about time.. cos at t3 tthe slime and wolver stages were always so dam easy and sometimes gave tons of heat and money (jelly king, jelly farm) for little risk while the construct kats gremlins and fiends were infinitely harder and gave so little reward. I guess overall t3 should be harder now.
However, now that there is ALWAYS a split between normal and piercing/shadow, what about elemental??
There arent too many gremlin variatons so the only ones that do elemental are the fire shooting ones. And the small construct dudes, the lumbers and mechaknights and retrode normal attack still only do normal damage (meaning it isnt split between elemental).
I wonder if the in game help is correct in that the damage is split in t2 between normal and elemental and in t3 it is purely elemental damage?
Fangs are getting sharper, slimes are getting spikier
So mechanically speaking, Jellies are now Lichen Colonies that cannot fuse. O...kay.
It's going to be hard reconciling the gelatinous squishiness with the new spiky growths. I mean, I can see it on Rock Jellies...but the normal ones? Do the Royal Jellies also get these rocky outcrops? And as someone mentioned earlier, does that mean the Jelly armors will see a visual upgrade?
I'm also wondering, how does a tongue pierce? Like, are the Chromas getting tongue upgrades like the jellies? It blows mah mind. Well, it does make for a nice pun: tongue piercing, get it?
The Wolvers and Devilites are easily understandable, but these two...
I think I can slowly understand the problem...right now, the three least developed monster families are:
-Beasts (Wolvers, Chromas)
-Slimes (Jellies, Lichens)
-and Gremlins (....Gremlins).
As Nick said, Beasts and Slimes are supposed to deal Piercing damage...but are underrepresented. So, in order to bring balance into the game NOW, instead of adding new enemies with Piercing damage, current enemies were upgraded.
Makes sense, in terms of balance. But wow, my brain hurts.
Tongues are squishy! Jell-O is squishy!
Does not compute!

@dasp well we already had spiked toxigels so now we have spiked quicksilvers and oilers too.

I don't like it when people spike my jelly. Bad things happen...

will blast cubes get explosive spikes? will t3 quicksilvers and oilers get shock and fire mists respectively? now i am scared.
Jelly Cubes gaining spikes makes more sense than Lichens getting them, so what's hard to understand? The Jelly appears much more solid than a Lichen, especially the Tier 2, and even more especially the Tier 3 Jelly Cube. Lichens are more ''goopy'' than Jellies are.
As they're in the same family it would make sense to have them share certain attributes, such as them growing spines as they ''evolve''.
As for Chromalisk's tongue dealing Piercing, that's also an easy one: Nick himself said that it would ''whirl around'', and that means it's easier to slash and/or penetrate armor, so Piercing damage is now there. It's also not a stretch to say that they're able to shoot out their tongues at a speed fast enough to pierce.
This is a game, and that means things in the game don't have to adhere to ''norms''. A tongue is squishy? Who says a Chromalisk's tongue is squishy? Being that they use their tongue as one of their main attacks, maybe they've evolved so their tongue is much stronger, and even ''sturdier''. Possibilities are endless when it comes to fiction.

Makes sense, in terms of balance. But wow, my brain hurts.
Tongues are squishy! Jell-O is squishy!
Does not compute!
If you ever been licked by a cat, tongue looks squishy but feels like spikes.
If you ever used microbial agar to grow bacterial or fungal cultures in high school or college, that squishy gel can grow scary! The following is a link which shows what happens when you mess with an anthrax culture grown on blood agar medium:
I object to the idea that Chromalisks have the destructive capabilities of a Xenomorph's secondary mouth; that idea's too scary to fathom.
Those Jellies are also clearly displaying mineral growths that don't seem entirely native to their species.
...Oh god.
What if...
There's some new monster we don't know about.
A parasitic colony that leeches nutrients from hosts and forms mineral deposits from their excretions.
They've been infecting Lichens, but now it's spread to Jellies...it's obviously mutating!
i just assumed the jellies could shapeshift and stab u.. like the one guy from Terminator 2 when Ah'nuld was a good guy. That logic made sense to me. Chroma tongues being piercing.. that's just weird.

But in all seriousness thank you OOO. I can finally now use my skolver coat well now. =) (and the new barbarous shield of course.)
they need to make swiftstrike 4*/5* to compete with it imo. vog + that or skolver + barb, take ur pick or mix/match.

I go on vacation and come back to check the forums for a day and you do this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiii T_T Now I'm going to actually have to learn to dodge D:
lets make those sleep uv's usefull and atleast have a few monsters and maybe a 1 boss(new one possibly) inflict it? please nick what are the plans for the sleep status
Sleep is a pretty broken status ailment, which is most likely why they removed everything that could possibly cast Sleep on you, or items you could use to cast Sleep.
The closest thing you get is up to 3 Sleep Vials, but that's it. If they wanted to re-add Sleep they would need to tweak it so it's not as broken as it is. Something that's asleep never wakes up until the time wears off, and that whole time it doesn't attack, and just recovers a bit of HP over time.
It's broken. It makes things too easy if you could cast it yourself with a weapon, and it makes it too unfair for monsters to use it on you.
Sleep is fantastic for stage 1 of the Royal Jelly, as he won't fight back.
It is not very useful at all for stage 2 of that fight since his shield and tantrums are based on a timer rather than an attack pattern. He won't rampage around in his sleep, but the invulnerability shield will still come up, and in fact he will pick up the tantrum where it left off if he wakes partway into the "tantrum time." :(

By the way...
What about Trojans? Shouldn't they deal Shadow too?
Awesome update.
Now can we get an answer on what the point of Resistances on shields are? ;)
"Sleep is a pretty broken status ailment, which is most likely why they removed everything that could possibly cast Sleep on you, or items you could use to cast Sleep."
Wow. I just assumed that sleep enemies broke on damage done (like every other game), so just used it as a Crowd Control thing and attacked others o_O That's what I get for making assumptions.
Couldn't they just make it break on damage and not heal anymore? It would still be effective CC (freeze still allows enemies to attack if in range/direction, and can be broken by other enemies hitting it).
And enemies that put you to sleep would then go attack your teammates while you're standing uselessly there. If you're playing solo might not do much, but it would help them get another hit off without you fighting back.
How about a slime that doesn't have spikes, but has defeated many knights and gobbled up lances and other spiky stuff?
Also, bull chromalisks should charge at you with their horn.
Yep, the tier 3 "vanilla" chromalisks have a horn on the tip of their nose. Like a rhino.
A rhino's horn, but you called it a bull?
Does not compute.
That's what they are called, Nick's fault, not mine :P
I believe male rhinos are in fact referred to as bulls.

How it's done:
1) Freeze the oilers in place, they will initially heal because of the flames they are now stationary in.
B) Go away. Stand on the opposite side of flame lash arena, walk down the hallway in charred court (you put the lava out first, right?). If there's nobody near them, they won't spew oil everywhere and reignite. Also make sure to not be on fire yourself. Keep a shield up as you bugger off.
3) Repeat as necessary. It does work, trust me.
Err.. will ice cubes get spikes too? if so, then...ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
My jelly helm+vitasuit outfit is more important now! yaaaaay
Whaddaya know, jelly and skelly rhyme.
Scuttlebots need upgrades-they're too piss easy.