Added military breather
☣Nox's Shop of Stuff☣ - ALL the stuff! (Recently added - Prismatic munition pack, sleep vial bandolier, dusky rebreather)

Added more titanium box items

I would like offer 355,000 crs on the Toasty Rebreather
IGN: Ladder-Deco

Added more low-tier titanium

lel so what is this about a giveaway i was talkin with u about yesterday, btw i'm mukui is the forum thread to the most recent giveaway (although that one's now done). Once I've made enough by selling things in this shop, I'll be holding another one like that (except this time planned to avoid server crashes!)

Added prismatic heavenly halo

Added a lot of titanium box items - more to come in a couple days, so stay tuned if you're looking for a particular munit/headlamp/breather

Added celestial nav suit and military node slime helms

Omfg unboxed sleep vial bando. I am also willing to consider offers on it, but no guarantees that I'll sell at all.

Added prismatic glow eyes (Since when did lockboxes give out nice things? This doesn't feel natural!)

Mah cousin have some Light Shards to sell.
Her nick: Dat-Pretty-Girl
Added dread seal