Hail knights!
If you are a Christian looking for a guild this is the place for you!
Who we are: A small (but growing) close-knit group of fun-loving knights. Within our ranks are knights of all play-styles, ranks, and skill levels. We are a guild based around the people, not skill, gear, or wealth. Though the guild started with Spiral Knights, we play a variety of games on Steam, have our own Steam group, and have Knights living on at least five continents.
Our purpose: Thinslayer formed this guild as a way for Christians to enjoy the Spiral Knights experience with other Christians. Our goal is to have fun while lighting up the clockworks, Haven, and the Coliseum with the truth of the Gospel and the love of Jesus. Those seeking a Christian guild where we actually talk about Christian things have come to the right place.
Those looking for a quiet guild without controversy are better-off elsewhere. The very name of Christ brings a sword wherever it goes, and when you join this guild, you are signing up to have your name associated with Christ. It is not uncommon to find conflict just by wearing our name above your knight's name. We have all experianced such conflict. If you are willing to take the risk and associate yourself with God almighty, we're here for you.
So what do you say? Will you show the world you're not ashamed to be called Christian? If you are willing, please read on.
Now that you have taken the risk, here are some specifics about us:
What we do: You may find us smashing our way through the clockworks, capturing control points in lockdown, or just talking in our cozy Guild Hall or Haven. We do pretty much whatever the knights who are online want to do.
What kind of members we’re looking for: We want knights who are…
-Real Christians
-Active (This means that members must log on at least once a week for at least an hour per week of play. More is better.)
We want knights who will…
-Participate in guild events in addition to being active. Having an event with no participation is not fun.
-Be respectful of others, the guild rules, and the ToS (terms of service).
-Be friendly to those who are part of this fine guild. Make them feel at home and greet them when they log on.
-Be social. Unfortunately, this game can become dull without people who spice things up. Talk to your guildmates, invite them on your adventures and join them on theirs (ask first of course).
-Be willing to help the guild grow and flourish through keeping our reputation strong, donation, participation, and feedback/suggestions. Any suggestion as to how to improve the guild or just have more/ different fun will be looked at and responded to.
Additional information:
We have a policy of a 10% tax to improve and expand the guildhall. The normal giving day is Wednesday every week. If Wednesdays don’t work for you, just make sure to make it happen.
How to join: Either fill out the following information in a post below or through in-game mail to Thinslayer or Eltrooper.
-Forum username
-Time zone
-Tier clearance
-Mission rank
-Estimated playtime (i.e., are you new?)
-Ask specifically about joining our Steam group if you are interested. The KoC does not just play Spiral Knights, but our members play a wide variety of games.
More information that is very important (moving up the ranks, event scheduling etc.) and should be read by anyone who wants to join is on the Guild Wiki Page.
Also, to all readers, please refer to post #2 (just below) which states the purpose of this thread. Please do not post anything that does not fit within the purpose of the thread.
I want to make the purpose of this particular thread most clear (I neglected to do so before and... well you'll see below what resulted).
This thread was made by myself and co-monitored by Thinslayer and I. It is here for those interested in joining the guild to tell Thin or I that they want to join, as well as ask questions about the guild and learn more about us from what others have asked.
Feel free to add feedback or suggestions to improve the guild, or put your application below.