Sooner or later; Spiral HQ will find out Voh~
Shipping in spiral knights
I have my own ship and it has already sailed. #partyofone #getlow
Anon: "All aboard the love ship!... Wait, is it just you two?"
Spark-Of-Hope: "Who?"
Anon: "Right next to you."
Hope looks to his right, completely unaware someone was accompanying him throughout his walk from Tier 1 to 2.
Spark-Of-Life eyes Hope menacingly...
Hope: "Oh... H-hello?"
Life suddenly blushes furiously as she looks into his eyes.
well there won't be proof aside from you dying in a fiend area
us gremlins dont like shadow very much do we...
Haha, the joke's on you.
I brought a torch!
...That's how it works right?
I dont think a torch will last with all those office supplies disturbing the air
and no, it doesnt work like that
Well... Oops.
Throw me away if you want, Vohtarak, but as soon as I get that big break then I'll be the one reviving your corpse.
Also: Feron+Desna yes
I only got one ship and she rejected me....
This thread has gone out of control pretty quickly.
also why isn't this in the grav- i mean gremlin chatter?
This thread has gone out of control pretty quickly.
who's to say this wasn't OP's just as keikaku from the very beginning
I made this tread for a reason
it was homecoming and the dance were soon to arrive and i saw for a moment of how alone I am at school...
I got rejected and never took a chance to make anything truly happen... I thought a tread like this would cheer me up... I did a bit tho
any way I ship mech knight and love puppy
Crazee Pi shipped with...
Yay, I get shipped off with myself! I guess I'm not forever alone!
No, I am forever alone...
Who needs a date to dances anyways! Just get a group of friends and party hard. I refused to go to any school dances until... I was dragged by force to attend... (Prom is the only exception, but you know, only cool kids don't go to prom) I'm lonely and not cool
Btw: Monster ships :P
Silkwing and Love Puppy <3
Hearts everywhere
I totally forgot that I ship Whimsy with Burd.
I still have that drawing of those two around here somewhere...
I dont even know why I keep looking at this thread
THE GUNNER UPDATE AND SPIRAL KNIGHTS right no only me? *crawls back into my hole*
cmon guys why did we stop I not done shipping people
I SHIP.... everyone with everyone!!!
Can we ship GMs? That might be a fast track to a graveyarded thread, so I don't know if we should.
But I totally will if I can.
Zaffy-Laffy + Oohnorak, who I will refer to only as Oohnorak due to my immense hatred of signatures.
I kind of want to ship my Knight with Bechamel.
or at least just be good friends with him. *w*
@ fehzor its not a signature its my in game name, the forums wouldn't let my use my armorgames account so I had to make a separate one
"This was my reaction."
Nice meme and all, but I don't see you disproving it.
Lmao- bosco+mecha knight forever
haha you think I'm joking
also I forgot vise's history with seerus. my shippy side says they totes had a liaison at least once back in the day
"My shippy side says I'm all for it with all the gremlins."
/e slides in
Is there room for... A Mender?
Let me just get an education as a Mender for a little bit, so I can do this.
Noo, shhh, I just found it while browsing the CrimsoNET...
Idk if it's funny or sad that my perfect shipping is an antivirus.
Dragneel x Dragneel the perfect couple.
Now if you'll excuse me I have a couple of gremlins to tor.. I mean tease with.
Vohtarak? You wished to send this package roughly in the size of an Ironclaw mender to a devilite summoning circle? Yes? Well then, just sign this shipping order and put on a stamp. Or, make it four stamps, that package seem to weight a little too much for three...
Ok, that's 100 crowns. Anything else? No? Ok, bye!
I ship Grantz and Rulen...Grulen...Rantz...Grunzen...yeah Rantz
I'll give you some extra crowns if you ignore the "fragile, handle with care" label
01010110 01001001 01010110 01000001 00100000 01001100 01000001 00100000 01010010 01001111 01010010 01001111 01001100 01010101 01010100 01001001 01001111 01001110
I didn't want this at all!
Unhand me you vile Devilite fiends!
Kora and mashlef. She is mah dream date.... just once OOO. I just want romance once...
I'm still convinced I'm this guy