Test Server: Dash towards Lockdown - 5/14/2013

This testing period is now closed!
Welcome testers!
For this round of testing we've added Lockdown back into the mix. Now is the time to try out the Dash ability in PvP and give us feedback on how it plays with each of the 3 classes! Please note, Shield Bash is not a planned feature for Lockdown, as each class already uses a unique shield ability. We've also made some tweaks to the Recon! Let us know your thoughts on the changes!
- For preview testing access: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/24087
- Preset control schemes (WASD, Mouse, and Gamepad) will have default key mappings for Dash and Bash; however, users of custom control schemes will need to set the modifier keys manually
- The dash is used to evade enemy attacks quickly, providing a burst of speed and limited invulnerability.
- After performing a dash, there is a cooldown that must be endured before it can be performed again. This cooldown can be seen just above the quickslot bar when a dash is performed.
- A knight dashes in the direction the knight is currently moving, or if standing still, the direction the knight is facing.
Recon Class
- A Recon Knight's shield can now take multiple hits, much like Guardians and Strikers
- A cloaked Recon Knight will briefly appear when hit
As always, please keep discussions of testing content on topic and on the Testing Feedback forum.
Thank you,
-The Spiral Knights Team

Haven't been able to test in LD as no one has been on preview at the same time, but I will say: I foresee a lot of grumbling ahead bringing dash into LD. I think long-term it will ultimately help with balance, as players will have a limited way to dodge polaris/leap in on bombers, but it will still be regarded as a noob move. Re: recon shield buff, I'm not sure this was really necessary, but I do think it will make recon a more desirable alternative to the vast ocean of skolver strikers. A little love for the guardian shield would also be appreciated.

Ok, thanks Narfle!
I'm going to get onto the Testing Server this time! I'm excited to see the recon changes (as a die-hard recon) as well as the dashing. It's also been too long since I've play tested this game. (Last time I did that was in the beta)

Thanks for the bug report Glitchedpixel, this will be fixed with the next update.

Just to let you know, I've been playing Sword Recon for over a year now and.....that change in the Recon's shield....I'll have to test it but...what the heck...wow that is broken.

@neo: Just got done playing recon--what was broken? Seemed to be working fine... I will say, the shield could take maybe 3-4 hits before breaking, which made playing recon feel much more substantial as a class. Only problem: now guardians are going to be underpowered.
Re: testing dash in LD, it seemed fine, though as several players in the matches mentioned, a.) it's still difficult to use because it is another key to juggle, and b.) there is still a feeling that players will find a way to make OP. It was difficult to test against polaris and bombs because most people were just playing normally, but I found that it was useful for coming out of recon cloak to quickly close distance for swording, and noticed a few people using it to escape strikers chasing them back to their locker room.

Guardians will never be underpowered because of sword asi low increase. It's faster to shield cancel with guardian than any other perk. They deal the most damage in close quarters, and can actually hold points on their own thanks to bomb CTR. It's broken because like everyone has been saying before--it raises the skill ceiling.
Now I use the term broken loosely....very loosely. I'm not saying "OMG SO BROKEN FIX IT", I'm using it in the sense that it will make things that much harder for players that just started playing lockdown. It's very discouraging to just start playing and get your butt handed to you every match. What's I'm getting at is...add a comprehensive lockdown tutorial!

It's a test server so i figured id report stuff that was buggy since you don't want it to be that way when you release it to the public.
Looking forward to the full release BTW.

I would have to disagree on guardians: guardians have the lowest bonuses of all three classes (low+, low+, low-). Not sure what you mean by suggesting that they can do the most damage in close quarters--you mean because of shield-canceling? I know many excellent guardians with mad shield-cancelling skills, but I have never, ever seen or been in a match where a guardian could consistently out-damage a striker. And as a guardian bomber myself, the 5% decrease from bomb ctr low is negligible. With the recon shield buffed, it seems to take roughly the same amount of damage as a guardian shield, only you're invisible and don't have to worry about it breaking when a teammate gets hit.

Would it be possible to make it so Bash makes you Invulnerable from the Front while Bashing?
Its a similar concept to the Trogans where they're invincible from the front all the time. I'm saying take that ability and put it on your knight while they are bashing. Seems that it should be able to do that since half the shield energy is being put on the face of the shield, meaning that you should be shielded from attacks from the front while doing so.
Think of it as, normally your shield produces a field of energy that surrounds your knight 360 degrees, Your knight to perform a Bash, removes the limiter on the shield unit and Overcharges the shield to produce a temporary wall of energy which, as well as giving the Knight a boost forward, also gives the ability for the shield to do damage, and because the limiter was removed it overheats the unit which causes you to have to wait for it to cool-down/recharge before it can be used that way again.
Sounds cool when you put it into technology of the Spiral Knights don't ya think?

A detailed response to smoother bombing, dashing and shield-bashing after a shardbomb run with Soral; by Zeddy, age 5
I love this game all over again.
Also, if you spam the attack button with bombs you look like a train. Choo-chooooooooooooooooo!
I will be detailed and analytic and things tomorrow.

buff guardians
Since when could striker shield take multiple hits?
by the way, dash just sound cheap.
"ermagawd im gona dash in2 deez bombz and kil dis bomba cuz he cnt charge wit me hitin him tr0lolol0l"
"ermagawd 6 playa block of path wit polares? i gona dash and GF combao all dem and getz 99999dmg tr0l0l0l0l0l0lolol0l"

Red, the striker shield could always take multiple hits. While dashing, if someone hit you, your dash would not be broken.

Do we have an ETA on when this update will come out? I'm not looking for an exact date more like a timeline, one to two weeks maybe?
everything looks fine i want you to get started on my dawings for spiral knights id also like to see what you have planned for the airmech id like to see it when your making it as in now please

It's possible to skip spike traps by shield walking into them, then dashing. I find this to be a problem.

Thanks for your participation, knights! If you haven't already, remember to leave us your feedback here on the Testing Feedback forums.

A detailed response to smoother bombing, bunny-hopping and shield-dashing, but for real this time
While my previous response really, honestly, says it all, I am nothing if not an author of walls of text. I didn't get a whole lot of time with these features, but I felt like what I saw was enough. This post is basically just going to be a compilation of what I've said elsewhere on this subforum.
On smoother bomb-lifting
For me, this was the big one. Dashing and shield-bashing are really nice, but neither were half as welcome as this right here. It feels so natural to be able to move while lifting bombs. Like I'd been able to do it all the time. Like it should've been that way all the time. At this point, I really have no idea why, indeed, it wasn't that way all the time.
More than anything, it's a great help with shardbombing. Enemies get- Get back here, I'm not ranting about shard bombs, this is praise! Enemies get bounced around in erratically with them, and you really, really need to be able to move constantly in order to avoid them properly. I have no idea how I used these bombs before this tweak! Anyways, it's here now, and it's fantastic. On behalf of every knight who ever picked up a bomb, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for this.
On bunny-hopping
This move is a lot of fun! It looks cool, it feels good, it sounds nice, and it's useful to boot! People are worried the bunny-hop and the shield-dash will make this game easier, which I think is a really silly concern to have. The game can already be easy-mode if you want it to be. Bring a shivermist, blitz, glacius and Polaris and just about nothing in the game will be difficult.
Sure, if you want to play defensively, bunny-hopping is going to let you play even safer than before, but where's the fun in that? I think what the bunny-hop brings to the table is that it lets you play the game faster. I don't mean that in the sense that it lets you move faster, being able to skip 5 tiles every 8 seconds is not a very big deal, but it lets you play more aggressively in battle and finish fights faster since you can delay dodging for longer. With the bunny-hop, you can simply dodge at the very last second, and then run right back into the fray again.
I would like for the bunny-hop to cancel at least charges. If I'm holding up a bomb, I won't really be able to use the move to get out of trouble at all, since I have to wait for the bomb-canceling animation to finish first and by that time I've probably taken the hit anyway. I'm aware it's really exploitable because it lets you cancel otherwise-punishing weapons such as Blitz Needle, and if you guys think that'd be overpowered, I would have no arguments against that. Maybe it could at least cancel charges that aren't finished yet?
The only negative thing about bunny-hop is that it makes mercurial jelly even more obsolete than it already was. You're making Fehzor sad, guys. :[
On being a comet
Shield-dashing is nice. I think you should do a tier-restriction-thingy where 3* shields are not able to stun T3 enemies so that there would finally be some kind of offensive purpose to not using a swiftstrike, but otherwise it's a good move. I didn't remember to test whether or not Omega Shell can use the shield-dash as often as other 5* shields, it might not be able to since it spends half of the shields health and I have no idea whether or not all shields charge up relative to max health or just star rating. If it can't use the shield-dash as often, I think shield-dash damage should be decided by shield health.
Either way, it's a great move when you're cornered, and if used recklessly you can easily be in more trouble than before you used it, so it takes thought for sure. I foresee that it won't be very popular, certainly not compared to bunny-hopping, but it's still a nice move in its own right.
Someone in some other thread mentioned that it would be a good idea for shield-dashing to be activated if you bunny-hop while shielding, rather than having seperate bindings for the two of them, and I think that's a good idea.
The stun-rate seems to be 100%, or at least pretty dang high. I do like it because it gives a lot of purpose to the move, but at the same time I have no idea why anyone would want a Rigadoon outside of Lockdown now. Your recent developments make me confident you'll sort out that balancing stuff somewhere down the road, and even if you don't you'll never fail to keep SK a fun game. As much as I whine about balance everywhere, it does not take priority over fun, and shield-bashing is fun
On the background icons in the inventory
Did anyone else notice these? I thought they were neato! The left side is coloured with the gear's least significant element while the right side is coloured with the gear's most significant element. So the left side is green for demo suit, but the right side is green for gray feather. If you put the appropriate UV on the suit, the colours even switch places! The only oddity is that if you put a piercing and a shadow UV on a demo suit, you wont' be able to see the colour indicators for normal (blank colour) and elemental (green colour) anymore. It'll be yellow and purple, instead.
It feels like that defeats the purpose of the colour code in the first place. Isn't it there so the player can quickly identify his best gear for the given situation? If I want elemental protection, I'd glaze my eyes over the list of armour until I see green, but I wouldn't be able to see that if I had the double-UVs on it. Instead, I might stop at a skelly suit with a low elemental UV on it and I don't see how that would help me at all. You could maybe find an alternate means of representing UVed damage types, like little bars on the side or making the pattern on the background different so it can accommodate more colours. Then again, maybe the purpose of the colour-code is just to look pretty, and the two-tone theme is doing that well.
On the new inventory icons
I got used to these after five minutes, but I'm sure you're aware that there'll be another ragestorm when you release these.
The mecha knight is pretty.
All in all
Good update, guys! <3

Also, I'd like to add that some people don't have room for more buttons. Would it be possible to allow dashing through double tapping a direction to dash? (As an option) And then like Zeddy said, dash as you shield would give a shield bash. This way you can use both new features without remapping a single key.
On icons, I didn't notice that the backgrounds changed color. It seems cool! Now icons fit, too. My only small gripe is that the equipment icons are square, even when in equipment slots. Before they fit neatly into the item circles, and now they blot it out completely. This isn't very big, but it sorta goes against that new, rounded feel that the new UI gave the game.
...free to all players like many games?
I Really wanted to see (like all players ofcourse) the new update, and Beta is something serious, i know, but just once, c'mon, who disagrees with me?
Like NOT all games make Beta Testing free, but, many does, at least once, and btw, one of my friends say that the update ill Rock, i think it too, like i can read the All fórum about it, any1 didn't complied it, good thing :)
Know i must take care of the Jellies and fire zombies, without Dash and Bash, ill be hell xD!
I Look further too this update! Keep it up Three Rings!

Ooo, yay test server is closed, which means we will be getting an update soon, no? :D

I bet it's on wednesday. Somehow updates mostly come on wednesdays.

why not tuesday (today)? :o
@ Nano-Sec: Beta testing can't be free because then we'd just get a bunch of 10 year olds messing around on it and not being serious testers. Paying stuff discourages most of these 'trolls'. (no offense younger generation but trolls give you a bad name!)
I Think your right, maybe is true, too bad that those type of People exists, but maybe te game should ask your age while you join Beta?
Anyhow... since the beta is closed, ima now try the Bash and Dash, yay :P
At least it wasn't so long time, untill it was published :D
Note: Good thing that someone Responded me :)
After some further testing of the dash/bash system i have come up with 2 things to say.
1.) Thank you, thank you, thank you for removing the stupid blue glow from the character model when using dash/dodge. It was tacky and ill fitting (It just looked stupid, sorry)
2.) During my runs in the Clockworks i have come across a very bad Bash bug. This can be recreated multiple times so i will post how to execute and fix this glitch.
A.) Open character menu (the one with the 3-D render of the Knight) when accessible.
B.) Click and drag the costume slot icon onto the Armor slot icon. (if you have a costume that is a wearable armor piece.)
*Note: I also have my Character inventory open as well during this step.
C.) after performing step (B), perform a shield bash and watch how the character does not perform the animation or sounds of shield bashing but still does the physical movement and damage.
D.) To alleviate said glitch, un-equip then re-equip your current shield and the animation and sounds will return.
It took me awhile to figure out what had caused this glitch but I've got it down to what has caused it (listed above).
I currently have not been able to test out Lockdown as there was no one playing at the time i was on the test server, so i look forward to testing that. Otherwise everything seems to be well re-balanced. (I still want to see dash/dodge's recharge rate shortened by a least 1 to 2 seconds though.)