a solution...
Do people really buy Radiants, or is it just a failed experiment? It seems to me if OOO "will go bankrupt" if the Radiant issue is solved, then so be it. It'll be a lesson to learn from when they move on to their next job.
Doing the arcade doesn't always give Radiants, since you can only get them on d28 and d28 doesn't always have a lot of red boxes.
But you know you can get just as much Radiants from OCH as you can from FSC, since the last floor counts as d28 even though it shows "???" in the mini-map. Sure, you gotta shell out a bit of CE just to get the mission, but it's worth it in more ways than just the Radiants, and the fact that you can now get OCH without buying it with IRL money is a bonus.
"Get Rid Of Crystal so I can play faster LOLOLOL kthx bye"
@Exerpa' yes some people really buy it, and this is the only way to earn some income other than promo expensive stuff in supply depot... because ooo need money to feed their worker and pay sega. but it just a probability.. see here and there might be river of radiant in next gunner update' so can we stop complain and wait till that time come?
and btw shadow lair is not a solution because there high possible for some people to fail and not all people can handle shadow lair, that not including spark spent 'time consuming and luck to make radiant drop.. some people get 9 radiant on elite sl vana -,-
@Masterreeve' yes arcade not always give lot of box.. and box not always drop radiant, but i feel something weird or maybe i'm wrong~ i feel like i got more radiant in clockwork complex or other normal place than ice maul arena with lot of box at depth 28 in new sapphire gate, did ooo ... nvm o_o
OCH can give some radiant but to get there is more harder than vana --a
well~ at least we have ton of shining to heat 4 star equipment than doing cold in blood everyday to heat those... but i regret it too.. i turn my 3 rad into 5 shining before ;_; whyyyy ooo why you not tell me
The only reason OCH is harder than FSC for some people is that they are not used to doing it. FSC has been done so many times that pretty much every trick and shortcut has been found and exploited, while OCH hardly ever gets played and only a few people know how to do it properly. Personally I think the two are equally difficult, and OCH actually gives a better reward the first few times you do it (Hammer-DR-Seerus Mask). It's personal preference really though.
@Masterreeve' yes, people rarely do OCH and only do it to get Hammer-dark retribution and seerus mask' but OCH have lot of annoying enemy... make it more longer and harder to clear than vana run~ zombie in vana run more easy to handle because it predictable attack and slow movement while most gremlin family in och walk faster and sometime dodge your attack and some have shield in back.. especially mortafire but can be handle with barrier pickup' not only that... you can't get income as much as in vana run even you kill all enemy, and more time consuming or more longer than vana run + you get more radiant in vana than och due to vana have more red box than och.
Operation: Crimson Hammer is much easier to solo, in my experience. Not because of the enemies I'm up against, but because I don't have to deal with the dreadfully long second depth of firestorm citadel that I loathe doing alone.
I run it without damage boosts, and my advice to any player is: Bring elemental defense, an acheron, and a bomb. Mist bomb? Good. Already ran the mission and have the reward bomb? Even better.
Eh, Radiants can be found on any d27-28 (of course, it's much rarer in d27). Even in FSC, you can't always get radiants from d28 boxes :[
From what I've seen, it's way faster to just hop into friends' runs if they're at d27 already.
Also, I've met at least a few people (well, myself included) who would buy energy if the game didn't require at least 30 hours worth of grinding to get a level 10 item - they want the energy for the CR and Orbs (aka the "CE" price to craft items), and for $5 worth of purchases to be worth at least a little more than one in-game item.
Due to the fact that Elevators are free, there needs to be some way to stop you from easily heating your stuff now.