my phone double posted
Spiral Knights Is Officially Bankrupt

No one's 'bullying' you or being 'prejudiced.' Saying "Spiral Knights is officially bankrupt" is an objectively false statement on multiple levels. It's not true, it's not an opinion, and it's not something up for debate. That is why multiple people are telling you to change the title.
The original purpose of this thread--the prediction of a market explosion, based on a single observation--has also turned out to be untrue. A prediction was made, the outcome has been measured, the purpose of the topic is fulfilled. That is why multiple people are saying it's time for this topic to end.

It's not an objectively false statement. Letting a market define what's official is more official than letting some "official" officiate when the definition has arrived into reality. After all, "officials" can be prejudiced towards their own self-interest. In a market, everyone's self-interest is balanced with each other's such that everyone gets treated as a proportional officer who officiates as much as we will.
You're being a mindreader in assuming why people are saying what they're saying. In fact, it's equally plausible to assume they're saying what they're saying because they have a prejudiced self-interest at stake and just don't like what the thread suggests. For example, maybe they just don't like markets because they're lazy bums and/or corrupt jerks, so when they identify people who aren't lazy bums and/or corrupt jerks who use markets to achieve something, they troll those people and lie nonstop.
The prediction is ongoing. It's just been modified from a short-term to longer scale. It's up for particular readers to decide for themselves when it's been realized or not. It's not for some readers to decide for others.

Bankrupt (adj) - unable to pay debts : exhausted of valuable qualities
Objective (n) - based on facts rather than feelings or opinions : not influenced by feelings
objectively adverb
False (adj) - not true or accurate; especially : deliberately untrue
Three Rings Design, a subsidiary of SEGA, is not bankrupt. It therefore can be said, based on facts (see: objectively), that Spiral Knights is not bankrupt. This means the inverse statement ("Spiral Knights is bankrupt") is false, as the two are mutually exclusive.
Oh wait, you meant the in-game economy is bankrupt, and not the publisher itself? The mere existence of energy available for trade shows that one's false, too (see: bankrupt). Because of the nature of this particular digital currency, it is literally impossible to exhaust while the game still exists. Unlike the real world, more crowns and energy can both be created from nothing. Until Three Rings is no longer receiving any revenue from players, there will be an indefinite supply of energy (and by relation, an indefinite supply of crowns) for as long as the servers are maintained. If we ignore the status of the developing company itself and maintenance costs of the server, the in-game economy would continue to exist even after there is no energy left as crowns would still be generated--and thanks to the addition of orbs and free elevators, energy is no longer in any way necessary for progression.
Tl;dr -- as long as the game exists its in-game economy cannot be bankrupt, and the existence of the game implies the developer is not bankrupt either.
Like I said, it's not an opinion and not up for debate. Now can we stop doing this?

thats what I've been saying
but now hes ignoring anyone who isnt saying anything that praises him
and nice link usage whim

The point I'm making is the game no longer has valuable quantities going for it since it is failing to regularly attract sufficient new customers to maintain the product. At this point, I'm rather convinced that the energy market is merely being manipulated to make the point that the product isn't bankrupt with oddball individuals popping in now and again.
In fact, if you look at the market right now, it is ridiculously manipulated:
OMFG I laughed my ass off at: I don't really understand why prices would RISE during a Winterfest event. That seems completely backwards since vacations would be when people are willing to spend money on the game and increase the supply of energy. XD
They are... but they want to make the most money from it XD
Edit: Nope, not sorry for a semi-necro, he just posted before me.
The only thing ridiculous is this thread.
The energy market constantly looks like that. Manipulated? Of course it's f***ing manipulated, it's run by individuals with no common goals, all trying to make money above others. You'll get some big spenders who largely influence the market but hey, look at how much you have, you could inflate the entire economy in a few button presses! 'Cos ya know what, it's an artificial economy with no barriers, people can do what the hell they want with it.
You know, over the course of this thread your opinion and ideas have changed dramatically from the first statement. Let it die, like I didn't.
@oohnorak @oohnorak @oohnorak @oohnorak

That's not manipulation. It's participation. Manipulation is when you screw around with a market just to make a point instead of trying to profit off it. For example, some jerks might just hate the notion of profit, so they deliberately crash the margin or engage in counter-cyclical trading. They notice when there's an abundance of buying or selling, and then after the fact, sell or buy a lot in the other way in order to kill any profits made by those who bought or sold abundantly in the past.
...the market this morning had a decent spread from 7560-8020 which was almost 4%. Resistance was soft on both sides too.
Right now, the market is 7600-7990 with moderately-soft resistance on both sides. Yesterday's 800 bedrock at 7897 got worn out. I guess I doubted myself too much in assuming the market had more value than I originally believed. I should have been more confident.
I hate to push this back up but...
WHAT DID WE LEARN? The market regardless of what happens will always continue to function, no matter what. The only time the market will ever die is if the developers ever shut down the servers and give up on SK entirely.
So please, for future reference, never write BS about the market crashing, 'cos it never will and if it does, it will be negated.
Thank you, now please trash this thread and send it to the lonely thread graveyard (or should I say rather crowded?)

hes just gonna keep posting stuff he thinks is important but can be checked by logging on for 5 seconds
and continue to keep the ridiculously inflammatory and irrelevant name on it too

I don't know about you, but the biggest thing I learned from this thread is it's very easy to use that "negation" as a way to make a profit. Everytime I post in this thread, it's after my positions in the market are cleared. Then, the market rebounds, and I basically make an instant profit. I guess people are watching this thread and engaging in reverse psychology to try to troll me, but in reality, they're getting countered. If they actually listened to what I said, then things would be smoother, but they don't.
Anyway, today, the market's been panicky, and people are really getting killed by it. For example, after the market had supply jump 150 points from the 7830s to the 7680s, there was a run on currently posted demand when 300 energy got sold in about 5 minutes. Also, after someone posted ones and twos on supply side beneath that 150 point jump, a new bedrock got posted.
If there are two things you can do to kill yourself when trading, it's making moves like that. Big time traders should be long-term or else they're eating the fee/margin. Likewise, small time traders should be short-term or else they cause panics and end up eating it too.
Instead, someone sold 300 lots of energy that were really 500 crowns off the deeper supply price (since bid prices were around 7330).
Well let's do the math:
7330 * .98 = 7183
7830 * .98 = 7673
7673 - 7183 = 490
490/7183 = 6.8%
6.8% * 300 = 20.4 basically, because someone chose to sell a large amount instead of posting on the market, someone lost 2000 energy.
Way to go. Gotta hand it to you.

Hey. I'm just trying to help. If you find it boring, I don't know what to tell you.

You're turning this more into a "how 2 energy merchant" thread. It would find a much better home in the Bazaar or maybe new recruits section under a new name (As this current one does not, as you claim you're trying to, help). When you post a one-sided thread, it ceases to be a discussion, which is what this board is for. It's the same logic as to why you do not post coliseum or suggestion threads in general discussion.

didn't a dev/GM disappear a thread before? (devilite CEO)
I would like to make a formal request...

This is my last update in this thread since its helpfulness clearly isn't being appreciated. If anyone wants to discuss the topic, send me a PM in game.
Bids have a bedrock of resistance at 7315 and asks have a bedrock at 7700. There's a lot of maneuvering taking place right now too, but very little actual trading.

its not helpful at all
someone could just log on to see this
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"my conviction is"
anyone who's been in the game for an event knows the prices always spike then
and obviously if you payed attention you would also know that the market is backwards