>I think that if we convince people that this will help them in the long term, they'd willingly do it.
>willingly do it.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are shooting yourself in the foot there buddy. You really don't get people at all do you?
>I think that if we convince people that this will help them in the long term, they'd willingly do it.
>willingly do it.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are shooting yourself in the foot there buddy. You really don't get people at all do you?
I certianly do consider the conciquences. Prehaps not well enough, but I'm not trying to seem ignorant. You are completely correct in the first case. But say CE was 10k, would it be that bad if i could make 10k per 10 runs? True, that is more of a way to cope with this problem than solve it, but it's better than nothing. I do not think the flat reward, not depending on teir, at the end of each level would be fair. Then what would the point be in getting better equipment? People could use vog cup on teir 1 levels and still make the same amount of money as T3. However your last point makes sense. It does seem to defeat the purpose, but 800 CE for a 5 star still seems too much when CE costs 6k.
If I cant rely on people (Citizens), or three rings (Goverment), I'm moving somewhere else (Quake three).
"Raising Crown drops would raise CE prices more, which would then result in the devs raising Crown drops again, which raises CE prices again... until Crowns are completely devalued and people resort to ONLY making deals in alternate currency-- such as CE itself, since it's the only stable currency remaining."
I made the point to opaopa that if CE was 10k, I'd be fine if i got 1000 crowns per level. I don't get what you mean by CE being the only stable currency, it would rise just as much as crowns would, and that seems fair enough.
Good point on the weapons, I didn't think about that...
Sorry about this being the 5th post in a row, but if i make a long post, 2 more short comment's come before I'm finished...
Looking from a broad (mathematical) view:
A) What has happened (the patch that caused it all):
1) Energy sinks in this game have more than doubled with the new crafting systems.
2) Crown sinks have gotten somewhat lower (AH sinks some, lower recipe costs added a whole lot of crowns into the economy).
3) High level items are now un-tradable (due to no possibility of unbinding 4 and 5 star items).
B) In game influence (as of now):
Inevitably, with that patch crown value decreased by around 30% (where earlier 100CE got you 4-4.5k, it now gains you 6k), and that is with a massive offering by a huge CE trader keeping the prices this low - under the current conditions, this seems temporary at best as the prices are not going under this while the amount of offerings at 6000 are getting lower and lower, after which crown value will decrease more (possibly significantly so). While the auction house is a good sink for 3* and lower items, the bigger transactions used to be for 4 and 5 star items.
C) What this means (as of now):
This is undoubtedly making buying CE with cash more lucrative, BUT, by offering the same amount of CE for the same price, while the crafting prices have gone significantly up - the actual amount of gain from it was halved (crafting being the only CE-intensive task in the game). The starter package somewhat attempts to remedy this, but under current conditions, it is a worse deal than pre-patch. Basically: the game's time limit has gotten stricter due to increased reliance on mist energy, and the game has become more expensive on every level. Even though CE is far more expensive in-game at the moment - at a minimum of 700CE per crafting for 5* items (as opposed to 300 pre-patch), and a minimum of 1100 to craft a 5* item from scratch (as opposed to 400), the in-game price of CE needs to reach about 12K crowns for getting the same "relative" value as in the pre-patch economy.
D) What will happen if things continue as they are:
This means that what will logically happen without significant changes to the economy is that 100CE will stabilize at around 9-12k. That would mean that being able to play without time constraints would require an exceptionally lucky tier 3 run, and getting there with the (now insanely expensive) crafting costs would take a lot more grinding. That will eventually lead to devaluation of materials relative to crowns, as well for a de-facto price increase for anyone wanting to buy CE, while being a lot less comfortable for non-paying customers.
E) Why this change is permanent:
Because we won't leave. This game is awesome, and the fact that we are here means we love playing it. So we'll play less or pay more. Until the game decreases in popularity.
@Lequack and I love the name btw reminds me of Courage the Cowardly Dog, oh did I just date myself?
Anyways, Uh citizens are pretty much out as they are doing it in the first place so they aren't likely to stop, so we have to rely on the government, however when you compare OOO to the government, you make me think they are greedy slimy lil a-holes only out for their pocket book lol. (I know this isn't true.)
Hopefully, "the government" will do something.
I already moved to a new city XD.
Why yes, it is from courage. I use this username or the tattle tale strangler on most websites. I still have SOME faith in citizens, and I my self would post offers for 5500 crowns per 100 CE if i bought more, and all the other at least semi-selfless things I may have posted. Now to reply to the moster comment above you...
Well, I aggre completely with Jnn. Seems a bit on the pessimistic side, but still pretty accurate. Little hard to read for my tiny brain....
I knew it was from Courage!
I always bid my cr/ce prices low even lower then what you can see on the bids. I was mostly referring the to citizens manipulating the market for their own greedy and selfish needs and goals. Example lowest bid for buy ce is 5200 I will bid 5199 or lower it's not much but it helps drop prices, granted I have to wait longer but meh.
... however when you compare OOO to the government, you make me think they are greedy slimy lil a-holes only out for their pocket book lol. (I know this isn't true.)
Which they are you refering to? OOO or the government?
"If OOO decides to do anything at all, they will not do it for a month at least (except for catastrophic userbase collapse), because they need to gather as much data as possible before making new decisions. And, with all due respect, the forums and the opinions therein are not exactly a reliable source of data."
Maybe not, but logic, facts and reason are not opinions, and are reliable.
When you know that (fact) people are artificially boosting the price of CE, and you know that (fact) there aren't enough valuable crown sinks in the game, then you can (logic) that this drives the CE price up and makes it harder for new players to get into the game, then you can (reason) that it needs to be regulated or new major crown sinks need to be added to allow new players a chance to enjoy the game before they decide if they want to invest anything into it.
OOO better not wait a month, because at this rate in a month this game will be virtually unplayable to anyone who doesn't pay to play. I started when the game was around 3400 Crowns per 100 CE, and it took me over a week of 2-3 hour a night playing to get enough gear and skill at the game to be able to make my money back in energy investments (this with many of the common mistakes new players make, like buying a piece of gear from vendors or buying and making recipes they don't need, or stopping only a few floors into the Clockworks and never reaching the deeper, more profitable floors).
At 6.8k per 100 CE, you're talking about two weeks of frustrated, start-and-stop gaming to really get a feel for what the game is about, meaning reaching tier 2 and learning of, choosing and acquiring gear that have crafting paths all the way to 5*. Some people already get bored of the game before then now, unless they have someone helping them out and explaining things. Doubling that time is just going to shrink the lifeblood of this game: new players.
The really obvious solution to me is the major crown sink route, tied to 5* UVs (the end-gamer's only concern). Allowing players to re-craft a level 5 or 10, 5* piece of gear into a new version of itself in order to give it a chance at a UV, OR if it has a UV give it a chance at upgrading the value of its UV, would be something everyone who is already "done" with the game and has hordes of energy stored up needs. Making this cost massive amounts of crowns, talking like 50k-100k, plus the mats needed to craft that piece in the first place (to add another mat sink), would heavily impact the Crown-Energy dynamic.
It still wouldn't solve the issue of market manipulation, but that's another matter more up to OOO in terms of how they want to handle it.
OOO saying they wanted 5*s more rare can only come with OOO wanting more money per piece.
if it's more rare, less get made. if less get made they get less money. consequently they need to raise CE fee if they want to make em more rare. (of course they forgot making the thing more rare in any other way than the fee, which is corner cutting extreme...)
I think he means OOO, but he could mean people who wave "cut rich peoples taxes!" banners allover the place... Let's save thar road for a different topic...
I don't really think that would help dropping prices GOSkype, but it should keep them stable-er. The real reson nobody puts low priced CE on the market is becuase they're up against an army of high pricing CE merchants. I'd have to have half of the populations CE at all times to keep it down myself. The fact is, if i place 5 offers for 5k, those will be quickly bought, leaving the thousands of 6.2k offers remaining. The real solution is to eliminate those AND put in new low ones, IE asking nicely for help from people who should stop profiting of of resseling CE for a higher price, or to buy crowns and sell them for a higher CE price. Too many people want to rely on three rings for help. The fact is, I think the people need to do this for themselves. Like a REAL SOCIETY.
Last was at nekodachi and god of skype
Daystar brings up a great point, but reasoning and opinion are difficult to distinguish. For example, I could say "My opinion is that my reasoning is better". I agree with more crown sinks, but regulating or caping prices is out of the question. They might as well let brinks sell CE for a specific fixed crown price. That gives me an idea though, prehaps boss tokens can buy you CE? Not shure on it yet, but it's a good point to ponder.
The thread looks like its drifting.
First time mistakingly double post, that calls for celebrations. Sorry.
It does seem to be drifting a bit. The title makes this place seem like a place to complain about CE prices as opposed to fixing them. A better name would be "How to fix CE" or something. Still great conversation, I wish nick and the mod's were here.
i'd say the major reason ce price are skyrocketing is because some people are really, really greedy. everyday you can see some "buy x50 ce" or more at a rate exceeding the one that was previously on. what kind of people could have that much money ? only the ones who sell massive amount of ce at high prices. which means some people are making it higher and higher and having a lot of fun making the F2P players suffer. sadly, OOO can do nothing about the mentality of sadistic humans and neither can anyone of the people complaining about it sinc they are also among the people supplying this game with ce right now. also, one of the only people here who seems to have understood that much about human psychology might be skype1 rofl
P.S. : during the prelaunching w-e, ce price were at 800-1300 cr per 100 ce max and nobody complained about it ( from the seller's point of view ). the monday it launched, the prices were at 2800 and some tiers 1 people were already finding it hard to craft their stuff. a week later the price was at 3500 and lots of people were leaving and the rate keeps increasing ... guys, did you know that increasing your prices isn't going to get you more money but only less buyers ? well they might be too blind or deaf to understand a thing -_-
oh it reminds me that there are still people saying that everything is fine since a jk run gets you enough to buy 100 ce and dive in again. uh the goal in a game isn't to grind just to be able to grind more or am i mistaken ? xD
Just me giving some random perspective:
Let me tell you about that mmo named flyff. making an item to +10 can cost over 250$ if you have bad luck. (upgrade protection scrolls)
and the game was kinda fun even as f2p player. (I also got like somewhere where one could farm valuable things okay, without paying)
(also it seems the game turned into a lot worse cash sink the years I didnt play)
Now here in SK, 5*s are the ultimate thing pretty much. (aside from UVs which do compare somehow, but they dont massively boost stats of an item; heck, medium UVs are so cheap in real money terms anyway)
2,5$ production fee (and no other important ingredients) for an ultimate piece of equipment is still soo cheap. But 5*s don't feel ultimate. They are easy to make and not much of an upgrade over the 4*s (aside from some pieces)
Another (kind of related) thing with SK versus other MMOs is how in other MMOs, you can progressively farm more valuable zones, to kind of keep up with the gear cost progression. That works because the majority is derping in newbie areas not earning ingame cash, and the cash players buy the gear from people who needed weeks to get to the position to be able to sell that gear. For a price that allows these people there to advance.
This ingame currency flow of new rich players to a smaller group of mid/lategame players pretty much dried up in SK.
Because in SK things just end at Jelly King.
It's kind of a weird place SK is in. I can't even make a recommendation where they should start to add value. T3 attractiveness? harder more rewarding Tier? Harder to get items that feel more special? Enhancement system?
When there's a cashflow from rich new players to lategame players again, there's also the significant feature of a minor cashflow from the mid/endgame players to the poor new players to consider. Like make enhancement system items drop on all tiers with the same chance or something along those lines.
Because it's a lot harder to make new rich players without a clue give currency to new poor players without a clue.
I'd wish OOO would consider these proven online game design descisions a bit more. I just don't see where people burn their cash and what for. aside from what we all do, running the clockworks. but why would rich players give you CE to run the clockworks in SK? Where are the exciting drops that even excite the buyer who only ever heard of it dropping?
edit: also, SK had all of that, when 70% of the players couldn't run jelly king and I could sell fausts for 2k ce. (and I started to play the game some days late, I regret not getting on right at the start~)
heck, I didn't really have much to do with the CE, ultimately I'd shift it between CE and crowns to try to make some profit, meaning the CE is actually available to the market without me going to use most of it; just me selling it at high demand points and buying some at low demand points. See how that's actually benefitial?
The energy market is not a sadistic attempt to screw over the free players.
People are just looking to make a profit -- to get more out of something than they put into it.
It is not greed, it is simply human nature.
well as the devs said at the very beginning, this game was about having fun. that is without much headache to find THE ultimate gear to get to high end tiers. you could relax and play a fun game. now it's all about saving every little cr you can grind and that, just to be able to play, not to mention having stronger gear, or even if you only want to collect those that you feel would be nice to have. i've been playing since the 1st day of the prelaunching w-e, and up until the end of the 1st week i wanted to collect as many pieces and recipes i could. now it's kinda more like using my mist energy to try and get 1 recipe i'd want after a week.
you are saying just what I implyed, human are greedy by nature xD but some more than the others, and those few ones are actually killing this game. do you think that piling up 100k ce by sucking dry the F2P players is just getting more than what they put ? well in a way yes, but what in the world is it useful for ? getting every gear available with a maximum or high UV ? and what about the guy ( not to mention all the new players who abandon after seeing the ce price the first time they get in ) who can't even get a 3* basic one ? xD
Thanks for the response, just offering some counterpoints.
"I'd say the major reason ce price are skyrocketing is because some people are really, really greedy."
That's what weve been saying, read the comments a bit more... Plus, some of them are just kid's who think they understand economy. They don't realize that that hurts them long term.
"lots of people were leaving"
I've only heard of a couple rage-quitters, and they don't really quit, they just use that as an empty threat towards OOO as a weak attempt to force them to become price-capping commies (No offense comunists, I'm a bit democratic...). Nobody really dose it and it won't work.
"did you know that increasing your prices isn't going to get you more money but only less buyers?"
Who needs all the buyers? If I sold one (Well two for one) Slap-chops to 1% of the american population, I'd make away like a bandit. The same principle applies here.
"oh, it reminds me that there are still people saying that everything is fine since a jk run gets you enough to buy 100 ce and dive in again. uh the goal in a game isn't to grind just to be able to grind more or am i mistaken? xD."
Sorta, but I don't hear people say that. The goal of the game is to have fun. If they can have fun playing the royal jelly over and over, who's stopping them?
Again, thanks. Don't act like there are horrible people doing this. This is mostly just people who don't understand they've created a/the problem. I still think we could convince nice people to post CE offers for 5500 or 5000 next time they buy CE, or manage to get alot Via trade. I will if I get help.
How exactly do paying players suck the free players dry?
" without much headache to find THE ultimate gear"
It's a challange, not a headache. Ceartianly should be changed, but you have to play the game.... If i could buy vog cub for 1k I'd stop playing immediately.
"human are greedy by nature"
THERE we go! You just have to understand that they see this as profit, not greed, and they aren't being mean or expressing mallice. I mean, come on, proifit is nice, right?
Its not willingly done for most but look, the point is there are paying players instigating new trends concerning CE price, and lately the trend is: push F2P players (I know that doesn't sound english at all, I mean free to play players, what?) to their limits on CE market, to obtain maximum profits. Okay, maybe I say, MAYBE latest contents are partly responsible but thinking back of it: why would energy sellers need more crowns? What's always being said lately is that crowns aren't useful enough, so why would they need more?
For some the answer is: need more crowns to buy more CE to re-sell it more expensive to buy more CE to re-sell...to get free energy, more or less. Imagine just 15 smart players who's been playing SK for a while and each stored 300k CR, what if they decided to buy most of the energy and reset it constantly at higher prices? I'm pretty sure such strategy could work quite fine.
Yeah it should be about having fun.
But can't we get a working economy/drop system, where people can be inclined to spend a whole lot of money? To other players who actually got the drops?
Because if they just burn it on crafting their own gear, no f2p player is helped by that.
The fees for 5* gear and equip based level (no exp) were pretty good as they are, even still are in a way, just put something extra on top. and something challenging at the end that can make you money (as an endgame player, from people with too much real money; rare endgame drops). and something that allows new players to get some ingame money from endgameplayers. (rare enhancing material, dyes, etc etc that everyone gets 1-10 on average in a week of playing on mist; edit: actually these things could be a little more rare but go to everyone in the party (just make sure only the people present when it drops get it, if newly invited people get it too, that's really screw with its rarity))
Stuff that is fun and makes people get their wallets.
It's hard to justify I deserve someone's CE when I really have nothing to offer from my runs in the clockworks but crowns that are only used for recipes I dont need anymore anyway. And I can't see how someone would be inclined to put some extra spare money into the game like that.
sure it's nice, but my point here is, what good does it do if you're the only one having all te money and there are less and less people playing ? remember how the english channels 1 to 8 were so packed with people that it was lagging all the time ? now there isn't enough people in all the channels to get 5 channels saturated ... come on, so what if you don't become billionnaire on this game and try to think about other peoples ?
that's exactly what's happening right now, some players are buying a huge amount of ce and reselling another huge amount of it at high prices
P.S. : I only use "you" because it's a habit of mine, it isn't directed at anyone in particular, more like directed at anyone who can fit in.
P.P.S : profit is nice and that's why i want to play and get to some shiny 5* gear, not staying blocked at my 4* set that i have been wearing for more than a month and i've been playing since before it was released as a F2P player that buys a lot of ce, thanks if someone is able to understand my point.
Exactaly TiVV. Just flat out exactaly. That helps everyone.
You too thoran, people can just stock up crowns, and reset CE prices. We need nice people to work togeather to put CE for a lower price.
Now the real debate is "Will people do that?".
seemingly some people are trying to do that ( seeing how there are still lower ce price set from time to time ) but those get bought immediately so it isn't noticeable, and those people aren't that rich as to sell packs of 10k ce at a time
Very true. One person isn't strong enough. Band togeather! This has to planned.
Someone (I forgot his name) posted 400 offers at 6k CR each like 10 hours ago (that time the price was about 6.3k). Since then offers are remaining around (below) 6k cr. That's a nice "sacrifice" this guy made.
Yes I heard about this. It was on some fourm, but the player was listed as annonyomus. If everyone did a quarter of what he/she did, the energy prices would be great.
well don't think about it as a sacrifice xD more like a gift to people who can still keep up, remember that T1 runs get you about 3k with luck since mats aren't sellable easily. i think a fair price would be around 4k-4k500, that would be attainable with some cr sinks and people would get back to buying ce to get cr instead of the other way around. people who would just be able to do something like selling 400 stacks in one time are already rare so finding someone generous enough to get it slowly down would be really hard i think.
still, remembering them that the ce price were at 2k500 at the first day after the launching would help them doing this xD plus, it was that high at the very beginning only because some people had ce to spare after the w-e and wanted to sell those to buy the recipes to get further in the game.
4 to 4.5k cr per 100 CE sounds nice. Wish I was here for the beta. Then I couldve bought 1000 CE for 20000 Crowns, then sold that 1000 CE at 4k per100 and profited 2k per 100units sold AND posted a buy price that was 2k below the current one.
It was I who made a small eulogy on his act on some other thread, I think the one I made mentionning I boycott market CE. But just imagine if that guy made his offer at 5k or even 4k. Market would have became stable again for a small while at least; because CE sellers need crowns, its not just selling for the pleasure of it.
well I don't think it's for the pleasure. most ce buyers don't really care about getting more cr, it's mostly to have more ce, wich only some rare people bother to get by playing with the market, since the big UVs sell in ce, usually 2k at least so ... plus the price didn't get any lower between 100 ce = 4k cr and 100ce = 6k cr. I assume ce has it's own stable market while the cr market is getting killed because some people have time to spare ruining ( be it unintentionnally or not ) the playtime of other players. right now i'm only telling what I found out after reading so many posts on the bazaar about the high ends gear and watching the prices ig, I assure you it's really depressing to see xD
almost 100 posts. I'm ok with him/her putting it at 6k, he's/she's already doing enough. I don't want to ask anyomore of whoever did that.
I agree, if everyone of the sellers could do that, even just lowering it by just 50 cr when they wanted to sell, the prices would go back to something much more bearable in a short time and stabilise a litlle.
I heard there was an economics major in this topic, and he replied to my post (too lazy to check the last page for the name). Just going to run my logic, and hope that he will tell me where I'm wrong.
First I'm assuming that 100ME should equal 100CE in value at all time. This being that if CE is going for 2K crowns and I can get 6K per 100ME I have no reason to sell me CE on the market, and would be better off making dungeon runs.
Then I assume that if CE prices rise out of an acceptable area that people will stop buying it, until the price is forced back down.
Next assumption is that I can ignore crowns being created at random because they will disappear when buying recipes, alchemizing, or in fees at the auction house. This allows the regularization of crowns in the game, again assuming that everyone doesn't just stop spending and start hoarding.
So, in theory so long as people continue sinking crowns and CE, and that people continue buying CE, and that nobody manipulates the prices the price of CE should balance at the price of ME.
Now when I started I was averaging 6.5-7K per 100ME, and CE was 4K per 100. Now I'm averaging roughly the same(given the right assortment of graveyards and arenas), and CE is evening out on that number. So unless price continues to rise I would say it's working, and it's working fine. No if the price does rise I've already assumed that people would stop buying CE (if they continued I'd have to question their sanity), so it'd get knocked back into reasonable numbers.
If I'm wrong, some correction would be nice.
Well, yhea, that's what I was saying earlier sorta. We should be able to buy 100 CE after 10 average levels. But hey, I'm just some kid who got out of freshman year... in highschool.......
People will stop running the clockworks on CE when they take all factors into consideration and deem it unprofitable.
Doing second half only, arenas, hunting philoso feathers, sun silvers, etc can all allow people to deem 10k for 100ce worthwhile to keep running the clockworks.
Only a handful people would explore such options to their fullest of course, (and many would be anoyed by it) but yeah, you get the idea. There's still some room above 6k.
The other thing is running on ME, to save up CE/crowns over several days, to craft some item.
(I kinda do that sometimes due to not wanting to invest a lot of time already)
So if CE supply is running very low (no people spending $ on CE, or CE buyers actually not needing crowns cause they run/craft 3*s for reselling a lot themselves), CE price could go a lot lot higher. Shouldn't happen as long as there's an influx of new players with money who fall in love with this game though?
Hi Gin, I think its about me. So first, I'm not a major at anything, GoS1 sort of dropped that out of nowhere for a reason I ignore. You said roughly that things are working fine; its true, for now and luckily, because the contrary would be stunning, it is still possible to buy 100CE using the benefits of 100ME used in dungeon. Definitely I've been quite rough when answering you, so sorry about that. Just to clarify, 'cause its a bit tricky (words you know) by not working fine I just mean the market is unhealthy.
Just the part I don't agree with is: "they (crowns) will disappear" for the only reason players do stack up crowns in huge amounts and that when most CE are burnt in dungeons/crafting, most CR are just going from player to player. I mean CE "sink">>>>CR "sink" (>>>>=superperperperior to).
Anyway don't take me like any kind of authority in economics lol -.-; I'm just a random guy constrained to study some weekly, I couldn't even spill back a word of what I learn there, because I don't listen. I'm just a random guy speaking of energy with complicated words (words with more than 6 letters :3). There are plenty people who surely has a better opinion and infos on what's going on than me.
PS: I won, 100th post!
I wonder if it's from the new weapons and shield that were released last patch. With many players crafting them at once, it creates a spike in Energy demand, and the prices rise with it. Might just decay back to previous levels naturally when folks are satisfied with their new gear. (Could be wrong, of course. This is just speculation.)
Also, increasing Crown drops per stage would simply devalue Crowns, making the problem worse. It's the equivalent of answering a money shortage by printing more money, which leads to hyperinflation. It happened to Zimbabwe less than three years ago, and ruined their currency so hard that they now use US Dollars and Euros instead of their native currency.
Raising Crown drops would raise CE prices more, which would then result in the devs raising Crown drops again, which raises CE prices again... until Crowns are completely devalued and people resort to ONLY making deals in alternate currency-- such as CE itself, since it's the only stable currency remaining. And then Spiral Knights is no longer really Free-to-Play anymore, since the only currency that works for anything is the real-money-transaction one, and no amount of Crown-farming will allow a new player to buy even 100 CE.