The BaN hAMmEr suddenly changes into a message for Crazee Pi.
This is what it writes...
Weapon Violation
BaN hAMmEr stands for a Critipowered weapon which is strictly prohibited.
This weapon has been removed from existence as it's power is OVER ANY COMPREHENSION.
Even with every weapon here combined it is too hard to destroy.
Please pick a new weapon other than BaN hAMmEr.
This message is indestructible and has every power as BaN hAMmEr.
Except banning. This is only a message.
And this message enforces NO SUPER WEAPONS rule.
The BaN hAMmEr doesn't care for silly Anti-Ban security and can ban through any Anti Ban devices, although it didn't ban Kian anyway, just their immortality, duplicates, statis, and all other random overpowered stuff they have. The lasers from the satelites hit it but nothing happens due to the fact that the BaN hAMmEr bans them on hit.
You know, you wouldn't really have to worry about the BaN hAMmEr that much if you stopped attacking it (unless you're being like Kian was).
I grab I machine gun and begin shooting everywhere.