As most of the members of Spiral Knights Community know, there always a thread about complaining about radiants and stuff like that, this isnt an exception in spanish forums (but they lack of activity and interesting threads anyway) so as you can expect we got our own radiant thread complain in spanish forums.
But this thread ask about where we get Radiant Crystal, as the thread develop, many users posted where to find a bit of radiants. Everyone posted where to find radiants, a bunch of time have passed on such thread until GM Clotho appear in thread and said:
"You can Get Radiants, its probably that you arent looking on the right places" (
In the thread people said the places to find radiants:
-Arcade Depth 28 (sometimes 27) on Elite Mode
-Shadow Lairs Elite Mode
-OCH T3 Elite Mode last depth
Even 2 times those places were mentioned by people in that thread. then again GM Clotho said:
"As i said, you arent looking on the right places. You must look for them near at the core" probably she mean near at core depths (
Then i wonder: then what its Arcade Depth 28, Shadow Lairs, OCH T3? isnt supposed those depths are near to the core?. Also there was a user who claimed he got Radiants on Rank Mission 6-2, and some people said that they got radiants in The Rotten Metropolis mission, but a friend mine said that apperently that was a bug and only happend in Monday.
So my question for you guys:
For you: What are those levels that are near of the core?
Did you guys got radiants on earlier dephts the monday?
I honestly have my doubts about the radiant drops on earlier depths, but also i dont play like i used to do before. so i would like your answers about that matter.
I didn't hear anything about radiants on an earlier depth. I really don't know what to make of this, but I guess we're not looking hard enough or Clotho is trolling because I haven't found a single radiant outside of depth 28, and I do Cradle And All runs everyday.