Gunner Update live on Testing Server! (4/25/2014 through 4/27/2014)

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Portrait de Geordie

Greetings, knights!

The much anticipated Gunner Update will be testable on the Testing Server from 4/25/2014 through 4/27/2014. This update includes new guns, armor and helmets but most of all it brings a slew of balance changes to existing guns. We would like to get your feedback on how these new guns and gear play. In order to keep things focused, our first round of testing will not include PvP. Lockdown will be the focus of a separate test.

All the new items are available in the supply depot and are easily identifiable by the GUNNER prefix to the normal gear name. Please make sure you are testing the new guns and gear. Note: Accounts on the Testing Server have unlimited energy.

We’re particularly looking for feedback on how things are balanced. All guns have been overhauled and changed so we need feedback on every gun. Does the weapon or gear feel too powerful? not powerful enough? Do the stats seem appropriate compared to existing bomb or sword related gear? Do the guns have any animation or particle issues?

This is the first round of public testing for this content so please test a variety of gear and guns not just your favorite sidearm. The most valuable balancing feedback will come from experiencing the entire range of guns and gun related gear. All gear and weapons stats are subject to change for future tests.

Grab some new guns and gear from the supply depot and head into the Missions and the Arcade to try them out. Please leave us your feedback on the Testing Feedback Forums here:

Preview access instructions and rules can be found here:

Thank you for helping us test these exciting changes!

- The Spiral Knights team