What does it mean when the price was discounted anyway? Where else were they selling this helmet?
SD Sale Log Sept. 10 - Sept. 16

They probably reused the background image from something else and didn't notice. I bet 19k is probably the real price, and not 1900.

I find it likely that the 3500 reduced price was meant for the wolver tail.
It makes sense for 3500 to be reduced to 3400.

Elephant mask is best mask.
Core is elephants.
Knights are elephants.

I agree with Noxiouselephant. Elephants are spiral, elephants are knight.
Energy is elephants
Crowns are elephant
You're elephant
I'm elephant

SPIRAL knightS

Guys, we can literally talk about he elephant in the room now. OOO's can't hold out forever; if they think my trunk space is made of money, I think i better paq-a-derm my things and just stomp outta here.
19KE? I'd rather have old trojan costumes back.

Prismatic Ruinous Crystal 9000E
Just saw this in SD, probably 4pm-8pm slot.

Add Prismatic Ruinous Crystal to the list for 9k energy that came out about 5-10 minutes ago.

Just wait, they'll soon start selling items for 50-500k ce! Flash sale, cheaper than ever before, triple MAX armor for just 150k-500k ce!
No, wait. Why bother with triple-max if they can just make a fancy costume?

Ok everyone.
The crystal appeared and disappeared in an hour. It seems like there may be specials occurring for an hour during the normal sales. Guess well need to be sure to have eyes watching.

The Gatecrasher helm is intended to cost 19,000 energy. The way the supply depot is set up, if an item is placed on sale and an original price is not known, it will just be given the default which is the same for a 5* armor. To clear up confusion, we went ahead and gave it an original price that made more sense (though it is fairly meaningless since this is the first time it has been sold).

That makes a lot more sense, also for our log, the Prism Ruinous Crystal disappeared at 9pm EST.
I just want to apologize because I realized I did this with my comment:
"I've gone "pfffff" at the items in this Flash Sale so many times I'm starting to attract elephants." made earlier.

Legobuild indeed it was. I wonder if that means there might be other short sales in the future...
(Pissst... Yes, that means you can expect a few shorter sales tossed in now and then to keep things interesting)

Cursed Tome Stand 15ke
Military Wolver Tail 3.4ke
Prism Vert Vents 800e
Volcanic Flower 9.8ke

Ahh dang, I was meaning to snag a pair of those. Got caught up in real life junk. ;w;
Ah well, perhaps next time.

Purple Lazy Snipe 6.5ke
Volcanic Valk Wings 5.8ke
Zombie Bellhop 25ke

OOO cheerleader: "OOO is a good game company and the game is F2P yeah :D"
Me: "Gate crasher helmet, check mate."

^ lol
Could have used the 75kE Iron Dragon Wings if you think costumes/accessories make the game no longer f2p (which, they don't)

Well, at least the iron dragon wings look good, what does this piece of a crap of a helmet has to offer?
Sorry, but this is no longer a case of whether or not you want to buy it anymore, this is high way robbery. I know a thing or two about American capitalism, you buy a 5 dollar burger at McDonald's, you get a 5 dollar burger. But what made OOO thinks that this ugly helmet that already existed in this game for months worth anything close to 19K CE? At least wings makes some people *cough* Njthug *cough* feel good about themselves, this HELMET HAS NOTHING TO OFFER.
Just the thought of OOO thinking that they can get away with something like this makes me mad. And let's be honest with ourselves here, do you think a piece of cosmetics in a game like SK is worth 50 dollars of your or your parents' hard earned real life money? If your answer is yes, then I think there is nothing left to say.

I have a great solution to those who believe the expensive helmet is literally the harbinger of the apocalypse: don't buy it? There is no shortage of lower priced items for the discerning thrift.

C'mon... There was a ton of better ways to put Elepthant helm into game.

630E Radiant x50, 3400E Dusky Wolver Tail, 25000E Zombie Bellhop

There is a large difference between being a required item for the game and being a cosmetic item not required for the game. Your burger example fails to be an accurate analogy because one it is used for consumption. A better comparison would be $30-$70 iphone cases. There are a couple that do have functionality (similar to reskinned weapons) but most do absolutely nothing other than fancy it up.
That being said with the achievement and collect everything mentality, all these cosmetic items may come across as a need through a mental addiction. There's a lot in this world that has changed from the past that we don't yet know exactly how it affects us.

Sorry, but what you and many other OOO cheerleaders failed to realize is that my burger comparison is in fact accurate, if you pay 50 bucks for cosmetics in a game, shouldn't you expect to get your money worth? Just like the five dollar burger that should have cheese and pickles, why should in game cosmetics be treated any differently?
Coz those r ur personal opinion, midnight.
I will throw you a bone that one, but what you have understand is that I am not mad at the fact that the thing is overpriced, I am mad that OOO had the guts to prey on that certain percentage of the player base that would dump cash at them in exchange of cosmetics that are clearly not worth price tag. There are thousands of better designed costumes out there that are priced less and OOO dared to price that ugly helmet at 19K CE?!

"Sorry, but what you and many other OOO cheerleaders failed to realize is that my burger comparison is in fact accurate, if you pay 50 bucks for cosmetics in a game, shouldn't you expect to get your money worth?"
"if you pay 50 bucks for cosmetics in a game"
If I pay 50 bucks for cosmetics in a game, I would expect to get cosmetics. How much cosmetics are worth $50 in a game? Well that question sure depends on the game's internal economy. Yes, OOO the price at 19kE with limited availability. Did I buy one? No, because I didn't find it worth it. Did others? Yes, because they found it was worth that price.
The only valid argument that I see is that you believe OOO is taking advantage of players. I have been active in the addiction based discussions. Please take that topic over to either one of the current threads or create a new thread on this instance. I will be sure to comment on it if you do (I am very much interested in viewing all the opinions and seeing if I miss any new developments from science on the topic).
This thread, however, is about documenting what items appear when and at what prices. It is okay to leave a comment or two about what you think about the prices, but I would not like a full-fledged dispute to occur that may interfere with my ability to search through the thread to locate and timestamp all the items that appear.

You know it's still f2p because don't forget you can still get the helmet without purchasing anything. It just requires a bit of grinding that's all

Twinkle Aura 8.5ke
Volc Spike Mohawk 2.8ke
Volc Vert Vents 3.6ke
Zombie Bellhop 25ke

Reminder that costumes and accessories do not impact the game whatsoever, and if the Gatecrasher were a WEAPON there'd be reason to complain. At least it's not a second Mixmaster. x_x
The game is still free to play because by no means is the helmet comparable to necessary equipment for FSC. IT's cosmetics alone. I've seen other games do exclusive cash-only weapons and armor and it's really unfair to free players because they're literally crippled for not spending money, whereas in SK you just look a little less fancy. ;3 But you can even buy these items with crowns, so if you save up you can still look as fancy as you want. Other games bind cash items sometimes, too, so really this could be so much worse.
It's likely not the last we'll see of that helmet, too. It's just one color, perhaps there will be some recolors/reskins of it soon.

Lol, I'll totally agree with you. It doesn't impact the game, or its development. Still costs too much-- these are called "micro transactions", and should not require any deeds to process.

Lol why the heck are volcanic vert vents over 4x as expensive as prismatic ones XD

I admit that 19k is a tad steep, but I don't personally take any issue with high-end cosmetics that don't impact gameplay. I'm even a paying player and I don't think I'll ever manage to get my hands on one of those, but there are definitely more important items I could be missing out on.
I just try too hard to stay positive I guess. ):

Its always fun to see people argue about a cosmetic item being overpriced. You think its too expensive? Don't buy it! End of story. I think BMW cars are amazing! Same as some Audi designs. But hell, 15-year-worth salary? Not in this life! I'll die of hunger in a month! Same with SK - I loved elephant helmet but its price is too high for me, so I won't buy it.
If Rose Regalias were sold for, like, $2.50 for a set, I'd have ALL of the sets. If every cosmetic piece cost between $1 and $5, I'd have a TON of them. If items like Black Kat Cowl had reasonable prices and could be purchased from the shop for Energy or were grind-able on a constant basis (like, keep working and you're guaranteed to get it eventually), I'd be grinding, not posting on the forums!
But OOO/SEGA seems to believe there's more money to be made by selling $100 products to 5 players than $5 product to 50.000 players. Well, its their game, its their right to set rules. And its my right to do quitting sale at forum node 104038, come check it out, I've got some cool items.

P.S.: to everyone spending their money on this game during this flash sale: hold your horses. SK news and support are unreachable for a couple of days now, its possible they'll just vanish with your money as soon as flash sale is over and take all the investments with them (I'm not saying its going to happen, but a "web site down" problem is usually fixed within hours, not days... and support being down for more than a day is simply unacceptable).
Check this page:
In my case it shows empty page.

If you are having problems contacting support but can still access the forums, make a post in the tech support. Neither have gone down for me.

Thanks for info! Guess I'll check it out now.

Yup, they were active for only a half hour. This will make logging everything much more interesting.

zombie bellhop 25k ce
iron wolf tail 25k ce
shadow round shades 2.5k ce

Shining x50 315E, Baleful Aura 18000E, Zombie Bellhop 25000E
Prob should edit that if they can possibly: update would be weird here, yet whatever: they fixed the bolted vee issue by limiting since 750x count free.